Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I Realized - Eight

I realized that where we have an internal voice saying ‘no’ to life, we can change that to an internal voice that is saying ‘yes.’

I realized that I can tune my frequency to joy, or to love, or to trust… happiness, anger, impatience and on and on and on; the choice is always mine; how do I choose to be now?

I realized that in the now moment, I am this. This is what I am. There is no desire, urge, need or ambition to be anything else.

I realized that I integrate my ALL-being self, my connection to everything, with my individuated self. We all do this. There is a vast limitless being that I AM and there is Lu.

I realized that all that I create, which I used to think I created for other people, I create for myself.

I realized that I have everything that I have ever wanted to have in my experience now.

I realized that by accepting my annoyance or anger in a situation, in other words by accepting my response to the situation as well as the situation itself, I transmute the energies which created the situation and my own emotional catalyst as well.

I realized that old fears emerge from my being when it is the time for them to emerge to be cleared.

I realized that Yeshua Sananda is my Healing Master, serving me as a healer whenever I call on that frequency.

I realized that I am an oversoul as well as a soul and a human being and I can feel the vast greatness that I am, as a being, as a consciousness, as a collective.

I realized that the fact that I am of the 6th (which is another universe) defines me to a large extent.

I realized that I receive downloads of energy, transmissions of energy, from my oversoul.

I realized that I hold the frequency of the 6th, which is very similar to the frequency of Yesha Sananda / Yeshua Ben Joseph, and that I do this for the world; this energy of the 6th is able to view the darkest and the most ‘evil’ and to accept it with compassion; it honours all that is.

I realized that as a ‘leader’ in this shift, it is my DNA that leads, my being that leads; it is not that I do anything to overtly lead or teach or guide.

I realized that it is what happens in the energetic beingness of the world that matters most.

I realized that not only will nothing ‘bad’ or terrible come to me, but that the exquisite perfection of my highest good and the highest good of all is unfolding through a grace that is sweet, serendipitous, melodic and harmonic.

I realized that whatever I am vibrating as my frequency, that is what I attract, that is what answers me, that is what I experience. My frequency creates my situation.

I realized that tones of colour and tones of sound mean a great deal to me on levels of consciousness beyond my mind; I am playing with these tones of colour and sound as tools of healing, rebalancing and creation.

I realized that all my needs are met all the time.

I realized that I am Christed, that I embody, more and more, the frequency of the Christ energy, the golden light of the Christ and the Christ Consciousness within me.

I realized that I have been steered perfectly all along.

I realized that my focus now, my purpose in being here on this planet, is all about my frequency; it does not matter what I am experiencing in the physical, but what I am energetically, what I am radiating.

I realized that I’m on another level; I always have been.

I realized that the sounds inside of me eventually came out of me as toning and then became the sounding, which is healing and balancing both for me and for other people.

I realized that when I feel at all out of balance or out of love, the process for me is to stop whatever I am doing, close my eyes and breathe and feel whatever it is that I am feeling - no matter what it is - I just feel it, just feel it, and then breathe deeply again and again and not trying to change anything or to become anything, there is the peace, the acceptance and the unconditional love as a frequency.
I was 53 years old.

Friday, August 16, 2013

I Realized - Seven

I realized that nothing in the physical world matters; it’s just a game board, a script from which we are reading, a way for us to experience and then turn that experience into frequency and conversely, to hold a frequency and then turn that frequency into experience in the physical world; the physical world is like a magic mirror, showing ourselves to ourselves.

I realized that I can and do go back and forth from unified consciousness, a higher consciousness, and the ‘getting things done’ consciousness of the human ego-mind.

I realized perfect peace with what IS.

I realized that when I love, I AM God loving the world; when I feel, I AM God feeling; when I am conscious of my limitlessness, I AM God’s infinite Self and reflecting that back to Self; when I am the everyday consciousness of getting things done, I AM God experiencing that limited consciousness, having chosen to do so.

I realized that ALL that I am, every single aspect, including my intelligence, my wit, my sexuality, my organizational aspect… myself as infant and toddler… all that I AM is included in this work of transition … and this is true for all of us; all that we are is included in this; there is not a single aspect or experience of ourselves that is not included in this.

I realized that being a divine human means bringing divinity into the groin, the mouth, the thighs, the viscera and embodying that divinity, that unconditional love, that total acceptance, that perfect peace into all that we are in the physical. It is not a transcendance of the physical, it is the sanctification of the physical in a way that is so profound and so real that it actually changes our cellular structure and our DNA. By sanctifying the physical, we transform the physical, yet even then, we do not transcend it; we bring the divine into the physical.

I realized that this time of great transition, shift, as some call it, the Shift of the Ages, is also the ‘second coming’ of Christ; I realized that as we embody the Christ consciousness, we become the Christ on Earth. We are the second coming of Christ.

I realized that by embodying God’s love, unconditional love, we transform the world; it is time now for us to do this; we find this love within us and embody it, radiating it outward from us to the world around us without effort, simply by resonating to it within ourselves.

I realized that we are always where and how we should be; we can’t make a mistake.

I realized that we have to be true to what we are, sovereign and completely self-referrent; in this way, we bring our perfect gift to this universe.

I realized that I am always provided for by my own divinity, by my own creatorship.

I realized that the grandeur of my perfection is exceeded only by the perfection of my grandeur; whenever I play this game, I expand; the expansion of my playfulness is exceeded only by the playfulness of my expansion.

I realized that when I honour myself and love myself totally, unconditionally, I change the world.

I realized that to remove something from your experience, from your story, your world, you have to be in complete and total acceptance of it, gratitude to it, blessing of it, appreciation for it.

I realized that I am a vibration and that everything else is a vibration also.

I realized that the most effective communications occur etherically, energetically.

I realized that I can feel into the energies of a person, a place, a world event…

I realized that I lack nothing, that I am free of that old need to always have more or have differently.

I realized that everything that I experience is my creation, everything that happens, that is, that was, that will be, serves me and is my choice at the level of soul-self.

I realized that I am a collective of aspects and beingness, multi-dimensional and experiencing multiple time-streams concurrently.

I realized that to experience heaven on Earth we must hold no expectations of how things will be or should be, hold no agenda of what should happen or how, accept everything just as it is at all times, appreciate deeply in our hearts what surrounds us and give ourselves unconditional love at all times.

I was 52 years and 9 months old.

Friday, August 9, 2013

I Realized - Six

I realized that energetic boundaries are important for me because I am responsible for my experiences, but not for the experiences of others.

I realized that I can disagree with my own soul, or with any other higher dimensional being. I am not less than, just different than at this time and my sense of things is as valid as my soul’s sense of things.

I realized that ‘have to’ is no longer something that applies to my life, to my experience.

I realized that every moment is unique. There is no longer a sense that things will be as they were. Every moment is new. Nothing stays as it was in this new energy.

I realized that all is well in all of creation, and that this is always true.

I realized that this whole lifetime, and in fact, many lifetimes, have been experienced for this time of transition to occur.

I realized that all the people in the world are pure divine love. But what we see when we look at them, when we experience them, is their energy. A person might vibrate to the energetic frequency of love or of joy and so we ‘like their energy’ and another person might be currently vibrating to the energetic frequency of victimization and fear and we may or may not like being around that energy. We might like to be around it if we like to save people. But what we respond to when we respond to people is an energetic transmission; it is not the actuality of the pure divine love that comprises the essence of that being.

I realized that we need to experience and then come to acceptance of every single emotion within us which is not joy, not love, not peace.

I realized that I don’t need to be other than what I am here on this planet. My being as I truly am here on this planet is my service to others and to the ALL and this is always true for all of us.

I realized that we need to face ourselves fully. We need to be quietly with ourselves for as long as it takes to face ourselves fully.

I realized that we are being asked to love every single thing in every single moment every single experience and emotion, thought and feeling, even those of suffering. We are being asked to become unconditional love in the world of the physical.

I realized that I am very brave, and that bravery and courage are called for at this time. It is the courage to face ourselves, to face all of our truths… and to accept all that is. Just when we think that we have seen it all, faced it all, another layer is uncovered and made visible to us, so even more courage and bravery are then required.

I realized that we are being asked to live from the heart now. We are invited and encouraged to refer to our heart rather than to our mind.

I realized that to release somebody or some situation from us, we have to be in complete acceptance of that person or that situation. We have to honour and have gratitude toward and love that person or that situation. If we still have any ‘problems’ with that person or that situation, then they will not be released; they will continue to exist in our experience. And this is true for a war situation, or a tsunami or a famine as much as it is true for the relationship I have with my brother. Large or small, it is still true.

I realized that humanity is becoming higher dimensional - some call it the fifth dimension - and that this is another way of saying that we are becoming the embodiment of divine love and peace, the Christ Consciousness. I realized that we can intend this and can bring ourselves into this frequency quite easily, through breathing deeply and bringing the golden light of the Christ Consciousness, or the Yeshua Frequency if you prefer, into our mental self, our emotional self and our physical self. This aligns our mental, emotional and physical being with the higher dimensional frequency of divine love and peace.

I was 52 years and 3 months old.

Monday, August 5, 2013

I Realized - Five

I realized that we all share the same collective consciousness on this planet.

I realized that embodying the divine I AM means having absolutely no judgements about anything that I have ever been, or done, or not been, or failed to do either in this lifetime or in other lifetimes.

I realized that acceptance is key.

I realized that I am actually taking very good care of myself in every moment. All aspects of my being here on this planet are being met and supported perfectly in accordance with my highest good and with my soul’s purpose here.

I realized that I come from a place called ‘the sixth’ and that it is not so much a place in time and space as it is another… dimension or … universe.

I realized that I am multi-dimensional, living both in this world, this reality, this dimension and others simultaneously.

I realized that this shift (this Earth Change) is many things, different things to different people. One of the ways that we can realize this shift is to say that we are becoming One with God. How do we do this? We do this by becoming worthy of that divinity by our own reckoning. This is yet another path to complete acceptance, lack of judgement, lack of shame or guilt. God is love. When we are love and nothing else, we are God.

I realized that the energy of the sixth is an energy of great honouring of all things, honouring of all things. And I bring that here to this universe.

I realized that to experience the divine within myself, I needed to resonate to the frequencies of acceptance, love, gratitude and blessing, enjoyment and appreciation.

I realized that I am completely responsible for myself and for all of my experiences and that the same thing is true for every other person on this planet, no matter how old or how young, how ill or how healthy. I do not feel ‘sorry for’ anyone on this planet. Each of us is sovereign, whole, a  creator-being seeing our creations in the world that surrounds us. “There are no victims; there is only experience,” to quote Master Kuthumi.

I realized that the words ‘multi-dimensional’ and ‘imaginary’ are interchangeable for me now. If I imagine it, I experience it in another dimension.

I realized that if I am not in complete trust and acceptance of all that surrounds me, of all that is my world, then I am holding fear about some possible outcome. If I am holding that fear, I am not in unconditional love. I am capable of infringing on others’ free will, sovereignty and joy because I am holding that fear.

I realized that the mind gets in the way of this divine grace, this divine trust. The mind is concerned with survival. Let’s call it the ego-mind. The ego-mind is concerned with survival and is fear-based.

I realized that self-love is integral to this complete acceptance, trust and unconditional love. When we feel this unconditional love for ourselves, we shine it out to the entire planet and to every person on the planet and in that love, there is no fear therefore there is no lack of trust; ‘all is well in all of creation,’ to quote Adamus St. Germain.
I was about 52 years old when I came to these last realizations.