Thursday, April 25, 2013

Our Contribution is Great

I did not realize before how much we matter.

What is in our hearts is our gift to the collective of humanity. So when we are holding the feeling of gratitude in our hearts, or love for all, or peace, we are gifting the collective with our feeling.

This is huge for me. This is absolutely huge. It means that each day, as I tune myself to the feeling, the frequency, of love for all, of gratitude, of peace.... I am giving these to the world. 

I used to wonder sometimes, "When will I start making my contribution? When will  I start doing some heroic work to serve humanity?"

I wanted to do this work - whatever it might be. I wanted to make my contribution.

I didn't realize that I am doing that all the time, when I am consciously and carefully tuning myself to the frequencies of peace and love and joy.

It brings tears to my eyes to realize this. I am helping. You are helping.

We together are changing the world. We're doing it by choosing love instead of fear, peace instead of conflict and resentment and anger, gratitude instead of wanting.

Our contribution is so vast. It is constant, because as a world, we are constantly choosing how we respond to things that happen, what we hold in our hearts... what we are as energy. It is unseen and yet it is everywhere. And it permeates everything.

Like water flowing downhill, it changes the landscape of our world in a way that seems effortless.

I've been told SO many times, "What you do isn't important; what you ARE is important." Now I understand this. What we are is our feeling in our hearts. What we are is our energy that we hold in our hearts and flow and share out into the world.

We are like lighthouses, shining in the darkness. We are like beacons of hope, of love, of peace in a world that needs these now. We are like balm on painful sores and old wounds.

I love that we are this! I love it so much.

Our contribution is much much greater than I had thought it could ever be. It goes beyond the realm of the physical and into the realm of the thoughts and feelings and becoming of the world-whole, of the human collective.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Taking Our Power Back

On my radio show ( we have been doing a series on 'taking our power back.' On April 20, 2013, we had the privilege of hearing the wisdom of a Native American elder who has worked on taking his own power back and inspiring others to do so for many decades. His name is Frank LaMere and he is working and living on a Native American reservation in Nebraska in the United States of America.
Frank’s message about taking our power back was so simple, yet it was powerful. I felt empowered and enabled by his message. And I'd like to share my thoughts about that with you here.

Frank’s message was simply to act, to choose, to do, to take that step.

So, power is not something that we should talk about as if it is something that we can hold in our hands or take from someone or give to someone. Power is the ability to do, to act, or to produce. Power is doing, taking that step.

Last autumn, I was feeling helpless and overwhelmed by all the work to be done on part of the land that I own and therefore have to take responsibility for. Part of the 10 acres that I steward (aka own) is a pipeline easement. It runs up the far boundary of our property line for a good 600 feet and is about 60 feet wide or more.  It gets a lot of sun and provides habitat for sun-loving plant species and the animals that thrive from those species. Rabbits, grouse and field mice do very well there. In turn, those animals help the foxes and coyotes to do well, since they prey on the rabbits, mice and grouse. There are also wild turkeys living there. Also porcupines and raccoons.

For me, the pipeline provides a stunning view into the Sutton River valley and beyond to the westwood hills and Mount Pinnacle. It is the only year-round view on my heavily wooded property.

Last autumn, I contemplated having to clear or pay someone to clear the young birches and pines that were beginning to take over on the pipeline from the blackberry brambles and wild spirea. I did about five hours of work back there and it was rough work, but it left me feeling empowered. I could take care of the pipeline as an ‘open canopy’ (aka full sun) species habitat for the forseeable future. If I did a little bit at a time, if I dedicated about five or six hours every spring and every fall to doing the work, I could keep it under control.

What I didn’t want to do was to just leave it to grow and grow, turning a meadow into a young forest with trees becoming harder and harder to cut down. There is a lot of forest around here - tens of thousands of acres of forest. There are lawns and gardens and there are farmers’ fields. The habitat that is most rare in this area is wild meadowland offering plenty of sunshine to flowering grasses and small bushes, which is exactly what the pipeline offers to the species that thrive in that habitat.

So, just by doing it, just by taking that step and taking ownership and responsibility for it, I empowered myself and went from feeling helpless and overwhelmed, to feeling able, strong, capable and empowered.

And I think that is what Frank LaMere was reminding us of in his words in the Talking Circle on Saturday, April 20. Power is the ability to do, to act, to produce. When we do nothing to exercise that power, we forget that we have it and we then feel powerless. All we have to do to reclaim our power is to start using it again.

For a link to the show with Frank Lamere, Talking Stick Radio - April 20 - with guest Frank LaMere.  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Just Choose


I haven't written here for quite some time.

One thing that you can trust is that I will only write here when I have something to share that is powerfully relevant and true for me, and that I feel might be helpful to you.

So here I go.

We are constantly feeling and emoting. We are energy in a field of energy and the quality of our energy is what makes our experience what it is in the moment.

You can think of the quality of your energy as a colour or a feeling, a word, or simply a radiance.

Lately, I am working with colour and sound, but also with feeling. Because of my mind's continuing need to know what's going on, I will assign a name to the feeling. Today's feeling is confidence.

So, this morning, I became still and quiet. I felt into my heart and asked for my heart's desire. What does my heart desire to experience today? And the feeling came - not a word, but a feeling to which I later assigned the word confidence. The feeling was not overpoweringly strong. It was just a feeling that rose up within me as an answer to my question.

For you, it might be an image, a colour, a feeling... a knowing. And then you choose. You intend to give yourself that experience. For me, today, I intend to give myself the experience of confidence - confidence in myself, in my husband, my surroundings, my tools, my world.

I have already, although it is still quite early in the day, given myself the experience of confidence and an experience of not having confidence, as a way of clarifying the contours of it.

As the day progresses, I will remind myself here and there that I am allowing myself to have the experience of confidence.

Tomorrow may bring a different experience, but today I am exploring confidence and experiencing it. I am enriching myself with this experience of confidence.

Yesterday, I did this with the experience of forgiveness and blamelessness. Unconditional love flowed as well.

The day before that, I did this with the experience of peace.

Every day, I intend to check in with my heart in the early morning and then to give myself the experience that my heart has chosen. Just choose to follow your heart. In this way, we allow the part of us that is most wise, most filled with divine love, to guide us through these tumultuous times.

This process was given through Nora Herold ( channeling Yeshua and the Pleiadian Collective. She's wonderful. For me, her messages deeply resonate.

May you enjoy and benefit from the messages that resonate most for you.
