Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Creation Through Feeling and Being

We are constantly creating our world. We create our situation, our surroundings, what we face, what faces us.

When we are no longer in resonance with what we have previously created for ourselves, a relationship, for example, or a job situation, we are then out of agreement, out of harmony with what surrounds us, and so we create again. We re-create.

It is not a fault, or a problem. It is not a failure. It is a recreation.

Most creation is co-creation. That is to say, most of the time, we are dancing with others rather than totally alone. There are some creations that are solo works, but most, the vast majority, are co-creations.

When we are co-creating, we put our delight, our joy, our preference and our love out into the world and we attend co-creation with other creator beings, aka, human beings.

(We can also create through fear, dread, worry and anxiety. Just thought that I would mention it. )

It is not, at the level of love and joy. at the level of soul-truth, a competitive thing; it is a constantly improvisational, immediate and connecting thing.

We send signals all the time, and beings respond whether they are aware of our signals or not. Sometimes, they are so far away, or so out of resonance with our signals, our frequency, that they are not aware of them. The signal is sent regardless. The world of energy responds to our energy.

This is creation. We create. We connect with like energies and we co-create by forming agreements with each other - energetic agreements. We don't need to be conscious of this. We don't need words for these agreements. In each moment, agreements are being made on subtle levels. When we are in physical proximity, we make these agreements on physical and overt levels as well.

We recreate whenever the creation that we had before no longer serves us, no longer resonates energetically with our energetic frequency.

Enjoy the creation, the co-creation and the re-creation. You do not err or fail when you choose a new frequency and create something different than you have known.

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