Friday, November 11, 2016

We Change the World

I have a compulsion to envision how we get from this – this world in which we currently find ourselves – to that – the Heaven on Earth which we hold in our hearts as some how possible. 

How? How do we get there from here?

Increasing compassion, acceptance, care for… and this is always one’s self and all others. When one has compassion for and acceptance of one’s self, one has these for all others as well. So, forgiveness.

And our past is released. We do this through our intention. 1000 years ago. Yesterday. All released. 

We move into compassion and love – self love, love of others… We forgive and release. 

As we in this way heal the hurts within, we also heal the hurts on Mother Earth – for there is no separation. We are not just these bodies, separate and individuated. We are Creator-Beings and what we feel ourselves to be, so the world will show itself to be to us. 

The world is our mirror. As we are now stressed, diseased, polluted with self-harm, so is the world. 

Feel this. This is the essence, now, of our shift into higher dimensional existence. As we are, so is our world, our society, the natural world and so on.

As we choose for ourselves – joy, health, wellness, abundance, inclusion, community… we give ourselves these experiences and we see these in our world.

So, this is how we get from this to that. 

If you would experience a world of peace, choose peace within yourself over and over again… peace with all people… peace with all that is. The same with tolerance, acceptance, love, compassion, health, wellness, relationships of sharing and so on. 

Feel the potential in this. We make the world. 

We’ve been doing this for the whole of our time on this planet, but now we do so with awareness, with much greater capacity for compassion and self-love and with intention and strength of will, clarity of purpose and a growing love for all that is.