Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Creating Effortless Abundance for Yourself

I'm thinking of offering a short workshop on this topic.

The workshop will be short because the creation of effortless abundance is very simple.

The world in which we live is comprised entirely of energy. Everything is energetic flow that manifests for us as apples, cars, people, buildings, money, a new table... bed linens, brocolli and on and on.

That energy is essentially love. It is the primal force of all being. It is unconditional love energy that is divine in origin and in nature. It is divine energy, divine love, divine grace.

The more of this unconditional love that you can flow through you and into the world, the more effortless abundance you will experience in your life.

That's really all there is to it.

The abundance will take on so many different shapes that you won't always recognize right away, "Oh, this is more of that delightful abundance!" It will be smiles, laughter, sunsets, flowers, money in the bank, money in your pocket, great music, fun movies to watch, engaging dialogue, a wonderful new friend, work that feels meaningful and so on and so on until you can no longer even begin to imagine what 'lack' might feel like or be like.

"Lack? What is that? How is that even possible?" This is what you will be thinking and feeling inside of you and it may or may not come up into your conscious mind.

If I do give a workshop on this topic, I will endeavour to bring the experience of unconditional love very clearly into the workshop participants, so that they can recognize it when it is glowing within them and also notice when it is not. I will also speak of all of the different ways in which we block this energy, this flow of divine love within us and what we can do when these blockages occur.

I'm happy about doing this because it means sharing this vibrant love with others and this is something that I love to do with all that I am.

Effortless abundance outside of you is the reflection of the effortless abundance of divine energy, unconditional love energy, within you.

It is so simple.

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