Friday, October 22, 2010

The Truth About Who We Are and What We Are Doing

I was doing yoga this morning and remembered a woman I used to think of as a friend. She taught yoga and I took her yoga class for beginners. I've been a beginner for twenty years. (smile)

I remembered an incident that stuck with me because it seemed so unnecessary. We were in the downward dog posture and I and another woman both expressed our satisfaction with the fact that we were able to stretch our legs thoroughly and touch our heels to the mat. The teacher said something dismissive, I can't remember what it was exactly, but I remember the feeling of it. It pushed aside our sense of accomplishment and our enjoyment of our bodies and told us of what we had still to learn and accomplish. It was a strange thing for a teacher to say. That was why I remembered it. Why not encourage your students and celebrate their accomplishments? I thought that was what teachers usually did.

Remembering this incident, I said to myself, "That's when I came to know who she really is." And then immediately I corrected myself. "No. Not who she is. The energy that she was putting out."

And it felt like a very important distinction. When, instead of encouraging us, she dismissed our expression of accomplishment, she put an energy out into the room which was disctinctly unpleasant. Soon after that incident I stopped going to her yoga classes. I stopped thinking of her as someone whom I wanted to spend time with. But it wasn't who she is that I objected to. It was what she was doing. It was the energy that she was expressing that I chose not to expose myself to. I could no more object to who she is than I could object to All-That-Is in its purest being. For that is what she is. That is who she is.

In truth, we are pure love. Take a breath, please, and feel it. Feel your core.

We are eternal  and holographically infinite particles of God being in the World. That is what we are. That is who we are. Pure love. God in the World. There is nothing that we are that is not love. There is nothing that we are being or have ever been that is not God in the World.

But as for the energy that we express, or radiate, that is a very different story. And in each moment, we can and often do change the energy that we are radiating. Anger. Fear. Sadness. Love. Happiness. Appreciation. Sincerity. Anxiety. Need. Frustration. These are only a few of the multitude of shades, hues, tones, feelings, vibrations that we are radiating, expressing, putting out there. And anyone, friend or stranger or foe, in proximity to us, will feel what we are expressing.

Oh. Consider that for a moment. And then, when I say, "We make the world..." It carries a slightly different feel to it now, doesn't it.

Physicists now know that the world around us is comprised of energy. We are comprised of energy. We radiate energy. We change the world. All the time. Constantly. Without even knowing that we are doing so.

Imagine the world as you would like it to be. Just imagine it. For a moment. .......    ..........



Happy shiny people all over the place?   



I see hands clasped all around the world. I see a conscious choice for co-operation and peaceful coexistence. In my world..... people gladly share.

In my world..... there is a great deal of laughter and love.

In my world..... there are no enemies.

So, in your world, what do you choose to see? And if that is what you choose to see, why not put it out there now? In your energy.

If it's truth you choose, put truth out there. If it's peace you choose, put peace out there. Simple.

We are God's love and God's light in a world of sacred free choice and we are constantly making a choice about the energy that we radiate. We do this consciously or unconsciously. I choose to do it consciously, as much as I am able.

I choose joy. I choose playfulness. I choose honour for all whom I encounter. I choose love for All That Is.

What, may I ask, do you choose?

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