Friday, March 11, 2011

Turbulence Below, Calm Aloft

On the weather network, forecasters sometimes refer to conditions 'aloft.' I take a strange delight in that word; for me it conjures up images of tall-masted ships and eagles soaring over mountain peaks.

This morning, after stormy weather that brought a roaring sound into the trees and made sleep difficult, I rose to see dark and heavy skies with some hints of brightness in the dawn. As coffee was brewing, clear skies showed beyond the roiling clouds above the forest. A dawn walk called to me and as I climbed the hill I could clearly see the tranquil sky, traced with quiet fair weather clouds of pure white, above the scudding dark grey storm clouds closer to my mountain home.

There is turbulence below, where we find ourselves on treacherous hillsides. Yet calm and clear skies shine aloft, seemingly promising the peace that we have sought. News travels over the internet - our collective knowing, collective consciousness - of another massive earthquake and a tsunami warning - more turbulence, more challenges for our beloved family, our human brethren to face.

What shall we do then? Look up, metaphorically. Bring your focus to your own calm aloft, that higher dimensional alignment with the peace that passes all understanding. Do this not to escape the turbulence of the times, of Earth and of three dimensional being, but to unite it all in some yet unfathomed enjoining.

Be the change that we have sought. Become the very thing that we have all been waiting for, hoping for, praying for. In that acceptance of what is, no matter what it is, lead human consciousness into a new day.

We do not travel into the heart of this mystery through resistance, struggle, effort, fear or mourning.

There is nothing to resist - God is all there is.

There is no purpose in struggling - we become more and more of what we are, so any struggle brings us more struggle.

There is no need for effort - trust is the sure way forward.

There is no reason for fear - all is well in all of creation and collectively we are on the journey of a billion billion lifetimes.

There is no cause for mourning - for there is no death, nor ending - not for you, not for me, not for any other person on this planet.

It is all God - as far as the eye can see, and further, further.

Turbulence below as the tattered remnants of our stories about ourselves storm and lash out and take their leave of us. Turbulence below as our beloved Earth births herself into a new emanation of Source, a new Wholeness, a new Perfection of Being.

Calm aloft as we raise our consciousness to new levels of divine knowing, new frequencies of acceptance of what is and trust in what will be. Calm aloft as we rebirth ourselves into new alignments, each unique and exquisitely complex, of individuated expression of the ALL, which is God.

These are the times for which we have chosen to be here on this Earth. These are the times which we have prepared ourselves for over years and years. And we are ready. We are ready for this. It is time now for this. Breathe and know that you are in the perfect place and the perfect time to align, within your own awesome human self, this turbulence below and the calm aloft. 

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