Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Connecting to your Own Guidance

We all have wisdom within us. I love to look for the wisdom in the people around me, because invariably I see it. And it is so lovely to behold!

Often, there is uncertainty surrounding the inner wisdom that keeps it from coming through clearly.

When I connect with my own guidance, my own knowing, my own wisdom, I almost always experience great success. I ask a question to which I do not 'know' the answer with my mind's knowing. I simply ask the question and then sit quietly for a moment. The knowing comes through as a quiet voice from within me, explaining and providing the answer to my question.

In spite of the success and clarity that I have experienced, as I have accessed my own knowing over the past months, there is still a lot of resistance within me, contemplating 'getting it wrong' and 'being mistaken.'

My advice to myself is the same advice I will give to you: Breathe and do it anyway.

Ask the question. Listen quietly for the answer. Trust what comes. Rest. Repeat.

Practice accessing your own wisdom to become more and more aware of the exquisitely personalized guidance that exists within you. It is timely, relevant, sensitive to all that you are, aware of the complexities of your situation and loves you beyond all reckoning.

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