Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Infinitely Wise, Loving and Brave


I felt within me to send a message to all of humanity. This message goes mainly to those whom we find to be destructive or dangerous.

“You who seem so shadowed, obstructive, evil and bedeviled – you are part of this beautiful creation. You are not separate, not apart from the wonder and love of this creation. You help us to do what we need to do.

Like an employer, friend, sibling or parent who triggers us to see within ourselves what needs to be seen, to be felt, accepted, loved unconditionally and released, you help humanity to see the larger structures and paradigms of ‘reality’ that need to be seen, to be felt, accepted, loved unconditionally and released.”

Breathing helps with all of this. Courage helps. The stubborn tension, resistance, contraction, fear, anger and anxiety – all of this is serving humanity at this time.

Many of us are either acting it out, or looking on with disbelief and incomprehension, shaking our heads and saying, “How can they be so blind, so obtuse?”

Yet, the response that moves us through and into a new world is one of acceptance and compassion.

Acceptance does not mean that we agree with the ones holding the signs, pushing and yelling. Acceptance does not mean that we agree with the riot police holding their batons as assault weapons, nor with the politicians and chiefs who order those police forces into the streets.

Compassion breathes with the full impact of it – the chaos, fear, anger, even rage.

We breathe in acceptance of the push and pull and ‘give me what’s mine and to hell with you, Jack.’

We breathe in witness of the suffering and fear that is always behind violence.

As The Course in Miracles teaches us, “All attack is a call for help.” And the help that is needed now is our compassionate acceptance that this is humanity and so this is us.

My message to everyone now is, “You are not apart, not separate. You are with us in this vast project of trauma and the clearing of trauma, of suffering and redemption. It is as large as this galaxy and it is ours and we are all heroes, all of us. We are together in this – even as we seem to hurl invective and insult at each other in the face of a seeming imminent collapse of all that gives us security, wellness and an ordered world.”

It feels like chaos and collapse. Let yourself feel it.

Let yourself feel the falling away of everything that you thought gave you solid ground on which to stand.

You are actually the creator of every reality you have ever known and you will not fall nor falter at this time.

The nightmare does end and the new day is one that you can make as lovely as you would have it be, for it is yours to create from the heart of you – the heart of humanity – which is infinitely wise, loving and brave.” 






Saturday, October 10, 2020

Witnessing the Storm


I sense that we are right in the thick of change and becoming on a societal level, a global collective level. I feel the collective. I feel our becoming. I feel how we have accomplished so much and yet there is no evidence in the physical for this. I just feel it.

I feel how we are creating energetically. I feel how we are processing emotionally. I came up with a metaphoric image for what we are experiencing now. I was thinking that it is like the flash, crash and clang of a great storm, but at a distance. I saw a person sitting on a hillside, looking out across a wide valley and seeing a huge storm in the distance – all the thunder and lightning, the drama of it, the beauty of it. You can’t look away; it is fascinating, dramatic and powerful, ever changing and yet has a progression to it that seems to be inexorable.

And as that person sits there, it could be me or you or anyone who is awake and aware, they know that it does not threaten them directly, that its path draws it along the range of hills across the wide valley. There is no fear or need in them as they watch the show and yet... and yet.

It is so compelling! This is how I feel as I watch the show of American democracy falling in upon itself, embattled, eroded from within and below as we watch, as we listen and learn and feel. American democracy is such a symbol in the world. And the whole world is watching.

But this is not the only show going on right now. The UN approaches irrelevance. The European Union grapples with its own deep contradictions and paradox. The bullies and the brave who stand up to them are everywhere in the news these days. There is drama everywhere.

We see women and their strength and their heart-breaking vulnerabilities and the Earth itself, its beauty and its eco-systems and their vulnerabilities, their destruction as we watch. All of it calls on us to breathe with the emotions and to allow ourselves to feel.

This is important, this feeling. It is what we are here for. It is through our feeling that we grow, become and create. And it is through our faith, trust, surrender and flow (as Archangel Gabriel tells us) that we enable ourselves to create a higher vibrational being within us and in our world. As within, so without.

Create peace within yourself and you will see peace in your world. Create wellness and beauty in your heart and you will find yourself surrounded by wellness and beauty.

We are magical. We are creating all the time. The only question is: What are we creating?

And the answer lies in our will, our heart-based courage to feel what is in us to be felt so that we might then release it with love and move on to choose frequencies of health, wellness, peace, joy, integrity, and respect for all, blessings to all and so on and so on.

We can do this. We are doing this.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Imagine Now a World of Peace for All

When I was a child, I believed in fairness, kindness and sharing. My heart was open and loving. I loved to give and to receive and to be kind to everyone. That child of love and grace slowly and reluctantly, grieving, learned to hide.
I remember when something happened among the children, many older than I was, who thronged in the wildness of the island where I spent my summers. Something happened that felt wrong to me as it was not kind, not sweet or caring. I remember telling my mother that I was sad and didn’t understand and I remember my mother telling me, “Life isn’t fair.”
I remember feeling devastated by this, as if a darkness, a smothering cloud of toxicity, had descended upon my safe world of wellness and joy.
Much later, as a young adult, I believed, because I chose to believe, that we could solve the world’s problems and end humanity’s suffering by our choices, by our wisdom. I remember my college educated and passionate self coming up hard against my father’s cynicism and world-weary ‘realism.’ I remember that he called me an ‘idealistic fool.’ 
I never relinquished my dreams and visions for humanity; they are in me still. And now, in 2020, in my sixty-second year, I feel a shift and it excites me and fills me with enthusiasm and joy.
Something fundamental to our being here on this Earth has shifted. Kindness, sharing, justice, fairness, co-operation, collaboration, open-hearted listening – these are all in the consciousness of humanity now. The concept of compassion is being felt, discussed, framed, known. I have focused my attention on compassion for over twenty years and I have never heard the word used so much as I have heard it used in the past three months. It’s here, now, that we who love and believe in humanity can fully access and joyfully amplify our ideals for all to live in peace, sharing, kindness, fairness and justice.
I just keep saying that word because it is pushing through me to be said.
Imagine now this world of peace for all.
We can and are doing this now. It has never felt like this before, the sudden legitimization of all of my hopes and dreams, ideals and ideas for humanity. It is as if that darkness, that cloud of toxicity, were being blown away, chased away by light and love and caring, community, sharing, kindness, respect for all, fairness and justice, peace and open hands and open hearts.
I know we see much that is deeply unfair and unjust and ugly and hateful in our world right now. I see it every day. But I feel this emergence coming up from underneath and coming through from all around and coming with our voices and our helping hands and our smiling, our bravery. I know that this is different, this time is different.
If I am wrong, you who call yourselves realists and cynics can laugh and laugh while I sigh and cry. But I don’t think I’m wrong. I don’t think so.
And what does that mean?
If the world of peace and justice for all is upon us, is being created by us, finally, conclusively, right now amidst the remnants of the unfairness and the violence that have oppressed us for millennia, what does that mean for us?
I feel euphoria, excitement, celebration, joy and gladness.
For the world, I feel such gratitude and affirmation of everything I have ever believed and known as my truth. Energy flows out from the palms of my hands and as I write this, I have to stop to open the palms of my hands upward, to send the energy out from them.
Imagine if everyone loved to share with everyone else.
Imagine if our joy was to see others safe and well. Not just family – everyone.
Imagine if we were in love with justice and filled with peace.
What would our world look like?
We are becoming that!
All appearances to the contrary, dear fellow humans, we are becoming that. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A Joyful Vision for Human-Kind

As I walked the forest trail this morning, I began to feel into a new becoming of humanity. 
It begins as we feel our own being as inherently valid and valued. 
We then embrace the diverse mosaic of humanity. 
We don’t merely tolerate our differences, we celebrate them. 
I see this everywhere in the world and have been watching it grow for years. Now, it overflows from all over the planet and encourages all of us to feel the joy and the strength of our diversity. 
I see the depth of complexity and diversity of the human race as a wealth that we now consciously begin to explore and enjoy. 
I see the ‘yes and’ celebration of our differences as a positive way forward for all of us. 
People, in their diverse cultures, with their diverse languages and ways of seeing the world, organizing their societies, accessing their connection to the divine Source of All That Is, have solutions for all of us, gifts to bring to the table of human accomplishment and inspiration. People in Saudi Arabia have solutions. People in China have solutions. People in India and Iceland and Peru have solutions. These solutions, this beautiful stream of ideas and ways of doing things, are what lead us to a better world, cleaner, healthier, more peaceful for all of us, more sustainable and sane and pleasant for us to live in. 
I’ve been watching us grow more accepting of each other since I was a child in the 1960’s. In the past two decades, this growing acceptance of differences has strengthened and brought me a great sense of hope for humanity. I now see this hope being fulfilled in my lifetime. 
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has always been, since it was created in 1948, an aspirational document, a statement of our vision for humanity. This doesn’t mean that we can never achieve what is offered there for all of us to feel as our own. I believe that we can and we will. 
As we value each other, each individual in all of their being, we add to humanity’s joy in being a diverse celebration of individuality and diversity. We celebrate and value the experiences of the strong, the weak, the able and disabled, the rich and the poor, the servers and the ones served, the symphony of our various languages and worldviews, the beliefs and practices of everyone – as long as no one is harmed. 
We embrace the myriad ways we have found to love ourselves and others. We delight in the diverse ways our fellow humans have created to have a family. 
We embrace the beauty of our human family in all of its colours, seeing beauty in every face, honouring and respecting every single human being on this blessed planet. 
Imagine the feeling of coming home to this embrace – for all of us. Imagine the planet-wide joy inherent in this celebration of the diverse mosaic of human-kind. 
We’ve never done this before. We’re doing it now. 
It begins with each of us honouring our own individuality. It moves from there to welcoming the individuality of every other human being with whom we come into contact. It then extends to a celebration of humanity’s depth and breadth of diversity and difference as a strength, an incalculable asset. 
We feel connected to our fellow humans, seeing allies everywhere, as we understand our common cause at this time, which is our planet, our home in this galaxy, in the void of space. 
Always we have the invitation, all of us, to center ourselves in our hearts, to find there the love and wisdom that are in every human heart, to connect within ourselves with the heart of humanity which holds peace and compassion.
Imagine the joy we will see in the faces around us and all over our world as we celebrate together our differences, our diversity, our individual beauty and our shared sense of purpose at this time. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Message to those of Resistance, Protest and Strife

I sent a message to humanity as I walked along the trail: “You who seem so shadowed, obstructive, evil and bedeviled – you are part of this beautiful creation. You are not separate, not apart from the wonder and love of this creation. You help us to do what we need to do.

Like an employer, friend, sibling or parent who triggers us to see within ourselves what needs to be seen and felt, accepted, loved unconditionally and released, you help humanity to see the larger structures and paradigms of ‘reality’ that need to be seen and felt, accepted, loved unconditionally and released.”

Breathing helps with all of this. Courage helps. The stubborn tension, resistance, contraction, fear, anger, anxiety and so on – all of this is serving humanity at this time. So many of us are either acting it out, or looking on with disbelief and incomprehension, shaking our heads and saying, “How can they be so blind, so obtuse?” Yet, the response that moves us through and into a new world is one of acceptance and compassion.

Acceptance does not mean that we agree with the ones holding the signs and pushing and yelling. Acceptance does not mean that we agree with the riot police holding their batons as assault weapons, nor with the politicians and chiefs who order those police forces into the streets. Compassion breathes with the full impact of it – the chaos, fear, anger, even rage.

We breathe in acceptance of the push and pull and ‘give me what’s mine and to hell with you, Jack.’ We breathe in witness of the suffering and fear that is always behind violence. As A Course in Miracles teaches us, “All attack is a call for help.” And the help we can offer is our compassionate acceptance that this is humanity and so this is us.

My message now is this: “You are not apart, not separate. You are with us in this vast project of trauma and the clearing of trauma, of suffering and redemption. It is as large as this galaxy and it is ours and we are all heroes, all of us. We are together in this – even as we seem to hurl invective and insult at each other in the face of seeming imminent collapse of all that gives us security, wellness and an ordered world.

It feels like chaos and collapse. Let yourself feel it. Let yourself feel the falling away of everything that you thought gave you solid ground on which to stand. You are actually the creator of every reality you have ever known and you will not fall nor falter at this time. The nightmare does end and the new day is one that you can make as lovely as you would have it be, for it is yours to create from the heart of you – the heart of humanity – which is infinitely wise, loving and brave.” 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Heal Yourself and Your World

I hiked in a blue and gold morning, the distance pastel green, gold and purple. As I came down the mountain, I felt into the human collective – our human family. I felt a tremendous need for healing. It felt like a pressure, like someone crying out.
It is not only physical healing that we yearn for at this time of the pandemic, it is emotional healing, soul healing.
I can feel a deep and terrible need for healing of grief and almost unbearable guilt at what we are and what we have done to our beautiful planet and to each other. I can feel a need for healing of our rage and sense of loss and sense of being oppressed, victimized and wronged as well.
Choose healing for yourself and for your nation. Choose wellness. Choose peace. Deeply, within your heart, you have all the healing potential that you need at this time.
As you choose healing, as you breathe it in, go into your heart – focus there. A vast well of healing is available to you.
This changes everything, this move to heal. Healing hurt and wrong means letting go of the pain of it. It means forgiveness. It means release. Breathe into that sense of release. 
It is profoundly transforming. It makes the impossible, possible. It rights centuries of wrongs and liberates you and your loved ones from suffering. For, of course, those who love you and care for you suffer as you suffer.
This call to release, to forgive, to accept the healing energies that well up from the very ground under your feet is sounding in Nature now. Go into your heart as you turn to Nature. Even a city park or tree will give you this healing potential now.
This transforms our world. This remakes us – if we allow it, if we can let go of the pain we feel, the fear, the guilt, the anger.
Choose peace. You shall have it.
You will feel better.
You will heal yourself and your world. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Everything is Possible

As I walked this morning, I sent out the energy of, "This world is always changing, past and present and future. We change it. This world is magical and miraculous. We make it what we will have it be. Everything is possible. We are the creators."

I was sending this out from my hands and my heart. 

"We are in a ‘matrix’ and we are the creators of that matrix. We are not stuck or limited or victims in any way." 

Then I began to see the undoing of wrongs, wrongs against whole vast populations on this planet. 

I began to see redemption, restitution, reconciliation. 

I began to see vast waves of forgiveness and outbreaks of peace. 

This is powerful stuff. I could feel it. I can feel it now, albeit less clearly than when I was out of doors. 

I am this and so are you. 

We are this transformation of the world. 

We change the timelines stretching back into the distant past and extending out into the shining future and we do this here and now in the perfection of the present moment and all of its transformative power. 

We do this through forgiveness, love and compassion. 

We do this with our breath and with our intention and with our inspired vision of a peaceful Earth and a humanity healed and whole.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Heart of Humanity

I've been feeling into something wonderful that I would like to share with you. 

I'm going to do my best to take you there with me, so take a deep breath and let yourself follow where I lead.

We all have access now to the collective consciousness of humanity. As you breathe, feel this collective consciousness. This is humanity's knowing, our trends towards and away from, humanity's ideas, feelings and responses to what is happening globally. 

I've been accessing this for years now and, of course, as we access this collective consciousness, we can bring ideas and information to it as easily as we take ideas and information from it. Feel this flow as you breathe. Feel this back and forth and give and take.

But there is another aspect of our collective being that I would like to share with you. 

Take yourself down from the collective consciousness of humanity into the heart of humanity. 

Again, breathe.

And as you breathe go into your own heart and into the heart of humanity. 

The first time I did this, I was amazed. 

It's different here in the heart of humanity than it is in the 'head' of humanity, the collective consciousness of humanity. 

It's much more quiet. It's more loving. There is no blame or shame, no wrong that is not loved and included in the whole. 

There's a vast pool of compassion here and of inclusion, belonging, togetherness. 

The more I access this heart of humanity, the more peaceful I feel within myself and the more peaceful I feel as part of the human collective, the vast loving heart of us - here now together. 

I feel like this space is a sacred space that we can begin now to access, to breathe into, to call to, to dwell with and to dwell in. 

I'm not saying that there are not problems, dismay, discouragement here on our Earth, on our planet, within our collective being. I feel it within me as well. 

Yet when I go to the heart of humanity - this collective place of wisdom, peace and love - I feel completely trusting of and trusting for and trusting with all of us. 

It all becomes do-able. We've got this. We're okay. 

So, I invite you to feel it and to share it with others. 

And I offer an image from my photography to perhaps inspire you to breathe into the heart of humanity.