Monday, February 28, 2011

Being Heard

A number of experiences that I gave to myself over the weekend just past have brought me to the subject of today's post.

The first experience was listening to a song written and performed by a French-Canadian group called Harmonium who were active in the 1970's. It has been some time since I listened to this particular CD, although it is one I always enjoy. One line from one of the songs really stood out for me this weekend: "On a mis quelqu'un au monde, on devrais peut-etre l'ecouter." Translated into English this means, "We brought someone into this world, we should perhaps listen to him or her."

On Sunday morning, I wrote a testimonial of my beliefs and conviction about the times we are living in and what they might mean for those of the Christian faith. It was a passionate appeal to those who look to One outside of themselves for their salvation, to look again, and this time, to look within and see the Christ consciousness as a potential, an incredibly beautiful and powerful potential, within them. I asked a Christian friend if she would do me the honour of reading it, of 'listening' through the text to what I had to say. She emailed me back almost immediately indicating that she would, so I sent the text to her.

On Sunday afternoon, I sat with a woman who is becoming my friend and listened as I love to, with all of myself, to her descriptions of her life experiences and her feelings about them. And as I listened to her, I also was able to hear my own insights into her experiences and to offer them to her. She chose to hear what I had to say about some of her experiences, some which had brought sadness and confusion to her. She later told me that my insights had resonated with her, had brought some new understanding to her of why certain things had happened in the ways that they had happened. She appreciated the depth of my listening, my hearing her. I appreciated the depth of her listening to what I had to say, to her hearing me.

On Sunday evening, I spoke over the telephone to the woman who had agreed to read my testimonial presenting my beliefs and convictions about the times we are living through as they pertain to Christians. It very quickly became apparent to me that although she had read the words, she had not 'heard' them. They hit a wall of 'this is the way it is because this is the way it is.' I felt unheard, my wisdom unacknowledged. In fact, she implied that I was blind to the truth and that I might find my way to it eventually.

I was very sad about this. I felt unheard and I realized that I have often felt unheard in my life, that I have given myself over and over again the experience of feeling unheard. And I have this to say: We should listen to each other, now more than ever. We should listen to each other and we should assume that we each are speaking profound truths and great wisdom. We should do this. We should do this now.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Embodiment of Unity Consciousness

Okay, friends. This is another fairly dense packet of information coming at you because, frankly, that is where I am at today. Take a deep breath, and dive in.

In the past, many of us have sought to transcend the physical and somehow go beyond it. We put our excellence, the grandness of our being, outside of our bodies. It is within the body that it exists, and it is the body, in its innate wisdom and knowing, that can guide us to the metaphoric heights we have chosen to ascend.  

We are exploring and experiencing unity consciousness from within the physical body and the energetic, emotional and mind bodies. We are not leaving behind the physical body or the mind / ego, or the lower emotional states as we do this; we are incorporating unity consciousness within our bodies and our feelings and our Being here on this Earth.

Look to your body's experience of being in the world. You naturally shift your consciousness from the individual embodied Self that you are in the world of form and the All-That-Is/Larger Self that you are as soul-self. You do this time and time again, unconsciously for the most part, and effortlessly. Your body is a joyous participant in this process. There is nothing 'less than' about the body. It is a miracle of being incarnate as consciousness in the world of form. It is a gift of magnificent proportions to All-That-Is as it experiences moments consciously. The more conscious you are of the gift that you give through your being in the world, the more personal and intentional the gift becomes.

Love your body, celebrate the fact that you are in a body. Thank your body for its being and becoming. Breathe in love of life and gratitude for each moment. Breathe out joy in simply being.

Unity consciousness is not something outside of us which we need to find; it is within us and waiting for us to seek it there and to make room for it in our busy lives and crowded consciousness. It is not something to which we 'escape' from this world. Rather, it is something that we bring to this world through the conduit of our presence here in physicality. Take a deep breath as you let this sink in.

And there is more truth for me to share with you this morning.

Each of us brings an individual and infinitely precious hue or radiance to unity consciousness. Your contribution is unique and informs the Whole of it. You do not 'take from' unity consciousness, rather, you give to it of your consciousness, individuated and inimitable. You inform it. You incorporate it within your being.

You embody unity consciousness and any person who comes near you partakes of your consciousness stream whether they speak to you or not, whether you speak to them or not, whether they are consciously aware of you or not... This is what we are doing here; we are sharing All that we are with All-That-Is.

Breathe and feel. Breathe and feel your being in the world as a gift to ALL.

When you feel that wave of Oneness washing over you and through you and out from you in all directions simultaneously, know that you inform the Oneness through your experience of it. Know also that the gift you give is good and true and lovingly received by ALL.

And so it is.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Exploring and Experiencing Unity Consciousness

Once again I invite you to journey through my words to a place beyond words.

The first time I experienced unity consciousness, I was walking in the forest on a trail at Warwick County Park in Chester County, Pennsylvania. It was a beautiful day and I was in heaven on Earth as I walked along. My thoughts were full of joy, wonder and amazement at this journey in time and space that all of we humans are on. Suddenly I was confronted by a realization of unity with all other human beings in a sort of wave of Oneness that flowed out from where I stood on the hillside. I was in awe of all of these humans being. I was in honour of each and every one of them, although I was only aware of the collective of our consciousness of being.

Since that day, years ago now, I have experienced a similar sensation many times. The sense of it has expanded beyond human consciousness into all that exists in the world. It always feels like a wave or flood of being, pulsing in spherical infinity. It always feels a bit crowded, close might be a better word, but also peaceful and harmonious. It always feels as if it is expanding outward and lately it also feels as if it is flowing inward, toward my heart, as well - sort of like breathing out and then inevitably breathing in.

It is being One with. It is not an experience of Oneness by one who is not part of the Oneness. It is being the Oneness. Perhaps that is why it feels like a flood or wave. It takes over my being when I experience it, so that there is nothing which is not me and nothing that is not also everything else all at the same time. Yet, a fraction of a second later, I AM conscious of myself having been of the Oneness. Perhaps there will come a time when I can somehow combine self-individuated consciousness with unity consciousness, but up until now I have not experienced that.

When I experience unity consciousness, there is no possibility of experiencing any need, desire, want, lack, hunger. Can you understand what I mean? In unity with ALL, there is nothing that is not part of the Oneness. There can not even be the shadow of an outline of wanting. Thus there is a sensation of total peace with ALL-That-Is.

Where does this unity consciousness reside? How can you experience unity consciousness if you have not already done so?

Well, I'm no expert on the subject, but I believe that when we center ourselves in the heart and open the heart to the world with no judgement, with total acceptance, with unreserved love, we bring ourselves closer and closer to the experience of unity consciousness.

I also believe that our soul-selves are always in unity consciousness, as are the plants, trees, rocks and animals of the natural world that surrounds us. I read yesterday that the word 'nature' comes from a latin root word meaning to be born. So the natural world is continuously being born, becoming itself in an unfolding of life force energy, of love of being alive. It is such a beautiful impetus to being and becoming!

So, as we spend time in the natural world, in loving witness to its continuously becoming is-ness, and as we connect more and more with our soul-selves, we also invite unity consciousness into our experience.

The word consciousness can be misleading. We tend to situate consciousness in our heads. This is not of the head. This is not of words or thoughts. This is of the heart and of the soul. It is beyond all words. Even the little words that I have used above to try to describe it to you are nothing in comparison to the experience itself.

Having experienced unity conciousness, we can no longer understand death or life as we have previously. We are beyond many of the constructs of human understanding of what it means to be in the world, of what it means to be an individuated self in the world. This is exciting, but it can also be disorienting. And we're not running a race here. Take your time and feel your way into it. Explore and experience unity consciousness. It partakes of the unconditional love that is of the ALL. It will change you irrevocably, if it has not already done so.

Bon voyage!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Power of Water

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we are made largely of water. Babies are about 90% water. Children are about 80% water and adults are about 70% water.

Not only are we made largely of water, but water informs us, carrying hormones, glandular secretions, nutrients, wastes and more subtle substances to and through every cell of which we are comprised. And water, as we now know, actually changes its formation as it is informed by energies as subtle as thought and feeling. Way cool.

Water replicates information. Your beliefs, feelings, expectations and knowing exist as energetic structures and they are carried throughout your biology and replicated by water. As you internalize a belief or idea, it travels through your entire body and is endlessly replicated by the water within you. Ultimately, you and your experience become the living embodiment of this belief or idea.

This is a natural and ongoing process. It is happening all the time. So, the belief that you are healthy and that you never catch colds informs your biology actually and literally. The belief that life is joyful and effortless informs my biology and creates my experience of the world.

Only in your reorientation to what is not, do you prevent this from happening. Every thought and feeling informs the water of which you are comprised. So every time that you change your mind, you change your reality. You are constantly creating. Are you creating consciously and consistently, or are you constantly creating something else?

It is as if you threw one rock into the pool and watched it ripple out and its vibrations take over the previously still surface and inform the entire body of water. But then, you threw another in a different spot and then another after that. So there was interference of all kinds and the clarity of your original creative intention was not only diminished, but actually incapable of replication and embodiment due to the subsequent conflicting energy waves that rippled out upon the body of water which is the pool of your experience in three dimensional reality.

Don't throw intention after intention, choice after choice, into the timeless pool of energetic potential which informs your experience of being in the world. It is challenging to learn focus and faith, consistency and cohesion, yet that is the whole point. If it were easy, it wouldn't be nearly so much fun when you get it right. And we go further now, in any case, as we enter into this time of unprecedented change. We begin to work much more directly with our own energetic state and freqency. We become the rock, the hand that throws, the pool itself and the waves of energy playing upon its surface.

So if you would become a conscious co-creator in 2011, look to your own frequency, your own vibration and feeling. Monitor that and observe its fluctuations, its feel and colour. Mimic water's mutability.

Notice water. Notice how it reflects, takes on and enhances colours, how it effortlessly permeates everything, how it flows and transforms itself into gas, back into liquid, then to solid ice and back to liquid and gas again. Feel its joy by feeling into its unique molecular structure and chemical composition - not through the mind, but through your intuitive knowing, your heart center of feeling, your divine sense of things beyond words.

We experience more and more of what we actually are. We become more and more what we intentionally position ourselves energetically to be. So practice being the rock and the hand that tosses it, the choice, the intention and the vibration itself, rippling out energetically and playing in the world of form. Inform your own vibration. Raise your frequency. It comes easily enough through intention, through the breath, through centering yourself in the heart and finding the unconditional love that resides there.

If you would experience abundance, fill yourself with the feeling of abundance, its energy, its joy. That is all. Be that and go about your day being that. If you would experience balance in your body, or good luck, fill yourself with the feeling of balance, the feeling of good luck. Be that and go about your day being that.

Practice consistency in your vibration. To do that you will need to become more and more self-referent, self-centered. Otherwise other people's energetic vibrations will influence your own. So practice and play with it. It can't hurt and it has a very real potential to help.

Play with the power of water. Mimic its joyfulness. Be the self you wish to be in the world. It is time for this now.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Always in Love

Eternity is in love with the creations of time. Oh! I love that notion! I read it somewhere and now can't find the source quotation, so can't give credit where credit is due. And I've probably got it just slightly off of the original phrasing, but I think you can grasp the rich, deep meaning of it.

Eternity is in love with the creations of time. We are not little just because we are small, not small just because we are little.

Here is a quote from a channelled message from Archangel Michael: "To be given form and focus is the great joy of All-That-Is..."

This is what we are doing here, you see. We are God being in the world. We are that which is ALL being not everything at once. We are giving God form and focus through our being. And we are beloved for our service in this way. We are so very loved for being not All-That-Is even as we are and always have been All-That-Is.

Eternity is in love with the creations of time. Our greatest service is provided in the here and now of the present moment. That focus, that point of presence, is our gift to the All-That-Is. And when you feel this, when you feel the enormity of the service which you render to the Absolute, to the ALL, to That-Which-Cannot-Be-Named because it is so much the ALLness of ALL, you know your true worth and purpose here. Then your love for your own sacred self expands to encompass all that you are. And from that moment on, you can no longer entertain a sense of yourself as being less than the most joyful, radiant, brave, honoured, delighted, delighting, self being in the world in some sort of miracle of not-being ALL that you truly are.

Water Is

Water is the most joyful
substance on Earth.

A fragment
of the purest water
is always water,
even as it transpires, evaporates, rises, cools, expands,
is joined by other
pure fragments of water,
turns purple-blue and storm-cloud grey,
rains down on waiting leaves,
sluices through undergrowth, and finds its beloved Earth again
then streams down, always down,
until salts penetrate its purity
and then again
the evaporation and the rising and the transformation
again and again.
And always in love and always joyful.

Even when it doesn't know exactly what it is or why,
water is a fragment of something so glorious,
even muddied
it is
always in love and always joyful.

We are made up largely of water, infused with energy and intentionality, intelligence and awareness. We are individuated pieces of the divine essence of ALL-That-Is. We are always in service to the ALL, whether we remember this, or not. And our service is in our being, not in our doing. It is through the simple fact that we are here being in the Now, no matter what is happening around us, no matter what we are doing, that we provide form and focus, creations of time, to that which is Eternal, to that which is the ALL.

Fragments of the divine we are, fragments of the divine, always in love.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Endless, Effortless Bliss

I live in the beautiful countryside southeast of Montreal. The Green Mountains of Vermont press themselves lovingly over the human defined border between the United States and Canada as if it were nothing but a line on a map. Those vast masses of rock and earth are so unconcerned with our boundaries and borders. (Smile)

City-dwellers flood our little village every weekend. The local people tend to do their shopping and errands on weekdays so as to avoid the crowds of city folk who bring their money and enthusiasm to our little boutiques and restaurants and to the ski resort on the north side of Mount Sutton.

This weekend, I drove down the expressway to Montreal to visit friends, do some serious shopping and see my dentist for a cleaning and check-up.

There is nothing quite like the city of Montreal in the month of February. The sky was pale blue, almost white and then later turned a steely grey. The wind was bitterly cold and the pot-holes were deep and numerous. Piles of brown-grey snow lay everywhere. The buildings and roads and sidewalks all looked the same brown-grey. The traffic was continous and pressing. The air was dry and dusty, blown into eyes and hair by the strong wind. Trash and litter, strewn across streets and sidewalks, was blown by the wind into corners and across the street in front of my car as I drove from one place to another. No music played on the car radio - I had lost contact with my favourite radio station, which is in Vermont and plays lovely classical and baroque music commercial free. Oh, how bleak a scene was this?

I drove the Decarie Expressway, Sherbrooke Street and DeMaisonneuve. I waited at endless traffic lights and merged into countless lanes as I crisscrossed the city, trying to fit into one day what would normally be done in three. I could not even begin to remove the smile from my face. I was in heaven on Earth, dear friends. I was in heaven on Earth.

I passed the dump truck test easily. There was a double dump truck filled with dirty snow and road grease, coughing smoke into the city air and roaring just beside me as I sat waiting for the light to change. I loved it unreservedly and enthusiastically. I loved the noisy drill-like tool that my dentist used to super-clean my teeth. I loved the sound of the X-ray machine that she used also. I loved the sidewalks and the cars and their drivers, and the pedestrians scurrying under the bitter wind. I loved the long line at the check-out area of Ikea. I loved the mini-van that cut me off as I tried to get across four lanes of inner city traffic to make the turn onto Jean Talon. I loved it all and couldn't get out of the blissful state that I was in even if I had wanted to.

I suppose that it is the breathing of total acceptance which brings me to this, or perhaps it is the experience day after day of joy and gratitude. Perhaps it is the constant centering of myself in my heart and the way that peace comes in and sets up its own bliss factory right inside of me. Whatever it is, I rejoice. I had been uncertain of how visiting the city would be for me. I spent time with two dear friends, which was wonderful, but I was not at all sure that I would be able to easily maneuvre my forested self through the streets of the city.

Endless, effortless bliss was my experience of the past two and a half days. I slept less than usual and was very tired by Sunday evening, once again tucked into my quiet home on the mountainside, but the joy was strong within me through all of my moments, through all of the comings and goings of these very busy days.

Endless, effortless bliss is my sense of self being in the world wanting for nothing, lacking nothing, trusting completely in the energetic dance of self with world. Endless, effortless bliss is my experience lately. Take a deep breath. Can you feel it as I do?


Friday, February 18, 2011

Intentional Becoming

Take a deep breath.

I can remember a time when I had to really work at it to enter into an Alpha state, a truly meditative state transcending the normal functioning of the mind in wakefulness. Do you recall such a time?

Now, I can put myself there so easily and immediately that I have to be careful NOT to be there when I am driving, walking down the aisles in the grocery store (other people, other grocery carts), or figuring out my tax returns. The other day I was trying to figure out the change in my hand in relation to the amount needed by the cashier and I got into a muddle. I used to teach maths and arithmetic and have always been good with numbers. I ended up just handing her a twenty and saying, "Sorry to be so slow; I'm barely here today." And I really meant it; I was barely present in my body on this beloved Earth.

Do you remember being taken to task for 'daydreaming?' Oh, my goodness. My old grade school teachers would have a terrible time with the me that I am currently being. I'm off in the etheric realms often during the course of the day. And when I speak of it to others, they tell me that they are also. And all over the internet I find the words channelled through human beings as they are in trance, in that Alpha state, in a daydream of channelling their higher selves, the unseens on the other side of the veil who have much to share with us in light and love.

What I am trying to say is that it is different now than it has been. Last night, lying awake at 3:00 am, I felt an expansiveness deep within me where before had been a smallness, a huddled Self. Where before I felt the need to hide from the World, I now feel free rein to BE who I truly AM. There is an expansion within me where there used to be a contraction. It feels wonderful.

This expansive propensity to fly off into the etheric realms can be balanced by regular exercise used intentionally to bring myself back into my body. Yoga works well for me in this way. I love to dance and walk the land as well and doing these things consciously can bring me back into the world and into my body, fully present in the human being a Self experiencing the Now. That's what we're doing here, after all. It's not about getting away. It's about being fully present. For some reason, doing the dishes has a wonderfully grounding effect on me. It has something to do with the simplicity of the action and the flow of water over my skin. Needless to say, my kitchen is very clean and tidy most of the time.

We are moving more and more into awareness of Unity as a field of being of which we are a part. This is,  for me, the ALLness of my being in the world. We are becoming more and more conscious of ALL that we are. The effortless turning into the consciousness of non-verbal beingness, the alpha state of the deeply meditative mind, is only one aspect of our being. There is also the stretch of muscle and the play of light and shadow and the emotions that come up in us, move through us, are released.

Through the breath, the breathing, we expand our consciousness to include that exalted state of consciousness that knows the ALL. This is our divine knowing. Through the peace engendered in us by this divine knowing we embody compassion. We are becoming something more than we have ever been and it isn't just you and I who are doing this; it is global.

We are going through a change the likes of which we humans have never known before. It is momentous! I choose to do this intentionally and consciously. Otherwise, I would feel like a spectator at the greatest show in the Universe with eyes closed and ears muffled. What would be the point of that?

We are becoming something different than we have been, individually and collectively. I am intentionally becoming the expanded Self that I sensed deep within me at 3 o'clock in the morning. To do this, I am using, among other things, intentional breathing and intentional movement to bring me fully into my body. I am joyful in this. It feels as if I have been waiting all of my life for these days of unprecedented change to come upon us.    

Sing in the change that we would become. Intend and expand into your intention through your breath.

Breathe and feel.

Feel and know.

Know and become.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unnecessary Burdens

I received another gem of wisdom from my friend Ina Hutse a couple of days ago and she has given me permission to share it with you here.

Before I do, I want to preface her insight by saying that almost everyone with whom I speak tells me about a person or persons in their life who are negative, depressed, self-sabotaging or unhealthy in habits and ways of seeing the world. I can relate to this because I have someone in my life of whom I would say the same. Last night, sharing a meal with a friend and talking about this, I realized that I was actually feeling guilty because I am not unhappy. I was feeling guilty because I am happy and at peace in myself. How messed up is that?

I have written here about knowing what is our own and what is really other people's to experience, but I was referring to emotion states like fear or anxiety, sadness or joy, not to ways of being day after day after day, not to guilt about being free of fear instead of being worn down by it. Phew!

Ina had, like so many of us, experienced something similar in her life and was feeling somewhat guilty about NOT bearing the burdens that this person in her life was shouldering. And that is the primary image of this insight; we literally bear the burdens that are not our own, allowing a weight to press down upon our shoulders because otherwise we feel too free, too light in our being.

This is what Ina's inner guide had to say to her, paraphrased by me because Ina translated it from the Dutch language through which it came to her.

"Dear one, don't be so hard on yourself, don't be so intransigent. Allow the love, life and energy, the I AM presence of the divine consciousness that you feel in your heart. Allow it to flow, to evolve, to develop. Let it come out. Don't hold back because you are afraid. Believe in yourself and have the will to give to yourself. Allow 'it' to come to you, whatever wonderful thing 'it' might be.
There's no need for guilt or shame. You are not responsible for what others take upon their shoulders. They choose this for themselves and it certainly is not your responsibility to carry it for them. You take very little weight upon your shoulders and this makes you feel guilty; how can you walk so lightly loaded beside one who carries so much? Yet that is not your responsibility! You don't have to take it from them and make your experience more difficult for yourself! You can choose to go forward shaking off everything that is not yours, and carrying only what is your own. 
You take responsibility for yourself and let others take responsibility for themselves. Allow this - this road, this potential - for it is not your responsibility."

When Ina spoke to me of this, it really rang my bells of resonance. Oh! I could feel the weight that I have been carrying of someone else's burden. Yet, when we love someone, shouldn't we help them to bear the load?

Ina offers more on this. She writes: "I had to do my time, go through this learning process to get here and that's how it is for everybody else too. I don't have to go and take their load off because that's no use, because they will choose something else to carry instead, because that's where they are."

And that has been my experience with the people around me who seem to be grinding their gears on a steep and rocky road, carrying burdens as well, and generally making their own lives incredibly difficult for themselves. No matter how many 'outs' seem obvious to me, how many alternatives, potential solutions, ways forward that are not grim and horrible, the grinding gears continue to strive on the steep and rocky road. It's not at all easy to witness this seemingly unnecessary struggle. Yet I can understand that part of honouring the path and choices of another is honouring the choices that they make that seem self-sabotaging and counter-productive. So, acceptance of the suffering of another is a big step forward, although it sounds horrible to say it, or even to think it.

I have been practicing not minding what others are thinking, feeling, experiencing. It feels incredibly selfish, yet I am practicing this because the alternative is to mire myself right there along with them. Ina wrote: "I have to realise that I don't have to struggle because others do, or feel guilty that I am not struggling!" And that sums it all up beautifully for me, although I'm still breathing deeply and intentionally to release the feelings of guilt. That's how deep they go. Deep.

It has been spoken of in the past decade or so, that there will be two worlds. Not in the sense of a physical separation, but in the sense that one person's experience of the world will be so vastly different than another person's experience that it will be as if they life in two different worlds even if they are standing right beside one another. And that is how this feels to me. I am living in heaven on Earth most of the time and I know people who are experiencing a sort of misery of hell on Earth. And the difficult part is that I can't get them out. Only they can get themselves out. If I feel guilty enough, I'll join them there. I'll leave my heaven on Earth experience and join them in their hell on Earth.


I really don't choose to go there. I've never been fond of the concept of martyrdom. So, I tell myself to release the guilt and shed the burden. I love Ina's image of the unburdened shoulders because it is so tangible; I can feel it and move myself into that lightness.

If you are experiencing something similar to this, I hope that Ina's words enlighten you as they have enlightened me.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God's Love, God's Light

Are you feeling it?

I keep seeing these numbers on clocks. 4:44 and 5:55 and 3:33, and of course, for years now, 11:11.

33 is the number of Christ consciousness. I feel it within me these days. I can no longer pretend that it isn't there or that it is only momentary. It is becoming the way that I AM, the way that I live in the world. It is affecting how I behave and feel in the world as well.

I find it increasingly difficult to mind about anything that happens, as mentioned yesterday, or to desire anything specific. Sometimes I can't find it in me to desire anything at all. Completion.

Love, of course. Peace on Earth, of course. Blessings of self-determination and free will for all people... freedom for ALL... But then that's a bit of a given, isn't it? We are people of good will, after all.

Yes, I find that I am different than I have been. In the past, I have been enslaved by desires. I know well the colour of longing, although it has been quite some time since I have filled myself with it. These days, more and more, there is a peace within me which is beyond reason and beyond explanation. It wants nothing, lacks for nothing and is filled with acceptance of ALL-That-Is.

Some might, as I have in the past, fear that such a peace leads to a sort of personality nothingness - a sort of a voided Self, yet, in my experience, it does not. I still love. I still feel great joy, more than ever in fact. I still do things and initiate projects. I suppose that I do things and initiate projects with no expectation or desire for any specific outcome. I do things because I feel like doing them and initiate projects because the thought of the project fills me with enthusiasm and joy. I have in mind at the moment the framing of a photograph which I took many years ago and the presentation of this framed photograph to a friend whom I have had in mind for some time as being one who might appreciate having it hanging on her wall. So that is a small project involving finding a suitable frame and cutting the photograph to fit it, since the enlarged copy of the photograph needs to be cropped in any case. And then Oh! the joy of giving to a friend is something that I shall never tire of! Whether she appreciates it or not, reciprocates or not, is completely out of my thoughts and feelings. I simply do not care or mind what happens when I have completed this little project.

My series of activities In the Moment is another such project. I'm having a good time taking part in and sometimes animating or facilitating these activities. They are poorly attended and may not continue as a consequence of this low level of attendance. No matter. I am in joy whether the activities continue or not. This statement of how I am being brings a feeling of gladness into me as I contemplate it, for this lack of desire for any specific outcome is something that I have sought over many years. I do not even mind whether or not I mind. When I find myself attached to an outcome, think of gardening as a last bastion of attachment for me, I realize that I will navigate through that attachment as and how I will.

More and more, I live in untethered and ecstatic joy that is independent of specifics. Ridiculously, I rejoice over a glass of juice or the trunk of a maple tree. ALL-That-Is is Perfect Whole Being. I AM Perfect Whole Being. I rejoice therefore.

I AM God's love in the world. I experience God's light in the world.

Bliss. Heaven on Earth.

I would like to share it with you. I don't know if I can beyond these words on a screen, my presence in a room, in a car, in the world. I gladly share it.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Don't Mind What Happens

I read something attributed to the master teacher Krishnamurti and it just rang some very nice bells for me, so I've decided to share it with you here.

When asked, "What is your secret?" Krishnamurti answered, "I don't mind what happens."

It is so simple, yet so much the practice of a lifetime, a practice of acceptance, of trusting, of being in unity with ALL-That-Is.

Lately, I pass through moments, hours, sometimes days, in which I do not mind what happens. It is not resignation. It is not indifference. I am profoundly interested in the world around me and in the greater world of this planet and all of humanity. It is acceptance and a strange inner knowing that all is well.

It doesn't really matter how it appears to be. Things may appear to be chaotic, exhausting, exhausted. Systems may appear to be morally and financially bankrupt; this is a fairly accurate assessment of many of our systems at this point. But that doesn't mean that all is not well. This is just exactly how it is for the highest good of all concerned, perhaps. Perhaps not. But I choose to trust in the dance which we have all been invited to attend.

I'll be devoting a whole post to death soon as well, because people say, "Yes, but people are dying!" As if that is a bad thing, a terrible thing, a tragedy which we must somehow endure. There are people who are dying. This is not a new condition in the world. Death is a doorway into a dimension of which we are as yet unaware. It is not an ending. It is as if we cried and keened and mourned when someone moved to Maine.

If we fear, we then experience fear. Personally speaking, I don't much like the sensation of fear. Unfortunately, in order to release the experience of fear, I have to allow it to be fully present in my consciousness. In order to free myself from fear, I have to welcome it in and listen to what it has to say to me. And that includes all forms of fear. It includes anxiety, worry, uncertainty, nervousness and sheer terror. It includes panic attacks as well. So when fear comes into us, for whatever reason, and we wish to be free of it, we have to be very brave and allow it to speak to us, to dwell within us, with no resistance on our part.

There's a wonderful story, a sort of urban myth, about a woman who lived in an isolated place and a man came to her house, a desperate criminal, escaped from the nearby penitentiary. He was cold, hungry, exhausted, fearful of recapture and desperately determined to get himself to freedom from pursuit. He came into her house, forcing his way through the door. She stood there staring at him. He was very menacing. He was large and his energy was fearful and desperate and violent, for he was determined to be free of recapture at any cost. She greeted him calmly, welcomed him to her home and offered him a place to sit and something to eat. She didn't ask him who he was or where he had come from. She didn't beg him not to hurt her. She didn't bargain with him - her forced hospitality for his forbearance in not attacking her. He ate and she prepared more food and waited quietly until he might speak. Haltingly, he told her his story, although never his name. She offered him more food and a quiet and comfortable place to sleep. He slept. She slept. He woke and talked longer with her, and they came to a sort of undefined understanding. He looked at her wonderingly, for he had not known anyone as free of fear as she seemed to be. After a good breakfast and her well wishes, for she wished no harm to anyone, regardless of his or her past, he left her home without having done any harm. She never saw him again.

I haven't told it as well as I have heard it told, but it might give you a sense of the ability of acceptance to shape our experience of the world.

Sometimes I truly don't mind what happens, for I accept ALL that is completely, and in those moments, I am free and at peace, in love and holding a consciousness of unity with ALL that is beyond words' power to describe or define. More and more, I dwell in that place of acceptance and appreciation for what Is. I like it very much.

Don't mind what happens. So simple. Breathing helps. Laughter helps. Remembering to trust helps.

Yes, I like it very much. I colour the walls of my home with this hue, this particular emanation. And even though it can sometimes look like something rather cold and uncaring, when I match my heartbeat to it, it feels very much like love, but a love of the most divine and unconditional sort.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Here Now

Aldous Huxley wrote that many many years ago. In truth, nothing that we are being exhorted to be and to do is new, only the imperative is more pressing. It is time for this now, this being in the moment, this build-up of our awareness, of our sense of ourselves as beings of light, love and energy frequencies.

The choice is yours as to whether you are here or not, alive in this body or not. The choice is yours. We tend to forget that, especially when we get busy, especially when we are living through difficulties. It is for us now to dwell in the moment, no matter what the moment holds for us. Dentists' drills and snowplows and tax season is upon us - these things are a part of our experience, neither good nor bad. They just are there and it is for us to experience them. They are whatever we make of them.

Yesterday I played with choosing my vibration, 'where I'm at' within my own set of responses to what IS. It's not always easy, but we can choose to become aware of our vibration and to notice when it is lowered and why, and to practice raising it as we will. The higher our vibration of acceptance of what is, of love and light and trust in the moment, the easier our experience of Life will be. So that is what I am exploring now. It isn't so much about what surrounds us at any moment, it is about our response to it, our frequency of vibration, the level of acceptance and of unconditional love that we are humming along at.

Speaking of humming, that works wonders, along with breathing deeply and consciously infusing your body with oxygen. Try it and see for yourself.

We are where we are because we have chosen to be. We are in the world because we have chosen to be. This is our gameboard, our treasure hunt if you will. And just simply by being here and being as we are, we make a difference in the world. Each of us does this. So we matter. And if we don't mind what happens more than we ought, we can shine light and love into the world in moments.

Not a bad way to begin the week, and seeing as to how it is Valentine's Day, let us shine unconditional love into the world around us with reckless abandon today. Let us celebrate love in its transformative and miraculous energy of expansion, appreciation, gratitude and complete acceptance of ALL. Let us love today as God loves - unlimitedly, unconditionally, and wholly without reason. Let us choose to live from the heart today, of all days. Let us center ourselves in our hearts and love the World, being love in the World here and now.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Be kind to yourself, for this is a time when you need to be giving to yourself.

All that you are is so loved by the World that surrounds you, by the ALL-That-Is immanent and informing every moment, every thing. All that you are comes together now. All of your creative and artistic pursuits, your interests, your hobbies, all that you love, and fear, and tend and bend your back over.

Do you ever scan back over your life and feel as if some of it might as well have happened to someone else, so distant does it seem to you now? Do you ever wonder what you thought you were doing? Well, it all comes together now - all your bits and pieces. You integrate into a Whole and the totality of it is more than the mere sum of the parts.

Those fleeting memories of sunlit kitchen tables and a friend's smile, that particular coffee mug or tea cup, that tree that you passed every day on your way to work.... it all comes together now in an infinity of Self, every part precious, every part perfect.

When you have done the work of coming into full appreciation of those parts of you that you had denied, hidden from you, pushed away as if they were poison, when you have come into full acceptance of them, released them therefore to whatever beingness they choose to become, perhaps a character in a novel that someone somewhere might write some day... free of all constraint, free of all censure, when you've done that work, the appreciation of your self by your Self sounds a song as yet unheard by you. And that song is joy. It sounds joy in being, joy in Now Being Self in the Now Being World. It sounds light. It sounds freedom. It sounds an appreciation of ALL that is so pervasive that it encompasses ALL. No exceptions.

I come back to the image of the dump truck. When you are in joyful appreciation of the dump truck, you're in that state of being which I am attempting to describe. Or the toilet bowl. Or the compost heap.... although I've always appreciated a good compost heap - I'm told that is a peculiar trait of mine. And a real test is whether or not you are in appreciation of people who disagree with your political and social views. Whooooo. Take a deep breath with that one.

Self-appreciation is imperative if you choose to move into closer and closer alignment with the divine - whatever words you use to name It. Yesterday as I walked with a friend, we agreed that the words 'divine grace' came close for both of us. If you seek this as a direct experience, if you yearn to touch the essence of divinity, of enlightenment, with your consciousness, begin by readying your very own self through the joyful work of self-appreciation. For in truth, you are that which you have sought.

Big surprise. All the dump truck mud in the world can't hide your grace, your beauty, your divinity from eyes that truly see.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

This Is What I Send Out

My friend, Ina Hutse, told me about an  affirmation that she uses on a daily basis since it came to her through a channelled message from unseens on the other side of the veil. I loved the affirmation so much, and her way of using it, that I asked her if I could share it here with you. So she said that I could and sent it to me in an email, along with the rest of the channelled message. I'll give you the full message first and then the affirmation and Ina's way of using it at the end of today's post. Here it is:

If you ask questions (about how you can get something, change something....) then you don't accept what IS, and if you don't accept what is, then you can't be in the here and now.

But it is only in the here and now, that you send out what then becomes your life.

Even if you are thinking of something that happened in the past, you are sending out the energy of that past event, and that is what you will attract into your life.

If you are in the here and now and know, and feel, and trust that life is rich in many things, endless potentials, and that life is wonderful, that is what you send out and what will come to you.

You want all the answers (how,when, where etc.) but you have everything that you need and it's not about having the answers, but about living your life and making it something wonderful. If you ask questions of how you can get something, change something, find something.... then you are shutting yourself off from the gateway to everything that you need or could want. You just need to be open to let it in, let go of control, which, yes, is a difficult thing for humans to do, but remember, you are not a 'mere human' but a human angel.

We leave you with that.

{Please note that I changed a couple of pronouns because English is Ina's third language and the grammar was a teensy bit difficult for an English speaking person to understand as she had it written.}

So, here is the affirmation that Ina created for herself from that information channelled directly to her from some higher self, or group of angels from the unseen realms on the other side of the veil. Ina explained to me that the channelled message flowed effortlessly out into her consciousness and she wrote it in her journal right afterward, which is why it is a simple thing for me to reproduce it here. She also explained that when she repeats the affirmation every morning, she takes her time and allows for a long empty space between the words so that she can really feel them. I like this idea very much, and in fact, I have asked people to read my poems in that way. So, for example, when she says the word 'here' she pauses and really grounds herself here, and the same with the word 'now' and with the words, 'I am' and so on.

in the
on my way to

In the here and now,
I know, and feel, and trust
That life is rich in many things,
endless potentials
and that life is wonderful.
This is what I send out
and this is what comes to me.

Sometimes she adds other words to it, and you can also, but this is the basic affirmation. I've already used it a couple of times and it felt wonderful to do so.

This is what I send out!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feelings.... Nothing More Than Feelings....

Have you ever wondered why we love sappy, sentimental music so much? Seems to me that everyone responds to one of those songs that 'tug at the heart-strings.' And they seem to be everywhere. I love to just dive right in and wallow in that sentimentality, all those feelings.

It is said by some that we line up on the other side of the veil for a chance to be on this Earth, to feel these feelings. It is said that we can't wait to get back when we cross over, even though while here we often complain about how difficult it is.

I have this notion that it isn't just for the good stuff that we come. It's for all of it. Every feeling. And this is coming from a woman who has experienced chronic pain for most of her adult life. At the age of 51, that's a lot of 'ouch.' It's not just the happy shiny stuff that we're here for - it's the whole shebang, the whole kit and kaboodle. We know this. Sometimes. Sometimes we 'get it' that it's all good.

I guess that's where I find myself this morning.

I've been dealing with rather a lot of snow. Every time I step outside my front door to go somewhere or do something pleasant, I find that before I can.... go somewhere or do something pleasant... I need to pick up my snow shovel and get at it. So I do. And the air is fresh and full of negative ions from all the snow. And the cool - okay, cold - wind whips colour into my cheeks and there are trees and sky and breath, always breath and I love. I love. I love.

Oh! I feel a poem coming on! Fitting also as it refers to this time of the year....

The Coming of the Light

Drive in the brilliant sunshine,
Feeling the heat through the car windows.
Then walk in the snow, the crunching, child-like snow,
And feel light caress your face
While the blue jay cries.

I wrote that poem many years ago as part of a series of photographs and poems commemorating the months and the progression of the seasons here in Canada. That poem was coupled with a photograph for the month of February.

Blessings of the season, of light and dark, cold and warmth, and all of the blessed 360 degrees of our wondrous experience be yours.

Feel it. It is Life.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Into the Allness of All-Being

Once again, words are inadequate. Yet, words are all we have to go on, as Tom Stoppard wrote in his brilliant play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead. So, I will do my best.

Knowing, just knowing that experience will be as experience will be in the moment, in the Now and it will be intense in one moment and insipid in the next and it will be WholeBeing and it will be experienced by me, by others, and it will not break us. It will not end us.

I will feel love and I will feel loss and I will mourn and keen and sing and cry and so on and so on and that is as it is. It will not break me. It will not end me. There is nothing that can be any more intense or strange than what I've already lived through, already experienced.

In the moment, in the rise and fall of a day's light, a morning's doings, an evening's slow reclining into sleep, I will experience so much and it will fill me and change me and move me.

There is no avoiding it - this being All-being. We try sometimes. I try. We run from it in a great variety of ways. We use novels, television, drama in our personal lives, gossip about the drama in the lives of others. Addictions can take up a tremendous amount of time; they're very distracting. We use problems that aren't really problems, rather more of the experience of the Allness of All-being that we shrink from. We use all manner of ways to shield ourselves from the full experience of our being in the world. And it is all in vain. We inevitably experience it anyway, perhaps screened somewhat so that it will be bearable.

I sometimes think that we use words in the same way. We use words to put up a barrier of sorts between us and our experiences. "What was that?" we say, "What did it feel like? Look like? Seem like?" And then we bring in all kinds of words, memories, ideas. Those are safe, you see. They are of the mind, and therefore they cannot hurt us, being so hypothetical, so removed from flesh and bone and the emotions that surge through our hearts.

I choose not to screen it so much anymore. I choose to be fully present in the Now. What will be, will be. The Allness of it, the vast uncontrolled, uncontrollable influx of it into my consciousness, into my experience, into my senses, my muscles, my belly and my breath - I choose this. Like one of the ancient Greek heroes, undaunted by the unknown that faces him, I stand on the deck of my ship, charting an uncertain course through experience, through being in this vast Allness of experience. I am challenged, but undaunted.

And no attempt at control. No expectations of how it will be. No agenda, no program, no purpose or goal. Only limitless whole being, being Self in the world, fully aware, completely conscious, embracing the moment's experiencial offerings, the present in the present, the gift of self being in the world. Trusting. Trusting.

And as I spoke of briefly yesterday, there is a very real sense in me of the myriad selves that I have been, the twenty-year-old Lu and the ten-year-old and the Lu from five years ago and everything that I have ever been, ever done, ever said or thought or felt and all of these parts and pieces are brought into wholeness within me because I accept everything and love everything and embrace all aspects of being.

Step then, if you choose to, over the threshold of doubt and fear, into the Allness of All-Being.




Monday, February 7, 2011

A Pebble Tossed into a Still, Clear Pond

Yesterday I was talking with a friend who is engaged in a challenging undertaking. She has put a lot into it and doesn't always clearly see a return on her investment of time, effort, energy, money and dreams. She's in the thick of it now in any case. It will succeed or fail and she has put so much into it that she can't even begin to allow for the possibility of failure.

"Allow yourself to hold a space within you where there is no doubt that all will unfold perfectly." I said to her. "Allow that space to hold firm within you, no matter what appears to be the reality that surrounds you."

When we resist reality, we give energy to the illusion that we are 'stuck' in a world beyond our ability to make, unmake and change it. Resistance is in the mind as much as it is in the muscles. When our thoughts stray to 'what if...' and we then feel anxiety, worry or fear, we are out of trust and are struggling with a potential scenario or timeline. That is resistance. When we are in trust, we are in the flow of our own creative grace, yes, divine grace, for we are sparks of the divine, each and every one of us.

Nothing is what it appears to be. It is all an illusion of matter, made up of energy. Struggle against apparent reality intensifies the illusion. When we clear ourselves of the illusion, if only for a moment, we remove ourselves from the struggle. Our clarity then allows for trust in our own creative abilities, for we are the creators of our reality. It is energy, shaped by us into the reality which we then experience as three dimensional and locked into linear time. In truth, it is malleable, like warm clay, and when we are the Self that Is in perfect trust and perfect peace with what surrounds it, we are both the pebble and the still clear pond into which it is tossed.

That space within us, that part of our consciousness which is outside of the three dimensional illusion, is the still pond. The pebble tossed is our perfect trust and our complete acceptance of what is. This trust and acceptance brings peace and resolution to all of our struggles and yearning. And this peace, like the perfect ripples emanating out in circles of expansion from the tossed pepple, expands infinitely and completely in all directions of our lives, physical and temporal. It emanates effortlessly and tranformatively into every moment that we have ever lived, live now and will live.

So removing ourselves, if only briefly each day, from the illusion of reality which surrounds us, helps tremendously to maintain that space within us which is in perfect trust and perfect peace, in complete acceptance of what is. No resistance to the apparent reality that surrounds us means that we are given the space to create, through our imagination and our joy, that which we choose for ourselves.

When we remove ourselves from any resistance to the apparent reality that surrounds us, we begin to realize that what had appeared quite solid is actually fluid, always changing. What had appeared quite fixed, not easily moved, is actually energy which is always in motion. The world is endlessly in service to our joy and our love. Our sense of it informs it though. When we think and feel that it is difficult, it graciously becomes difficult so as to give back to us exactly the sense of it that we have put forth. When we trust and assume that all is well and that it is easy and abundant and joyful, the illusion spins to that. We are presented with what we expect, what we are in our energy, what we believe will be the way of it.

And in that clear space within, where the illusion is revealed as a dance of energy, spun by thoughts and feelings, our whole lifetime of experiences comes into perfect resolution, for time itself is part of the illusion.

So if you choose to do so, make room for that clear space within. Breathe deeply and allow your breath to carry you to that still clear pond whenever you would like to be there.

Peace shall be there with you.


Friday, February 4, 2011

Unpredictable, Irresistible You

I can't even begin to tell you how I am feeling today. The only word that comes up for me is 'doubt.' I am in doubt, I guess. I even doubt that.

The one thing that I do know is how completely unpredictable everything seems to be these days. Yes, we are changing. Yes, the world is changing. So, ride it. Just accept it. Don't try to figure it out.

It is irresistible in the sense that we cannot stop it and we cannot get off of this particular amusement park ride. It's the Hall of Mirrors and the Roller Coaster and the Haunted House all at once.

It feels incomprehensible to me. And I love to understand things. Well, I don't understand this. It is just happening. It just is.

I hope I'm not shocking you - after all, I've always had something to say here that made at least some kind of sense. And I'd love to help. But right now, I can only be who and what I am. And I am confused.

So, accept it, Lu. Just be with it. Everything is changing so much lately, so quickly that I assume this doubt, this not knowing, will also pass. Right now, I'm just going to accept that I don't know. I'm being asked to trust even so. Even so.

I had the most amazing conversation with my higher self last evening, and with the one some call Sananda also. It helped and yet, I'm still sort of floundering in my sense of not knowing. I'm going to trust this too. I felt the love and support from my higher self and from Sananda that I have come to expect, and to rely on, frankly. We're not alone, although sometimes it seems that way. I think that I am being asked to move with trust through the doubt, as paradoxical as that might sound. I'm being asked to meet the doubt and the not knowing with trust.

So, that is what I am doing and it feels right. It feels like an answer that is the answer for me right now.

This process is unpredictable. What used to take months, takes hours. And it is unstoppable, irresistible. Having come this far, we can't go back.

It is good to have companions on the journey, and that is why I share my thoughts and feelings with you here. And I choose very very strongly to be of service in some way, so I hope that this blog does help. Maybe not today (smile) but usually.

Unpredictable and not altogether comfortable or easy, but I'm going to trust it. I've decided on that, at least.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Shall I Give?

Coming into the fullness of who you are, into your star-seed goodness, what shall you give of yourself to the World?

Is there any way at all that the gift could be less than perfect?

As we align our conscious human selves with our soul-stream-selves, breathing our way into that alignment, we become more and more the selves we have always ever-so-deeply known that we could be. And in that is fulfillment, a sense of coming home to our own Being. What shall we give of this to the World?

The giving is effortless. It must be for it to be true. The giving is joyful. It must be for it to be loving. The giving is from the heart. That is where we now reside.

The giving of ourselves to the World is a giving from the center of the self. It is a radiance from within that requires no specific activity. In your being, you radiate the truth of your self out into the world and this is your greatest gift.

Yet, if you would give more, give what you can - no more. Give from the truth and the center of you. Give when you can. Know your truth at all times. That is all.

When you know yourself to be Perfect-Whole-Being in the world - as you are - not in some fairy tale of tomorrow or 2012 or in the etheric realms - here and now - Perfect-Whole-Being. When you feel this and know this, when you love yourself as you have always dreamed of being loved, you will be able to give to the World from that center and the gift will always be perfect in the moment.

And I, for one, am deeply grateful, for I can already feel your gift emanating from you to me, informing the World, creating a New Earth with every in-breath and exhale.

Blessed be the World, that has such reverently feeling and knowing people in it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weak Points

I wrote this in my journal last August: "I am low in energy, pursued by thoughts of failure and lack. I can clearly see how these energies seek weak points and points of imbalance and come into them to feed and to create more fear and more uncertainty."

This is not a pleasant subject, but then I'm not one to avoid unpleasantness when it leads to better understanding and a greater ability to flow with the changes we are moving through.

All energy seeks movement, expression and ultimately resolution. The energy of joy will move into us immediately upon being invited to do so and it will swell and fill the space available to it. The moment that we take that breath and call to joy, joy will come.

The same is true for other, less uplifting energies. But before going any further here I want to clarify something. The up and the down are not opposed. Nor is one good and the other bad. They are not opposed, it is rather that they dance together and together form the world - not only the up and the down, but the dark and the light, the love and the fear... all polar opposites work together. All polar opposites are God expressed in the world of three dimensional form and matter, time and space. It just doesn't seem like that when we struggle with our dualistic notions of what the world should be, what our experience should be, what life should be. Acceptance is key. It allows us to move beyond the yes/no of dualistic thinking and move into unity consciousness where ALL simply IS.

So, to continue, the energies of fear and uncertainty, worry, anxiety and doubt also seek movement, expression and ultimately resolution. They also will move into us the moment that they are invited to do so and will swell within us to fit the space available to them. They seek resolution and release, just as joy does, just as love does. Joy and love are resolved through acceptance of them, through expression of them. That's easy for us to do; we love love and enjoy joy. Fear and uncertainty, worry, anxiety and doubt are not nearly so pleasant for us. Dualistic thinking brings great difficulty to us when we are confronted by these energies. We tend to believe that we should not experience them at all, and so we move into resistance, into shame, into denial of them when they enter into our experience in the moment.

They come in at weak points, simply because we try to keep them outside of us as much as we possibly can. Since they seek movement, expression, resolution, and ultimately release, just as all energies do, they will move in when they can. We hold them at bay, yet when we weaken through illness, fatigue, or an upset to our equilibrium, in they come. Then what do we do?

If we are weakened enough to be unable to avoid it, or wise enough to allow ourselves to delve deeply into the experience, we become filled with it, until we don't know where we end and the energy of fear or uncertainty begins. We associate ourselves with it and find it very difficult to disengage, to realize that we are not the fear, not the doubt, not the anxiety.

When we are filled to overflowing with love, we are moved, we cry, we sound out our emotion, we express it. When we are filled to overflowing with fear, we are moved, but we tend to feel shame and to try to hide the fear from others and even from ourselves. This blocks its movement and contains it within us where it stays until it can be resolved and released. The energy of fear seeks movement, expression, resolution and release. It is not malevolent. It is not evil. It is not even dangerous. Our shame when fear fills us and our very real fear of fear itself is what causes the difficulty to us.

We have understood fear and its associates as something hateful, shameful and to be avoided at all cost for pretty much all of our lives. So breaking through that deeply conditioned response to it is a challenge. Releasing the shame is a start. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Fear is an energy. It is in the world just as love is. Breathing and expressing the fear is a great idea. Accepting it and sitting with it, listening to what it has to tell us, these take us from denial and attempts at repression of the fear to dealing with it in a way that ultimately allows its resolution and release.

Our weak points are cracks in a defensive system that is not necessary and that actually blocks the movement of fear and its associates through us. So our weak points are not 'bad' - that is just more dualistic thinking. ALL simply Is. Fear, anxiety, uncertainty, doubt and worry are energies seeking expression. They are part of the 360 degrees of our experience on this beloved planet. They are part of the colour wheel, so to speak. They are part of the world. They are as much a part of God-Being in the World as are joy, love, trust and peace. When we can get to the point where we treat them as divine energies without all of the baggage of dualistic thinking which has burdened our experience of them, we can move with them, moving them through us to resolution.

Every experience is sacred reality.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Creatorship 101

We have abilities that enable us to create our reality consciously. We have imagination. We have choice-making ability - this instead of that. We have the ability to feel.

Creatorship has nothing to do with thinking. It has very little to do with words, except insofar as we enjoy using words to name our feelings, our imaginings and our choices. Creatorship has everything to do with feeling and with choosing consciously what we prefer.

Images come into my consciousness of how a situation could play out. Sometimes these potentials, for that is what any imaginary scenario is, don't feel very pleasant or easy. Sometimes there is a feeling of dread associated with an imagined scenario. Choose differently. Imagine something else and feel it unfold into a full potential. How would that be for you? Then choose it.

Sometimes I have images and feelings of lack come up into my consciousness. I used to just sort of helplessly play them out in my imagination. Now I stop the unrolling scenario and say something like, "Hold on a second. I don't choose that." When I first started to realize that I could stop the imaginary scenario from playing out in my head, it just made sense. Why would I give any time or energy, even in my thoughts and imagination, to something which I do not choose to experience in three-dimensional reality? So, I came to realize that I could stop it from running, like a bad movie, onto my imagination's viewing screen. Then of course the idea came to replace the unwanted scenario with a different one, one that I do choose to experience in three-dimensional time/space.

Have you ever been driving down the highway, at high speed, and imagined the car going off the road? It's just a thought, for just an instant. But immediately the thought is extinguished and replaced by the one of the car going along the road just as it always has, safe and sound and predictable - regular as rain.

When an imagined scenario feels bad to you, change it. When the reality that you are experiencing feels bad to you, imagine a different one, one that feels much better. Choose that and feel how it would feel to be living it. Breathe life into this imagined scenario and return to it whenever you feel trapped in the old one, the one that feels bad to you. Just say, "Wait a minute, that's not what I choose to experience. Here is an alternative." And feel how it would be for you. Breathe life into that feeling. Then breathe deeply again and step into trust. For if you're trying to make it a reality, that is exactly what you will experience - trying. If you are worried that it won't come to you, then that is what you will experience. It won't come to you and you will be filled with worry - generalized anxiety, of which most of us have ample experience.

Breathe life into your imaginings, the ones which you consciously choose. Breathe and feel the feeling that would fill you if such a scenario were your reality in the moment. Breathe and trust that it will be. Then live in the moment, in trust and enjoy what surrounds you.

There is a saying which I like very much and use to remind myself of how important feeling is. "You cannot create what you love until you love what you create." If you are filled with resentment or feelings of lack because of what currently surrounds you, you will generate for yourself more reasons for resentment and more experience of lack. We receive what we are. That is the true law of attraction. It isn't about words. It's about feeling. It's about the energy that we are radiating through our being and our feeling. That energy vibration comes back to us in service. It will always bring back to us whatever we are currently being and feeling, focusing on, radiating and breathing our life force into.

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