Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My Path - Exploring Alternatives

As I came into adulthood the world seemed to open up before me and I began to explore it.

I sensed the vast array of paths before me and chose carefully where I would go. It had to feel right. It had to feel true. I suspect that many of us choose this carefully, especially when we are young.

I followed paths of poetry and philosophy, psychology and music. I followed folklore and the wisdom of country people living simple lives close to the ground, close to Earth's own wisdom and truth.

My passionate desire to be on the land in love was an expression of my great love for the Earth itself, and I followed this path, this devotion, steadily all through the years.

I no longer struggled with the teachings and words of the organized Christian congregations. I chose to explore alternatives.

I was introduced to the ideas and energies of Wiccan reclaiming traditions in the late 1980's, when I was in my late 20's. I liked the free and loving raising of my sights to the divine as conceived by me. Wicca is an anarchic and free-spirited path and this appealed to me very much. I began to explore this path in earnest.

Wiccan practices have only one central principle or rule which must be followed and it is a simple, but profound one that reaches out in every direction and cannot be ignored in its power and its simplicity. As long as it harms no one, do as you will.

I studied this principle for a long time, over many years. I also began to delve deeply into various words that go along with this idea; words like 'freedom,' and phrases like 'free will,' came to occupy my conscious thoughts. I thought for a very long time, and did a great deal of feeling as well, about the word 'love.'

Wiccan practices center on the seasons of the year and the slow progression through the rebirth of spring, into the fullness and accomplishments of summer and autumn and then to the inevitable death and decay of late autumn and winter. The winter solstice marks the great turning point from the descent into endings and loss and letting go, the darkness, mystery and despair of deep winter, to the return of the light and the ascent into new beginnings, new awareness, enlightenment and joy. I explored these deeply meaningful themes over many years and came to a great love for the divinity that exists in the world and in its every mood and season.

Wicca also invites the working of one's own creative will. There is a sense of being able to bring one's vision of what can be into one's awareness with clarity and then releasing this vision out into the world with one's will and love. As long as it harms no one, my will be done. I practiced this working of my will and enjoyed the practice. There was the sense that I do make a difference in the world, just through my choices. I began to gather with a small group of friends and do 'Earth Healing' work, where we would share our visions for a clean environment and peace on this beautiful planet and then send those visions out into the world with joy.

Wiccan tradition focuses on the female principle of the divine. So Goddess replaced the troublesome God of the Christian tradition that I had grown up with and I was able to embrace Her with all of my heart and soul as a much needed balance in the world to the male energy of the Christian God.

Over more than a decade, I called to the Goddess by many names and came to feel and know more and more Her presence. I lived then in the grace of Her love and a wisdom that is older than the world.

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