Wednesday, October 30, 2013

How to Make it Easy

Give permission to yourself to transform into something new.

Give permission to your body to change, to respond to the new energies flooding our planet.

Give permission to yourself to experience new things, new sensations, new realizations.

I felt the need to give permission to myself for this change, this transformation. All the way into my heart, into my cells, into my DNA, I felt the need to give permission at those levels. So I did give permission. I said it out loud.

And I felt the change. I felt the difference.

Do this. Do this intentionally. It will help.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Time Change

We will be experiencing the autumn ritual of putting our clock back one hour in about 10 days as I write this. Time change.

The truth is that we have left linear time behind and we are invited now to experience time in a new way.

Time is simply a series of Now experiences.

Try something new with time. Experiment with not worrying anymore about what the clock says.

Explore being in moments and tuning your frequency to joy, to ease, to peace within and without.

In this way, you will flow through the moments in an easy and blissful way.

Time for sleeping, time for eating, time for making that phone call.... all of this is becoming much more flexible and loose. Let this happen by loosening up your own sense of time.

Don't worry about time anymore... either trying to fill it up so that your life will not be empty, or not having enough of it to experience all that you would like to experience.

Flow through moments and experience time in a whole new way.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Life and Death

We used to leave through death if it got too hard for us here on this planet, or if we were tired of being in the dense energies of the physical realm. But now, we are transforming ourselves while in the physical body. We are also transforming our world, lightening the load, so to speak, by lightening the frequencies and this makes it easier for us to stay here.

I have dearly struggled with being in a physical body over many experiences in this lifetime, and have had suicidal thoughts and a frequent longing for the release of death. That ended for me some years ago, but I remember very well how intense the longing for release was. And it was not just mine; it was the longing of the human collective that I was feeling.

The work that I do now is to send unconditional love to those parts of me in every time and in every situation that wanted to leave, wanted to end it because it was too dense and too difficult. And this work is incredibly important. So every time that you bring yourself back from that deep and dark place that longs for release, you do this not only for yourself alone, but for all of us.

Send that unconditional love which lives in your heart and is always there. It only takes a moment and the work is thus done.

We are bringing the relief, the lightness, the pure love and the joy of the other dimensional realms here into this physical realm while we remain embodied. We are transforming our bodily existence so that it is not so very dense, so low and so difficult. We are doing this now.

How I have longed for this as a release from an almost unbearable heaviness.

And I kept wanting to win the lottery. The millions of dollars were a symbol of that release, that freedom from want, from fear... But they could not have purchased it. I know that now, very clearly. They could not have purchased it.

There are millions, perhaps billions of people on this planet who believe that having millions of Euros or dollars can purchase that release. But this is not true and has never been true. Only the Ascension itself can bring us that release.

When we no longer spurn the physical and secretly long for the sweet release of death, we will have turned a corner and brought ourselves into a new way of being in the world.

As when we no longer look for God outside of ourselves... it is the same thing, in a way.

We are the agents of our salvation. We are the creators of our heaven. We are the ones who release our own selves within this incarnational experience.

It is a huge thing to wrap our knowing around because it has never been this way before.

Never. Ever. Ever.

We are transforming life and death.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Everything Serves You At This Time

At the beginning of this year, 2013, I had that message given to me by my higher self in a very strong and repeated way, so that I knew to pay attention to it.

Everything serves you now.

This is what I was told and it has proven to be so.

Everything that you experience now serves you. If it hurts or it annoys you or throws you off-balance, it is because you have something within you that seeks release and it has been triggered by the experience that you have given to yourself. Everything serves you.

Actually, you are all that you are experiencing. You are just showing up for yourself in various guises... friend, neighbour, politician, partner, woman in the park... you are showing up to show yourself various things or to give yourself various things. Look around. All you see is you, masquerading as world.

I had a sore stomach, with gas pains and bloating and discomfort, just as I was trying to sleep, and then I was suddenly 16 years old again, trying to kill myself by taking too many aspirin and ending up with a very sore stomach and the feeling that I was a total failure. That needed to be loved into the light of these times, and so it was. My sore stomach served me.

Everything serves you at this time.