Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Realized - Ten

This is the last of the 'I Realized... ' series. At least for now. After this post, I will go back to my usual style of posting. The reason why I put all of these up here was to show the slow but sure progression of my realizations about my self and myself in the world. And I myself am amazed at how the pace of these realizations has increased over the years. In one or two months, now, I realize more than I did over the course of decades in the early part of my life. I have had more realizations in the months since I began this series, so there will be more eventually, but I'll give my readers a bit of a break from it for a while.

So, here is the last of the 'I Realized...' which bring us to June, 2013, when I was 54 years old.

I realized that my mind doesn’t need to be aware of all that I am and all that I am experiencing.

I realized that music is energy and that I feed off of music as energy.

I realized that I have been an energy worker on this planet for my whole life, transmuting energies for the collective; this is and has been a sacred work.

I realized that all of the things that I do to maintain my physicality and my physical fitness are not the stuff of my fifth dimensionality, but do not inhibit my fifth dimensionality in any way; it is there holding the attributes of divinity; gratitude, joy, blessing, unconditional love, appreciation, non-judgement, bliss, playfulness and discovery.

I realized peace with what is, peace with what has been and peace with what will be.

I realized that what I am doing as a physical being is not important to the One that I AM.

I realized that the answer is always unconditional love; if something is a ‘problem’ it is because it is perceived to be unworthy of unconditional love, therefore, separate from God.

I realized that as we transmute energies for ourselves, we do this for the collective, for the entire world, for the entire universe; energies do not equate to big and small, rather they are all relevant and energies have no borders; energies are everywhere and affect everything.

I realized that I create with my heart.

I realized that I do not want to want. At all. Ever.

I realized that I time travel often, jumping between moments of my lifetime and also into  other lifetimes I’ve experienced / am experiencing.

I realized that I should not confuse the weakness and limitations of the physical body as being my weakness and limitations; I am not the physical body although I align myself with it in the realm of the physical.

I realized that releasing all judgement is key and that this is a practice until we can completely eliminate all judgement; I realized that gratitude and appreciation replace judgement.

I realized that we can accept our response, no matter what that response is, and this brings acceptance of that which was catalyst for the response.

I realized that I create everything every thing, every single thing that has ever annoyed me.

I realized that I am love; that is all I care about.

I realized that everything that I have ever experienced has been for a very good reason.

I realized that being loving and compassionate is not the same thing as being accommodating.

I realized that it is not what we do that matters; it is what we are, our feeling state, our vibration, our choice of frequency.

I realized that we are bringing multi-dimensionality into this Earthly physical realm; we are portals for the infinite love that is God to come into this realm and change all-that-is; I realized that I have been doing this since I was a child and many others have been doing this as well.

I realized that I am a omniversal being of light, a part of ALL, an emanation of Source, which is love; love is all there is.

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