Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Deepening our Sense of Purpose in Being Here

As I read an article in The Atlantic, I have been feeling into the question: What is the brain? 

The brain is how we bring our electro-magnetic mental being into our physical being, which is at this time still carbon based and chemical-physical. 

The endocrine and hormonal systems are how we bring our emotional being, which feels almost energetic to me, into our physical being. 

We use our mental and emotional sense, made ‘real’ to us in our physicality by the systems given above, to bring our energetic and crystalline being into our physical reality. 

As we bring our energetic being - which is multi-dimensional, subtle, etheric and eternal - into our physical reality, we bring unconditional love, the sense of ourselves as love incarnate, into the world of the physical and this is our true work at this time. 

This ‘realization’ of our mental, emotional, energetic, multi-dimensional, divine being in the physical world imbues and informs the physical world with divine love, unconditional love, compassion and the vast wisdom of non-judgment, non-resistance, surrender, faith, trust and flow. 

As I delve into this sense of how we are like lightning rods for the divine-we-are, catching it in all its subtlety and grounding it into the sacred ground of this planet, I feel more clear about the true purpose of our being here – both angel and ape – on this planet. 

The vast being that is this planet does not mind nearly as much as we think it does about pollution and destruction of habitats. We mind and we should; we have as part of our DNA sense of ourselves an idea of being stewards here. Indeed, this is written into the Holy Bible which informs a large part of the human collective. 

As I feel into what it means to be human, I get a sense of being of service to the vast All That Is, descending into physicality and forgetting our etheric essence of pure unconditional love so that we can experience the hell of separation from Source - from God if you choose to use this word and it is not inappropriate to do so. We do this as an act of profound service and as we rise in consciousness and become aware of our soul-selves, we complete the contract and reclaim our divinity, our Oneness with All That Is. 

The world heals itself; there is no limit to what can be and no separation from Source in the natural world. 

The pain and suffering are ours and are of our creation and serve to illuminate the All with the profound gift of compassion. 

What I am attempting to convey is deeper and broader than this in its totality, but for now, this gives a sense of it.