Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God's Love, God's Light

Are you feeling it?

I keep seeing these numbers on clocks. 4:44 and 5:55 and 3:33, and of course, for years now, 11:11.

33 is the number of Christ consciousness. I feel it within me these days. I can no longer pretend that it isn't there or that it is only momentary. It is becoming the way that I AM, the way that I live in the world. It is affecting how I behave and feel in the world as well.

I find it increasingly difficult to mind about anything that happens, as mentioned yesterday, or to desire anything specific. Sometimes I can't find it in me to desire anything at all. Completion.

Love, of course. Peace on Earth, of course. Blessings of self-determination and free will for all people... freedom for ALL... But then that's a bit of a given, isn't it? We are people of good will, after all.

Yes, I find that I am different than I have been. In the past, I have been enslaved by desires. I know well the colour of longing, although it has been quite some time since I have filled myself with it. These days, more and more, there is a peace within me which is beyond reason and beyond explanation. It wants nothing, lacks for nothing and is filled with acceptance of ALL-That-Is.

Some might, as I have in the past, fear that such a peace leads to a sort of personality nothingness - a sort of a voided Self, yet, in my experience, it does not. I still love. I still feel great joy, more than ever in fact. I still do things and initiate projects. I suppose that I do things and initiate projects with no expectation or desire for any specific outcome. I do things because I feel like doing them and initiate projects because the thought of the project fills me with enthusiasm and joy. I have in mind at the moment the framing of a photograph which I took many years ago and the presentation of this framed photograph to a friend whom I have had in mind for some time as being one who might appreciate having it hanging on her wall. So that is a small project involving finding a suitable frame and cutting the photograph to fit it, since the enlarged copy of the photograph needs to be cropped in any case. And then Oh! the joy of giving to a friend is something that I shall never tire of! Whether she appreciates it or not, reciprocates or not, is completely out of my thoughts and feelings. I simply do not care or mind what happens when I have completed this little project.

My series of activities In the Moment is another such project. I'm having a good time taking part in and sometimes animating or facilitating these activities. They are poorly attended and may not continue as a consequence of this low level of attendance. No matter. I am in joy whether the activities continue or not. This statement of how I am being brings a feeling of gladness into me as I contemplate it, for this lack of desire for any specific outcome is something that I have sought over many years. I do not even mind whether or not I mind. When I find myself attached to an outcome, think of gardening as a last bastion of attachment for me, I realize that I will navigate through that attachment as and how I will.

More and more, I live in untethered and ecstatic joy that is independent of specifics. Ridiculously, I rejoice over a glass of juice or the trunk of a maple tree. ALL-That-Is is Perfect Whole Being. I AM Perfect Whole Being. I rejoice therefore.

I AM God's love in the world. I experience God's light in the world.

Bliss. Heaven on Earth.

I would like to share it with you. I don't know if I can beyond these words on a screen, my presence in a room, in a car, in the world. I gladly share it.


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