Wednesday, July 16, 2014


It's very simple, but it is the opposite of what we are used to experiencing, so give yourself time to get a feel for how this works.

You invoke that which you wish to experience. Let us make an example of the word pleasure. Lately, I am invoking pleasure and play into my experience.

As you say the word 'pleasure' just allow yourself to feel the frequency that is pleasure in your being. You don't have to localize it to a certain part of your body, or even to your physical body. Just allow yourself to feel the subtle energetic signature of 'pleasure.'

As you invoke the energetic vibration of pleasure, more and more, you will be able to feel much more clearly the way that it feels for you. Don't look for it outside of you. That's what we've been doing, and that is what is changing. Trust that it will be expressed for you in the world around you as you become more and more clearly able to feel the energy of pleasure within your being.

Any word carries its own energetic vibration. So you can do this with, for example, justice, wellness, health, vitality, joy, abundance, and on and on.

You are invoking the experience of this chosen vibration in your being - NOT in the world around you. As you are able to hold the vibration of what you have chosen in your energy field (aka energetic body, light body, being, beingness) you will begin to experience it in the world around you and will therefore have manifested it into your life.

Invoke it first within your internal experience. Enjoy it there! It is real. It is a feeling and a frequency that you can revel in and enjoy. Then thrill to its manifestation in the world that is always a mirror of your internal being.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Energetic Being

So, this is the way it is now, for me, and I suspect for you as well. We are creating our experiences through our energy. I refer to frequency, meaning, the particular vibration of my energy in the moment.

Whatever you are being energetically, you will create the expression of that being in the world around you so that you can see what you are being in the world around you. It sounds circular, and it is.

So the within the context of this creationary circle of being and becoming, an awareness of your energetic being is the important thing. Become aware of what your frequency state is. Is it anxiety? Is it resentment? Is it joy? Is it peace with what is? Adjust as you see fit to do so. The adjustment is a choice. You simply change your frequency state. You take a breath and adjust it. You 'tune to joy' as I say in my book 'The Frequency of Joy' which you can find at

So this is new for us. We used to know beyond a shadow of a doubt - you may or may not remember this knowing - that things happened and we reacted and responded and so what was outside of us made us feel in certain ways and 'be' in certain states of being - scared, happy, assured, self-conscious and shy, etc. But it's actually the opposite of that. What we are within our energetic being, which is both within our physical body and surrounding it, is mirrored in our experience of the world. And this reflection is happening very fast now - instantaneously or almost instantaneously. You will notice it if you begin to pay attention to it.

Here's an example. I opened an investment account at a big Canadian bank and I thought, "Geez, this is going to be complicated and difficult and challenging." And my energy contracted, of course, and shifted into a certain amount of anxiety whenever I thought about that investment account. It became a problem. The account was blocked because of an error made when I filled out the required paperwork, but nobody informed me of this so the problem became compounded over weeks. Yah. Like, no kidding, right? Duh! So yesterday, I finally realized what I was creating here in this situation and shifted my energy and my belief about the experience of having an investment account at a big Canadian bank. Within hours, I had received a phone call from a very nice representative of the bank who solved all my problems and offered me a bonus and other perks for signing on. Ta-Da!

Try it for yourself. Just notice when you're holding energy about a situation that is not peace, not trust, not joy... and then shift it. And then watch what happens. It's actually pretty cool and fun to do this!

And this is the practice now. Call it practice or play or whatever you like. Work with any residual states of being that are not in the flow of joy. These might be states of grief, shame, guilt or disablity (as in my banking example - I thought I wasn't sophisticated enough to have an investment account...). Whatever comes up, simply send a beautiful flow of unconditional love from your heart to that energy within your energy field. That will clear it right up without any judgment, which would just add to your energetic burdens anyway and would be counter-productive.

If something comes up for you and brings an emotional experience that feels like it needs to be fully acknowledged, then go ahead and give it your full attention, your full regard. This attention and the 'gaze of unconditional love' as I call it, that level gaze of complete compassion and non-judgment, will probe it, lance it clean and allow you to delve with love into whatever the wound is. And then it too will be cleared. And these days it is very fast and easy to do this work because we are literally lightening up. We are becoming enlightened and so our ability to clear the wounds and the stresses that are residual from past traumas and hurts is enhanced. Just delve into your own energy field with love and light in your heart for your own self.

Our energetic being creates our emotional, mental and physical experience of being in the world. Our emotional, mental and physical experience does impact our energetic being to some extent still. Be aware of how you are responding to what IS around you. Shifting your energetic being will actually shift what IS around you. So, by being aware and awake about your energetic being, you adjust your own being AND the experience you have of the world. It's a win / win.

Wait there's more! As you do this, you change the world.

You bring more love into the world when you send unconditional love to your own self and to all that is.

So, as I sat on my exercise ball the other day, just before starting another set of reps with the five pound weights, I worked to bring myself into that radiant unconditional love frequency, that perfect peace and stillness within, which is a correspondence with the rhythm of this Universe and the love that is all that is. It didn't take me long to get there, but still I did need to focus on it for a moment. And that is the practice of working with your energetic being.

This has deep implications around the experience of abundance and joy in your life as well, so play with this and enjoy your eternal becoming Self.