Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Way Forward at This Time

Imagine that you are standing in a new territory. The land around you is not so very different than what you have known, and yet, you are on new ground and there is a different feel to things than there has been.

For me, there has been a great deal of shake, rattle and roll lately. My sense of self has been shaken. My inner peace has been rattled and I have been tossing, turning and rolling from side to side in my bed late at night.

The way forward for me at this time gives four suggestions to you.

The first suggestion is to drink a lot of water. I have been craving water, and the more clear and pure the water is, the better.

The second suggestion is to center yourself in your heart, now more than ever before. The mind does not serve us well at this time. Focus on your heart's feeling, your heart's desire and create your moments from there.

The third suggestion also helps greatly to remove our attention from the mind and from words, and to move into the creation of our heart's desire. Make sounds of toning. Yes, I do this with ease now, having done so for many months. But you can do it too. Just let sound come out of your mouth. Feel your throat and your throat chakra open. Imagine a pure blue light, touched with gold, dancing within your throat chakra. Then let sound come out of your mouth. No words. Tone and sound. Do it in the car when you are alone. Do it in the shower. Do it in the world when either no one is around to hear you, or there is so much noise that no one will hear you above anyone else.

This brings me to my fourth and final suggestion. Go outside into nature. In the city, go to the park and touch a tree. Touch it. Looking at it is good, but touching it is better. In the suburbs or rural areas, go out as far as you can away from roads and buildings. Listen to the Earth. Feel the Earth. Rejoice. Touch trees, snow, water, ground.

Here in southern Quebec it is very cold these days. The snow lies thick on the ground. I go out every day, no matter how cold it is. It feels imperative.

These suggestions I make to you because these four simple things are helping me tremendously at this time, as I navigate a new age and a new world.

Center within your heart. Sound from your throat, which will immediately take you out of your thoughts and mind's chatter. Drink a lot of clean water. Go out into the natural world and literally commune with nature every day if you can.

Check in with your feelings often through the course of the day. If you find these suggestions helpful to you, you might pass them on to others. We are all in this time of transition together.

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