Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Imagine Now a World of Peace for All

When I was a child, I believed in fairness, kindness and sharing. My heart was open and loving. I loved to give and to receive and to be kind to everyone. That child of love and grace slowly and reluctantly, grieving, learned to hide.
I remember when something happened among the children, many older than I was, who thronged in the wildness of the island where I spent my summers. Something happened that felt wrong to me as it was not kind, not sweet or caring. I remember telling my mother that I was sad and didn’t understand and I remember my mother telling me, “Life isn’t fair.”
I remember feeling devastated by this, as if a darkness, a smothering cloud of toxicity, had descended upon my safe world of wellness and joy.
Much later, as a young adult, I believed, because I chose to believe, that we could solve the world’s problems and end humanity’s suffering by our choices, by our wisdom. I remember my college educated and passionate self coming up hard against my father’s cynicism and world-weary ‘realism.’ I remember that he called me an ‘idealistic fool.’ 
I never relinquished my dreams and visions for humanity; they are in me still. And now, in 2020, in my sixty-second year, I feel a shift and it excites me and fills me with enthusiasm and joy.
Something fundamental to our being here on this Earth has shifted. Kindness, sharing, justice, fairness, co-operation, collaboration, open-hearted listening – these are all in the consciousness of humanity now. The concept of compassion is being felt, discussed, framed, known. I have focused my attention on compassion for over twenty years and I have never heard the word used so much as I have heard it used in the past three months. It’s here, now, that we who love and believe in humanity can fully access and joyfully amplify our ideals for all to live in peace, sharing, kindness, fairness and justice.
I just keep saying that word because it is pushing through me to be said.
Imagine now this world of peace for all.
We can and are doing this now. It has never felt like this before, the sudden legitimization of all of my hopes and dreams, ideals and ideas for humanity. It is as if that darkness, that cloud of toxicity, were being blown away, chased away by light and love and caring, community, sharing, kindness, respect for all, fairness and justice, peace and open hands and open hearts.
I know we see much that is deeply unfair and unjust and ugly and hateful in our world right now. I see it every day. But I feel this emergence coming up from underneath and coming through from all around and coming with our voices and our helping hands and our smiling, our bravery. I know that this is different, this time is different.
If I am wrong, you who call yourselves realists and cynics can laugh and laugh while I sigh and cry. But I don’t think I’m wrong. I don’t think so.
And what does that mean?
If the world of peace and justice for all is upon us, is being created by us, finally, conclusively, right now amidst the remnants of the unfairness and the violence that have oppressed us for millennia, what does that mean for us?
I feel euphoria, excitement, celebration, joy and gladness.
For the world, I feel such gratitude and affirmation of everything I have ever believed and known as my truth. Energy flows out from the palms of my hands and as I write this, I have to stop to open the palms of my hands upward, to send the energy out from them.
Imagine if everyone loved to share with everyone else.
Imagine if our joy was to see others safe and well. Not just family – everyone.
Imagine if we were in love with justice and filled with peace.
What would our world look like?
We are becoming that!
All appearances to the contrary, dear fellow humans, we are becoming that.