Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Always in Love

Eternity is in love with the creations of time. Oh! I love that notion! I read it somewhere and now can't find the source quotation, so can't give credit where credit is due. And I've probably got it just slightly off of the original phrasing, but I think you can grasp the rich, deep meaning of it.

Eternity is in love with the creations of time. We are not little just because we are small, not small just because we are little.

Here is a quote from a channelled message from Archangel Michael: "To be given form and focus is the great joy of All-That-Is..."

This is what we are doing here, you see. We are God being in the world. We are that which is ALL being not everything at once. We are giving God form and focus through our being. And we are beloved for our service in this way. We are so very loved for being not All-That-Is even as we are and always have been All-That-Is.

Eternity is in love with the creations of time. Our greatest service is provided in the here and now of the present moment. That focus, that point of presence, is our gift to the All-That-Is. And when you feel this, when you feel the enormity of the service which you render to the Absolute, to the ALL, to That-Which-Cannot-Be-Named because it is so much the ALLness of ALL, you know your true worth and purpose here. Then your love for your own sacred self expands to encompass all that you are. And from that moment on, you can no longer entertain a sense of yourself as being less than the most joyful, radiant, brave, honoured, delighted, delighting, self being in the world in some sort of miracle of not-being ALL that you truly are.

Water Is

Water is the most joyful
substance on Earth.

A fragment
of the purest water
is always water,
even as it transpires, evaporates, rises, cools, expands,
is joined by other
pure fragments of water,
turns purple-blue and storm-cloud grey,
rains down on waiting leaves,
sluices through undergrowth, and finds its beloved Earth again
then streams down, always down,
until salts penetrate its purity
and then again
the evaporation and the rising and the transformation
again and again.
And always in love and always joyful.

Even when it doesn't know exactly what it is or why,
water is a fragment of something so glorious,
even muddied
it is
always in love and always joyful.

We are made up largely of water, infused with energy and intentionality, intelligence and awareness. We are individuated pieces of the divine essence of ALL-That-Is. We are always in service to the ALL, whether we remember this, or not. And our service is in our being, not in our doing. It is through the simple fact that we are here being in the Now, no matter what is happening around us, no matter what we are doing, that we provide form and focus, creations of time, to that which is Eternal, to that which is the ALL.

Fragments of the divine we are, fragments of the divine, always in love.

1 comment:

  1. Yes we are all gods and goddesses. What we think will become our future. We are the creators of our own live. Love and being in the moment is the key...
