Monday, December 19, 2016

Joy and Delight

My energetic frequency is joy and delight, complete faith, acceptance, surrender and flow. The surrender is a breathing into what is; it is a surrender to the here now both within and without.

I’m luxuriating in free time, being well rested, the -20 celsius stillness outside under a clear blue sky. I’m breathing into, sinking into, the relatively quiet time of mid-winter with great joy laughing and dancing within me. 

This new beingness dances joyfully with what is – whatever it is. 

And the gift that I gave to myself last April at Walden Pond, in that vast sky lit room, the gift of sitting with pen and paper with no expectation, I’m enjoying that gift right now. 

When I got home from that journey out and back, I realized that this place is as beautiful and peaceful, the energies as nurturing, as at Walden. In fact, here it is quieter. Here stretches such a luxurious skein of beauty, peace and plenty that I have no need or desire to go anywhere else. 

I remember sitting in that room ~ how I felt freedom and space to be ~ how precious these seemed, how dear; I feel them now ~ freedom and space to be, joy and delight. 

I’ve been in this state before ~ a state of apparently heightened appreciation. I’ve experienced this when driving or walking; it’s not so uncommon for me. Yet, I feel that I shift my being now such that this heightened appreciation is a constant within me. I noticed it on the drive to and from ~ especially from ~ Montreal the other day under a white sky surrounded by white snow, every tree branch a grace note as my husband and I sped along the snow-blown highway. I noticed it while visiting my mum and in the grocery store and at the singalong at Grace Church Hall and, indeed, at the singalong I led at the assisted living facility last week. I notice it more and more these days. 

I notice it as I look out, as I am here in this chair. I am no longer dependent on what is “outside” of me for what I feel aka what I experience. Like the refugee in a wheelchair experiencing life as joy; our song of higher dimensional freedom sounds in the world at this time. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Personal Power

Joy. Joy so intense that it flows from me in streams. 

As I walked this morning in an exquisite landscape of snow and winter sky, I spoke to all the world’s darkness, fear, rage, hate, exclusion, judgments and all fear-based expressions.

And I said, “I see you. I hear you. I acknowledge you. Okay. Yes. And guess what? I will be love regardless. I will include you in that love. I will be joy and peace and understanding.”

And the fear wailed and roared and thrashed about.

And I said, “Yes. Even so.”

And the fear said, “I can kill you.”

And I laughed and said, “No. You cannot kill me. For I am eternal love that has no end. There is nothing more powerful than the love that I am. And guess what? You are this also. Yes. You are this love and you do not know it. But you will. One day soon, when you are ready. You will.”

And this is the level gaze of love incarnate, of divine love. 

And this level gaze is one option now, one way of looking at the world. This level gaze of love incarnate is one possible response. 

It is the way that a friend looks at a friend who is speaking her hard-earned truth. 

It is the way that we look at each other when we are being the wisest part of ourselves. 

It is what I now choose to be within myself. 

It feels like angel choirs and whale song and star light.

Yes. Even so. I will be this.

Friday, November 11, 2016

We Change the World

I have a compulsion to envision how we get from this – this world in which we currently find ourselves – to that – the Heaven on Earth which we hold in our hearts as some how possible. 

How? How do we get there from here?

Increasing compassion, acceptance, care for… and this is always one’s self and all others. When one has compassion for and acceptance of one’s self, one has these for all others as well. So, forgiveness.

And our past is released. We do this through our intention. 1000 years ago. Yesterday. All released. 

We move into compassion and love – self love, love of others… We forgive and release. 

As we in this way heal the hurts within, we also heal the hurts on Mother Earth – for there is no separation. We are not just these bodies, separate and individuated. We are Creator-Beings and what we feel ourselves to be, so the world will show itself to be to us. 

The world is our mirror. As we are now stressed, diseased, polluted with self-harm, so is the world. 

Feel this. This is the essence, now, of our shift into higher dimensional existence. As we are, so is our world, our society, the natural world and so on.

As we choose for ourselves – joy, health, wellness, abundance, inclusion, community… we give ourselves these experiences and we see these in our world.

So, this is how we get from this to that. 

If you would experience a world of peace, choose peace within yourself over and over again… peace with all people… peace with all that is. The same with tolerance, acceptance, love, compassion, health, wellness, relationships of sharing and so on. 

Feel the potential in this. We make the world. 

We’ve been doing this for the whole of our time on this planet, but now we do so with awareness, with much greater capacity for compassion and self-love and with intention and strength of will, clarity of purpose and a growing love for all that is. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Each Human Heart Contributes

I’ve been very engaged in the world over the last two days. 

It calms down a bit this evening and then into the next days the weather is forecast to change dramatically with wet snow and grey skies. 

All of this feels different than ever before as I am changed. My priority is to hold compassion, light, love and joy in my being – not just for myself, but for all the human collective. For what we are is what we transmit; we broadcast our energetic frequencies and affect the collective.

Peace, excitement, orgasmic pleasure, wealth and gratitude are all frequencies I am putting out in this ‘self and collective’ way, and something else as well. 

I used to run a frequency – though at that time I would have called it a belief – of faith in planet Earth. It was when there was a lot of despair about Earth, around 2012. It was – and still is – a faith in the vast creative being that is this planet to make it through and recuperate fully. 

Now, I’m running a frequency of faith in humanity as well. 

We can do this. We ARE doing this. Fear and hate become love and compassion. Violence becomes reconciliation and eventually peace prevails on our planet. 

Together we do this – each heart contributing to the miracle of this transformation of our collective. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Infinite Creation

I feel like writing poetry, songs. I feel infinitely powerful and creative. 

Okay. This new way is infinitely creative. 

In the moment, I go within, access the vast love and compassion that exist within me, within each of us, then instantaneously fill my being with that love, that compassion. Then from the moment, from what I am, I choose my frequency. It might be gratitude, joy, peace or wellness. 

This choice, this note or vibration or hue – call it what you will – streams forth from every cell of my body, every meridian, every pore of my skin and most powerfully from my third eye, just above and between my eyes. And this is creative. This flow of energy is a dance with World, with Universe. 

And creation is love incarnate. 

There is no telling just how World will give back to me what I have sent out. So, I am learning quickly now not to try to tell how it will be. 

It’s exciting to just keep choosing my frequency in the moment and then to see what will be. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Courage in a Fearful World

Steady as she goes, my darlings, my fellow travelers through this vale of tears and fears and chaotic energies. 

If you’re paying attention to the world right now, it seems as if all hell is breaking loose and it is very easy to feel overwhelmed by it and to wonder if we really can and will make it through to peace and love and joy.

We will.

And we will because of all of those on this planet who, like you and I, access the love that is there in our hearts and using breath and intention radiate and broadcast that love out into our own bodies and into the world.

If you are feeling fairly detached and able to help, you can do so by going into your heart, accessing the love that is always there, always present, always available, and sending it with your breath through your entire being, your body, your mind, your emotional being, your energy. Let every part of you be washed in a wave of unconditional love. As you do this, you radiate love and light to all the world.

If you are feeling emotionally triggered by something that is going on around you, take a breath, go into your heart – that is where we find all the answers now – and access that love. From there, just be with whatever it is you are feeling. Breathe with it. Acknowledge it. Just be with it and be at peace with it. Don’t resist it or try to make it go away. It will clear out very quickly. Almost as soon as you face it fully, it will clear out as you breathe with it.

Throughout these turbulent times, these days of noise and fear and uncertainty, go into your heart and choose what it is that you would like to experience as your being. Know that as you choose, you choose not just for yourself, but for the world. For as you fill yourself with – for example – the feeling of gratitude, you send that out into the world as well. Choose your frequency. Choose what it is you would like to be and to experience as your being. Perhaps it is peace. Perhaps it is gratitude or joy or love for all of humanity. Perhaps it is hope and faith.

If you feel that you cannot choose because you are too upset or too worried realize that you are being emotionally triggered and let yourself feel it.

It’s all in our hearts now, my friends. If you would like to close your eyes and listen to this message rather than reading it, click here for a youtube offering

Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Yesterday, taken with the idea of living somewhere else – brought on by my husband’s expressions of dissatisfaction which have since tapered off – I started looking at tiny houses and was on a tear – a mental body frenzy – of “I like” and “I want” and “maybe this.” I got out the graph paper, pencil and eraser and started drawing, dreaming and scheming. My sleep was so compromised, so light and troubled. I woke more exhausted than when I went to bed. My energy was and still is all frenetic. Not liking it at all, I struggled to free myself from it. 

I realized that I ran the frequency of wanting, of what if… I could have… and I can literally feel the frequency of wanting in me. 

We create, in a snowball to avalanche way, so quickly now. I can understand someone becoming consumed with want, fear, jealousy, resentment… or riding a sweet wave – as I usually do – of peace, well-being, calm, acceptance, compassion, unconditional love, gratitude, joy and feeling blessed. Phew! 

I finally identified the frequency I was actually holding and sent compassion to that part of myself that wants… wants anything, because wanting anything will take you into more and more wanting. Then I rose yawning from my tangled bed clothes to face a long day, dressed and went out into the cool August dawn.

I realize too that as I was designing this new home and new life for myself, I took myself completely out of being present here, now, in this life. Walking, I intentionally called myself into this time, this place. Berry picking completed the cure. 

Tired, but a bit wiser, I go on now with my day. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Walking This Sacred Earth

Back in 2005, I read a book by a woman named Diane Stein. It was called Earth Changes and was talking about the possibility of catastrophic events on our planet at or around the year 2012.

The year 2012 has come and gone and we are still here shining our radiance.

One small part of that book really spoke to me though. She mentioned that when we walk out of doors and have love for the world in our hearts, we send that energy to the Earth and it helps the Earth to be well and to heal in the places where it is damaged.

Over the years since I read that, I have kept it in mind and in heart and have explored it.

I recently created a YouTube project called 'Walking This Sacred Earth' that explores this idea and expands on it.

So far, there are four parts to the YouTube series. I plan to create a fifth part, Walking This Sacred Earth Off Road sometime in 2016.

For the first four parts of the series, which I really enjoyed creating and I am sure you will enjoy as well, click on these links:

Part 1 - Introduction

Part 2 - Walking in the City

Part 3 - Walking in the Suburb

Part 4 - Walking in the Country

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

An Empowering Experience of Prosperity and Joy

I just want to let you know that I made available on youtube a four part workshop on creating a joyful, prosperous and abundant life for yourself.

I'm also offering this workshop person to person in Sutton, Quebec, in both French and English.

Here are some comments from people who have experienced the workshop on youtube:

I experienced your workshop today and I think it is very powerful. It is also so much more than just a workshop on effortless abundance.

I love how the emphasis is not on getting something physical, like money, a car or a house but becoming someone who attracts abundance of all kinds to him/herself by clearing ourselves of imbalances within ourselves. Depending on what way you look at it (or who is listening: someone who’s been actively clearing or not) you could say it is a workshop on consciousness work, on clearing and balancing ourselves of which abundance is the natural result.

What I personally loved most about it is that right now I can’t tell what the effect of doing it was because it goes deeper than what you say. What I was thinking and feeling during the workshop itself... there is a subtle and powerful energy transmission within the workshop that comes from your being and holding the frequency of unconditional love while you give the workshop. And that has more effect than words or anything else.

At first I found it a bit difficult that it is going so slow, although your reasons for doing so are very good and true, meaning that by the end of the second file where you invite to look at what fear, worry, anxiety we have around money or abundance, I felt how I was in a peaceful calm state that created the space for me to look deep within myself without being disturbed by clutter of thoughts etc.
I could see very clearly I am indeed where I thought I was with the issue of abundance and I could clear a small part that was still within me.

Your workshop is really a work of art.  Delivered calmly, with strength and wisdom and insight.  I particularly appreciated your spin on 'currency' as an exchange of energy that underlies what money represents.  Always spirit first!  Really beautiful.

Thank you. I will recommend it to as many people as I can.

If you are interested in experiencing this workshop on youtube, which takes about two hours to do, click here