Monday, October 25, 2010

Angels and Kin on the Other Side of the Veil

We are angels, actually. We are angels in human form.

There are angels on the other side of the veil that separates us, lovingly I might add, from All-That-Is. There are also those who are our kin, our families on the other side. This includes those whom we have known and loved here who have passed over to the other side, but it also includes our soul-stream families who may never have come to Earth, but who love us so much and who wish to serve us in any way that they can.

Angels and kindred spirits seek lovingly to find ways that they can help us. They cannot do any of this for us. They cannot bring us from fear to love. Only we can do that. They cannot solve our problems or provide for our ease and joy. It is up to us to choose, and choose and choose again. Earth is a on-going celebration of free will and the abililty, in fact the inevitability, of choosing for ourselves what we would like to experience. However, those who are on the other side of the veil focusing on us with their love and their appreciation for all the richness of experience that we are living here, would like very much to assist us. They can do this by supporting us with their love, which we can feel if we open ourselves to it. They can do this by sending us insights and understandings, which in any case we have within us, but may not realize we have. They can do this by sending us energy as a vibration. We can receive this energy and use it to enrich and enlighten our experience here on Earth.

However, those on the other side of the veil will not infringe on our free will. It is absolutely sacred to them. Therefore, in order to receive their wisdom, insights, perspectives and energies, we have to ask for them. In this way, our free will is not compromised. We have asked and therefore we can be given to. It is as simple as that.

One of the most profound experiences I have ever had in my journey through time and space on this Earth was asking that I be able to feel the energies of my kin on the other side. This was different than calling my brother's name (after he had passed on). This was my soul-stream family, or star-seed family, which I chose to feel and know (the words are inadequate when describing and naming those on the other side - they are much more than words can convey and I use words only because there's no real alternative).

Almost immediately after I had made this request they were there. Where? I have no idea. They were right beside me, but in another dimension, I guess. The love that I felt from them was so strong. It seemed absolutely unshakeable, unbreakable, unconditional and total. It felt strong and pure and unlike any other experience of love that I had ever known, and yet, it was love. Of that I am sure.

I am equally sure that a similar experience is available to you, if you choose it and name it as your choice and intention.

They will come.

It's like being loved by angels, I guess. It's like an etheric hug. It's empowering, enriching of our life experience, and unbelievably comforting.

If you choose to call upon them, or upon the angels who are waiting with infinite patience for your appeal to them, you will feel the energy that they send out to you. Just make the request and open yourself to receive. By doing so, you bring great joy to those on the other side who await our requests, knowing that they cannot come close to us until the request is made, wanting to show us their love and appreciation for us, yet always honouring our free will and our sovereignty as we progress moment by moment here on our beloved Earth.

Call to the angels, to those who are your family since before time. Ask to feel their presence, to know their wisdom and to be comforted by their love. You deserve all that they have to give you.


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