Wednesday, October 10, 2012

All of Your Needs Are Met

Just breathe into that truth for a moment.

We tend to place ourselves in a world where that is decidedly NOT the reality. Yet the world in which we place ourselves is of our own making.

In truth, all of your needs are met.

Where you experience hardship or lack, this is serving you in some way. It is not that you should enjoy it, or that it is easy. It is that the difficulty and the struggle are serving you.

And you are provided for in that difficulty and in that struggle. All that you need to accomplish the realization that you are seeking is there.

This is something that needs to be felt, rather than thought. This is something that needs to be breathed into the body and then allowed to find itself there.

All of your needs are met. You always are exactly where you should be.

You are safe, even as you continue to challenge yourself to realize more and more of the beautiful truth of yourself, the height and breadth and depth of yourself, you are safe. You are provisioned and provided for. The ground beneath your metaphoric feet is steady, even when it appears to be otherwise.

Feel it and breathe. Then go on into the myriad tasks that await you in your busy and challenging life knowing that you are supported by the very Earth upon which you stand.

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