Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Consciousness in Service to the Whole

I realized something that I'd like to share with you.

You might recall through what I have written, or through what others have written (for in truth, we are all brilliantly exploring all of this work in consciousness), that when we become consciousness of our being, our feeling, our hurts and shame and fears, we allow them to be transmuted and released. What we are - all that we are - seeks to be known by our consciousness, to be known and accepted. Then it can be released.

That's the basis of the work in consciousness and in acceptance of self that we are doing here. We are fearlessly (more or less) going into our own dark places and by allowing them to be known by us, we are allowing them to be transmuted and released.

Well, is it possible that the same is true for the world's dark places, for humanity's hurts and shame and fears? The realization that I came to this morning is that, yes, it is possible. One day last spring I was outside in the garden as a strong wind blew and all of a sudden I could feel Afghanistan. I could feel it. The stuck energy. The blocks to peace there. I could feel it but not in words. I held it for an instant. Then let it go. What if my consciousness of that energy was actually helping it to come to a point of transmutation? I think it's possible.

Certainly, I've always found that what is true on the personal level is true for everyone - not dogma, but process. We're all moving through this process of becoming more and more aware and more and more releasing of that which we do not choose as our experience, more and more consciously choosing our reality through our greater awareness of all that we are and all that surrounds us. More and more accepting of what is; not resisting it because we know that resistance gives energy to the thing resisted. Could this work for things like war, hatred, racism, fear and resistance to change? Can our consciousness of the energies at play in these dark places on our planet help them to become unstuck?

I'm just entertaining this idea. I'm feeling kind of excited about it. Not that we have to change the world, save the world, do it all ourselves. No. Not that. But that our consciousness is a force in the world, a way forward for stuck energies and fear-bound societies. And it begins with becoming conscious of these energies without judgement, without trying to change them, without blame or anger that they are there. Just as it is with ourselves, it is with everyone else.

Consciousness is key. Acceptance is key.


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