Thursday, August 21, 2014

Another Way to Help the World Now

I invite you to take a deep breath before reading this, for it is not easy reading. It is imperative in me that I post this however. This is deep and big and rings my truth like a bell.

With this very violent group of people in Syria and Iraq, the world is watching with horror as atrocities are committed and experienced by the innocent.

Day after day, this is brought to my attention by my friend Lui, who cannot seem to look away. I believe that there are many people on this planet right now who are horrified, but cannot look away.

People don’t know what to think about the horrors. They are appalled. Some people want to destroy this group which is so violent. Some just wish that they were not doing as they are doing.

I know that this is all happening for a reason. Everything serves the awakening of humanity. Everything serves our highest good. But I couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t understand why it is happening in this way.

Yesterday, bored at my computer during the work day, I found a film on Netflix to watch, just to pass the time. It is called ‘Waiting for Armageddon’ and it is a documentary film about Evangelical Christians who are absolutely convinced and totally believe that the prophecies of the Book of Revelations are coming to be on the Earth. They believe that all the ‘true believers’ will be raised up to Heaven with Jesus, the Christ in a “rapture.” And after that, the unbelievers will mostly be killed in horrible ways, through acts of terrible violence and God’s wrath.

I only watched part of the film and then my work day was over and I had errands to run.

When I returned from my errands and had eaten supper and watered my garden, I came back inside and thought again about the beheadings and torture and other atrocities being committed by the group that people know as ISIS. I felt again the confusion and I wanted to understand. So, I asked for guidance from Yeshua. I said, “Yeshua, please guide me. Help me to understand the purpose of this group. Why are they doing what they are doing?”

The answer was immediate and incredibly clear. It is as if I were channeling Yeshua. Well, as I frequently do channel Yeshua, I guess I was. Here is what came through as the answer to my question:

“They are showing all of humanity its darkness. They are showing all of humanity those parts of itself at which it does not dare to look. To fully understand, change the pronoun. Change ‘they’ to ‘we’ and ‘he’ or ‘she’ to ‘I.’

And I have done this before, on a more personal level and felt the power of this exercise of changing the pronoun. So I did that. They are killing anyone who does not believe as they do. We are killing anyone who does not believe as we do. They are incredibly cruel and judgmental. We are incredibly cruel and judgmental. And I knew in that instant that it is so. And that their actions, showing us our darkness, are necessary at this time. And I was able instantly to feel unconditional love for them, as I feel unconditional love for all of humanity in all of our darkness.

A few moments later, I sat down at my computer and decided to watch the end of the documentary film about the Evangelical Christians. And as I was watching, one of the comments from a person interviewed was, “They believe that everyone who does not believe as they do will die, and they are glad about this…” or something very similar to that. I don’t have the words exactly, but that was the meaning of it. And I said, “Wow. Look at how I have shown myself so clearly the truth of what I realized, through Yeshua’s guidance and grace which I had requested.”

All time is now. It is all happening right now. So, the brutalities of the Crusades, when Jerusalem was knee deep in blood from those killed, according to accounts of people who were there, the incredible cruelties and injustices of the Inquisition, when people were burned alive in front of their own children because they did not live their lives as others thought that they should, and many other atrocities, too numerous to mention – all of these are being shown to us in the actions of the group called ISIS. And so what is our response? What can we do that will be the highest response, the most wise response, the most loving response?

We see ourselves in them. We take full ownership and responsibility for the darkness that is our legacy as human beings. We change the pronouns. ‘They’ becomes ‘we.’ We do this. We have done this. And as with all of our process through these times of Ascension, we accept that which we are, that which we have been. We accept all that we are. We – with courage – see ourselves in them. And we forgive ourselves for our darkness, our fear, our cruelty, our arrogance. We send unconditional love to those aspects of ourselves that behead children, rape girls in front of their mothers and do many other things that seem impossibly horrible. It isn’t easy. But it is our darkness. We face it and we accept it as part of what it is to be human. It is not ‘them’ – some demonic monsters out there whom we can condemn and do our best to destroy. It is we. It is us. And it cannot be destroyed. That is why it is still there, showing itself to us as it must do, especially now.

Finally, we send unconditional love, the divine love that is the Christ Consciousness come to Earth, the love that we are, that we have brought ourselves to be through years of work in awareness and ruthless honesty with ourselves.

And as we do this, we heal the terrible wounds that are represented by these actions, these actions undertaken by the group called ISIS. These wounds are in us. They are our darkness. As Yeshua conveyed to me, they are showing us our darkness. They are not separate from us. They are an aspect of us. So we bring ourselves to acceptance and unconditional love.

For me, this is the best, the highest, response to these happenings. I feel this in my heart.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How You Can Help the World Now

The news these days is pretty grim. It is easy to become discouraged, dismayed, even disheartened.

I encourage you to take heart. You make a difference. You matter.

Although it is not what our minds believe, your energetic being is helping to make the world what it is in every moment.

Therefore, the more balance, peace, gratitude, love for all and acceptance of all that you can bring to the world right now, the more the world will be filled with these beautiful energies.

It is now right now, when things seem bleak indeed, that your wisdom and love for all that is will make the difference. Join me, if you will, in shining these energies out into the world.

You might say, "Sorry, Lu, I don't know about this. I feel pretty crappy what with the violence in the Middle East, the Ebola crisis, violence in America's heartland with poor people battling on the streets with heavily armed police officers and so on and so on." Here is a method that will both help you to feel more able to cope with these energies carried to you with the grim news, and to shine more balance and love for all that is out into the world.

Sit somewhere with your feet flat on the floor or ground. Take a conscious breath or two to bring yourself fully into the moment - the here and now. Now, feel your wisest self, the part of you that is pure love. You might call it your soul-self, or your higher self. Feel it around you, as a kind of conscious aura, and feel it within you as well. Just tune to your highest, wisest, most loving and peaceful self.

Now, as you inhale, pull that loving and peaceful energy in through your heart center and feel it filling you. As you exhale, send that beautiful energy out to every cell in your body. Again inhale and pull that energy into your heart and exhale and send it radiating outward. As you do this a few times, you will feel much more balanced, peaceful and loving. As well, that energy - coming in from your divine soul self - radiates out into the collective consciousness and energetic mix that is our world. And every little bit makes a difference. Energy is like that. It permeates and changes the mix.

By the same process, any fear, anxiety, judgments about what is going on, or shame about any aspect of your being will cause you distress and those energies will go out into the mix and add to what is already there in that frequency of discord. When you feel fear, anxiety, shame or judgments, take a moment to feel what it is that you are experiencing. Accept it completely. It is part of your being and therefore it is allowed and acceptable. As you accept it, the energy will shift a bit because any resistance you were holding to it will slip away.

When you have completely accepted it, take a nice deep breath and then on the exhale, send unconditional love from your heart center to that fear, anxiety, judgment or whatever it is that you are experiencing. As you do this, you clear your energy so that you can bring through even more of that wisest, most peaceful and loving part of you to share with the world.

This is good work! This is not an easy time for us. Yet, this is the time that we have prepared ourselves for. All of our work to bring ourselves to peace within, to wisdom and to grace has brought us now to be enabled to help the world by shining our highest energies out to all of humanity.

I am thrilled to be able to help the world in this way. I hope you will join me in this energetic work. You can also hold a simple vision of how you would like the world to be - peaceful, perhaps, with justice for all peoples of all nations. I have an image of people of all faiths and all colours, shapes and sizes together in a circle with hands held and smiles of love and joy on their faces. Hold your vision. Never mind if it seems impossible. We are shining the divine light of God's love from our souls through our bodies and out into the world. Anything is possible!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Becoming a Master of the Game

We came here to play the game. This doesn't mean that we are not sincere, not well-intentioned. In fact, we came here to transform the game from the inside out.

And the game is changing rapidly. It used to be that we were immersed in a limited awareness and our goal was to love anyway.

As we approached the new era, which began on December 21, 2012, we asked of ourselves that we not only love anyway, but love all and love well and shine a light of love on all the world.

The game is transformed and we are now emerging from within it. We are becoming masters of the game.

How do we do this, exactly?

When we are no longer trying to get out of limitation, which is the game board, essentially, we profoundly change the game to the point that we achieve mastery.

The you that is playing the game is immersed in a state of limitation. You are limited as to what you know and can know and you are limited by your physicality and the laws of physics within which the game is being played. Yet the you that chose to play this game also had a hand in creating it. There are no victims here. And no losers of this game either.

The 'game self' wants freedom and wants to reduce or eliminate the limitations under which it labors and which it endures. The 'higher self' to use a short-hand expression for the magnificent being of light and love that you are as a soul, chose the limitations of this game and values them very much. We wouldn't have come here if we didn't want to experience this and add our light and our love, our courage and our radiance to this game board.

So there is a fundamental conflict of interest, shall we say, between the 'game self' and the 'higher self.' The 'higher self' holds infinite patience and compassion for the 'game self's' longing for freedom from limitations. The 'game self' once she completely accepts her limitations, completely accepts them as part of the game, and so aligns herself with the purpose and intentions of the soul or 'higher self'. And this profoundly changes the game. By accepting the limitations imposed upon her, completely accepting them, even appreciating them, as the marathon runner appreciates every kilometer traversed, she changes the game in her own experience and becomes a master of the game.

And this is also true for all of the experiences of the game. Acceptance of illness, of accident, of pain, of fear and of apparent loss... and on and on. If you have resistance to it, you are out of that frequency of mastery which is exemplified by true appreciation and gratitude for every experience of the game.

When you hold the frequency of acceptance, of appreciation, of gratitude for all that you experience, you have indeed stepped outside of the perception of limitation as victimization and you have then freed yourself and become a master of this game. It is in this way that we step out of the illusion of limitation and become that radiant light and love that our souls have always been.

When this occurs, we have changed the game from the inside out and our purpose here is complete.