Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Creating Your Reality

For me, creation / reality  is the match between my energetic frequency and the 'world' that I experience as my reality. This includes all of my beliefs about the world as well. So, if I am consciously creative, I am conscious of my energetic frequency and am creating from that. As within, so without. Begin within and witness the response outside of you as your reality corresponds to your frequency state. 

You can use tone and sound to help you to be a conscious creator of your reality, especially at the beginning as it is all practice practice practice.

The tone and/or vowel and consonant sounds that you express are the auditory expression of your frequency. It is your frequency that 'creates' your reality, since what we experience is a reflection of what we are (Law of Reflection/Attraction). So the tones and sounds are simply a short-cut to get you out of your mind and into the frequency that you truly are. It could be fearful, anxious, joyful, loving, playful or excited, upset or anything else.

If it is not joyful and loving, grateful... or whatever else you would like to experience more of, then the sounds and tones that you express might help you to get in touch with what you are feeling and therefore, with your energetic frequency. Expressing these will move the energy and help you to shift even more quickly into the frequency that you are choosing for yourself. As sounding and toning will take you out of your mind space immediately, you will not really 'have time' to create stories and analysis around what you are feeling, so what you are feeling will more readily and easily be released and expressed from the heart.

For me, lately, it is all in the heart. So, I go into the heart space, check in there, and then, if conditions permit (ie. not in a shopping mall or grocery store), I sound and tone to express what is there.
If it is joyful, grateful, glad... then I am expressing what I am choosing to have more of.
If it is other than these - fearful, anxious in some way... then I am made more aware of it and can move the energy out and release it with the usual acceptance and then choose again, and maybe sound what it is that I am choosing. It might be peace or acceptance itself which I am sounding, and then later, joy might come.

Release what does not serve you; release what you do not choose to experience more of. Go into your heart space and feel the joy, love and gratitude that are there. You may have to go deep into your heart space to find them sometimes. Other times, they will be right there and you don't even have to go in past the threshold. Sound your feelings, which are the indication of your energetic frequency state, if you would like to use that as a tool of expression and release. If not, just beam your frequency out into the world and then move into your next moment. Repeat as often as you choose to.

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