Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Powerful Process for Enlightenment

Sit in an open position with your legs a bit spread apart and your arms also spread out, away from your body a bit. I sit in a comfortable padded chair to do this process.

Breathe slowly and deeply. As you breathe in, pull energy into your hands and feet. Energy comes to you from the angels, from God, from the ALL That IS, from the zero point field, from your own divine Self, from Gaia, from the universe. It is light and love energy. It is creative and it is pure.

Pull energy in through your right hand and right foot and flow the energy through your body and then as you exhale, the energy flows out of your left hand and your left foot.

Do the same thing again. Do it a few times, so that you begin to really feel it.

Now, switch sides. Pull energy in through your left hand and left foot and flow the energy through your body and then, as you exhale, the energy flows out of your right hand and your right foot.

Do this a few times as well.

Once you have done this for a few weeks, once a day, during your sitting time, your meditation time, you can charge it up a notch. This, for me, is where it gets really interesting.

Pull energy through from the right side to the left AND from the left side to the right simultaneously. Allow the flow to go both ways at the same time. As you inhale, the energy comes into you from hands and feet on both sides and flows into the center of your energy field and body, where it crosses and then as you exhale, the energy flows out from hands and feet on both sides.

Once that feels comfortable for you, begin at the root chakra and flow the energy through from right to left and from left to right. Flow the energy through that chakra as you inhale and then exhale.

Next, move up to the sacral chakra, in the lower belly, and flow the energy through that chakra as you inhale and then exhale.

And so on, up through the solar plexus, through the heart center, through the throat and then the third eye chakra. Finally, flow the energy through the crown chakra as you inhale and then exhale.

I often then flow the energy back down again, through one chakra at a time, ending at the root chakra, where the spine ends at the very bottom of the torso. Each chakra has energy flow through on the inhale and the exhale, energy flowing in, crossing at the chakra point, and then flowing out.

This has changed my energy in ways that are liberating and empowering.

After doing this, I find myself naturally assuming a position with my body relaxed, my mind completely at peace and my thumb and second finger tip touching on both hands in the classic 'mudra' position that we see in photographs of people meditating.

Breathe deeply for as long as you choose to and then go on with your day.

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