Monday, September 23, 2013

Shine Through Truth

The energies are very strong now.

The emotions and feelings moving through us are annoying and distracting at least and debilitating at times when they become more than we can manage.

Rest when you feel the need. The times in which we find ourselves, by our own creation, are volatile and take their toll of our mental, emotional and physical bodies.

Be in the truth of yourself as much as you can be in each moment. If you feel like crap, then that is what you feel and it is simply to acknowledge it, accept it, and move on, for with the volatility now, it won't last for long!

When the impulse to unconditional love and pure joy wells up within you, shine that as your truth in that moment. We will shift somewhat unpredictably back and forth between the old ego-mind concerns and the Divine Peace and Love that we actually are and are moving more and more into being a conscious and consistent expression of. We will shift from one to the other and so it is simply to shine through the truth of what you are in each moment. We need not deny or denigrate anything that we feel, anything that we are.

If you feel that you are on shaky, uncertain ground, it is because you are! We are changing the world, right now, right here.

As much as you can do so, love all that is with all that you are. As you tune to this pure love within you, you will help others to do so as well. An added bonus is that it feels wonderful!

Blessings all!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Realized - Ten

This is the last of the 'I Realized... ' series. At least for now. After this post, I will go back to my usual style of posting. The reason why I put all of these up here was to show the slow but sure progression of my realizations about my self and myself in the world. And I myself am amazed at how the pace of these realizations has increased over the years. In one or two months, now, I realize more than I did over the course of decades in the early part of my life. I have had more realizations in the months since I began this series, so there will be more eventually, but I'll give my readers a bit of a break from it for a while.

So, here is the last of the 'I Realized...' which bring us to June, 2013, when I was 54 years old.

I realized that my mind doesn’t need to be aware of all that I am and all that I am experiencing.

I realized that music is energy and that I feed off of music as energy.

I realized that I have been an energy worker on this planet for my whole life, transmuting energies for the collective; this is and has been a sacred work.

I realized that all of the things that I do to maintain my physicality and my physical fitness are not the stuff of my fifth dimensionality, but do not inhibit my fifth dimensionality in any way; it is there holding the attributes of divinity; gratitude, joy, blessing, unconditional love, appreciation, non-judgement, bliss, playfulness and discovery.

I realized peace with what is, peace with what has been and peace with what will be.

I realized that what I am doing as a physical being is not important to the One that I AM.

I realized that the answer is always unconditional love; if something is a ‘problem’ it is because it is perceived to be unworthy of unconditional love, therefore, separate from God.

I realized that as we transmute energies for ourselves, we do this for the collective, for the entire world, for the entire universe; energies do not equate to big and small, rather they are all relevant and energies have no borders; energies are everywhere and affect everything.

I realized that I create with my heart.

I realized that I do not want to want. At all. Ever.

I realized that I time travel often, jumping between moments of my lifetime and also into  other lifetimes I’ve experienced / am experiencing.

I realized that I should not confuse the weakness and limitations of the physical body as being my weakness and limitations; I am not the physical body although I align myself with it in the realm of the physical.

I realized that releasing all judgement is key and that this is a practice until we can completely eliminate all judgement; I realized that gratitude and appreciation replace judgement.

I realized that we can accept our response, no matter what that response is, and this brings acceptance of that which was catalyst for the response.

I realized that I create everything every thing, every single thing that has ever annoyed me.

I realized that I am love; that is all I care about.

I realized that everything that I have ever experienced has been for a very good reason.

I realized that being loving and compassionate is not the same thing as being accommodating.

I realized that it is not what we do that matters; it is what we are, our feeling state, our vibration, our choice of frequency.

I realized that we are bringing multi-dimensionality into this Earthly physical realm; we are portals for the infinite love that is God to come into this realm and change all-that-is; I realized that I have been doing this since I was a child and many others have been doing this as well.

I realized that I am a omniversal being of light, a part of ALL, an emanation of Source, which is love; love is all there is.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Realized - Nine

I realized that I am here for three reasons - to experience being in a body in the physical realm, to witness this amazing time on this planet, in this universe, and to bring my unique vibration and my particular consciousness to this planet as a service.

I realized that I am reptilian. I am also other than reptilian.

I realized that I had a twin in the womb of my mother, an identical twin who would have shared this incarnational journey with me.

I realized that I don’t have to ‘wait’ for the people around me to come along with me; the version of me that moves forward into higher dimensionality, will be accompanied by the version of them that also moves forward into higher dimensionality; therefore, as I move forward, I do not abandon anyone.

I realized that I am powerful. I have power to create, to destroy, to change.

I realized that by going back to a moment in time, I can change the moment by flooding myself as I was then with unconditional love, acceptance, the golden light of healing energy and compassion; the self that I am in that moment can actually feel the transmission and it is really fascinating and healing to feel that.

I realized that I do not deny others when I affirm myself. I do not deny their reality when I affirm my own reality.

I realized that I communicate telepathically, through whole knowing in my being; I both transmit and receive.

I realized that I am ONE with ALL.

I realized that the ego-mind’s sense of self relative to others and relative to experiences is incompatible with the frequency of the divine embodied, the complete acceptance and the connectedness with all that is; therefore, the ego-mind’s sense of self must change if one is to embody the divine consistently.

I realized that by my being the consciousness that I am, I change the world, transform the world, inform the world, create the world, recreate the world and lead the way for humanity. I am not alone in doing this; others do this as well and I am so very grateful for these others and appreciative of them.

I realized that I am honoured, deeply honoured, in this universe for having come here from the 6th.

I realized that there is nowhere better than here; no time better than this moment now, no experience better than this one.

I realized that I can sound/tone healing and balance to people, places, plants and animals.

I realized that spirit is connected to everything, spirit is my life-force, spirit is connected to gnost.

I realized that I can channel my higher self into words that I then become conscious of.

I realized that I can access the Akashic Records easily by tuning to them, entering with honouring of ALL into that ‘space’ and then focusing on my questions and the answers that come.

I realized that to transform into a higher dimensional version of self I am, I have to release all of my stories about myself, every single one, and all of my identity, my definitions of self; this releases the ego-mind’s definitions of self which ego tries to protect and defend.

I realized that whenever I am out of joy and love, I can send love to the part of me that is not love, not joy.

I realized that when I am not in resonance with what I have previously created for myself, it is not a failure or a problem; it is a sign that I am now recreating my situation, experience, being in the world. And this is true for all of us; this is creation.

I realized that I spent so much time alone and on the land so that I could do what I came to this planet to do; I love the world.

I realized that when I am loving the world, I am God in the world; I bring that divine energy to the world. I realized that my love for the world has changed the world in ways both subtle and profound.

I realized that my creations are not created through my mind, but through some other aspect of my being.

I realized that the sounding takes me out of the 3D ego-mind completely, immediately and effortlessly.

I realized that I am an X of balance between light and dark in this universe and I have always been that here and it is of great service that I am that; this is part of my contribution as one from the 6th.

I realized that every moment, every mundane profane moment, I have been a divine being in service on this planet and this is true of every single being on this planet as well, every single one; in other words, the mundane and the profane are divine.

I realized that if you are not in acceptance of the now, you slip out of fifth dimensionality / Christ Consciousness. If you have fear, have resistance or opposition to what IS, then you slip out of that consciousness.

I realized that I have no desire for the separated self and no desire to have desire; I give myself to this ALL that I am.

I was 53 years and 6 months old.