Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I Realized - Three

I realized that when I walked the land, walked anywhere on this planet, ‘walking this sacred Earth’ as I called it, I could through a simple setting of intention, give love to this Earth and be filled with love myself as I did so.

I realized that something was (and still is) happening on this Earth that is literally Earth Changing. I realized that more than anything else in the world, this was what fascinated me and what I wanted to ‘be in on’ and to know about.

I realized that off-world beings, minds, consciousnesses were communicating with us here on the planet and that they were doing this through people who were somehow open to this flow of information coming through them and could make it available to the rest of us. I had thought that this was a bunch of baloney - just a hype and a scam - and I realized that it was / is real, is called ‘channeling’ and that it offers us something amazing.

I realized that the Bible, or parts of the Bible, and Conversations With God, by Neale Donald Walsh, and The Course in Miracles were all ‘channeled’ just as the information coming in in the late 1990’s and more and more and more in the early years of the 2000’s was channeled.

I realized that there was so much channeled information on the internet that it felt overwhelming to me; I realized that I should follow my own innate knowing and go to the source that most called to me.

I realized that Those of Q’uo, channeling through a woman named Carla, with transcripts then offered on a website called www.llresearch.org were sending a transmission of energy with their words that I entirely resonated to. It was not so much the words per se as the energy being transmitted with the words that drew me again and again to these transcripts. The fact that words on a computer screen could hold that quality of energy and that much energy, and that it could impact me so profoundly, was amazing to me.

I realized that the message of Those of Q’uo was one of hope and of profound safety and support for humanity. I realized that the work that I had been doing through witchcraft and through psycho-therapy was the same work that Those of Q’uo urged and recommended for us all - the work of clearing trauma and judgement and all that is not love from our energy fields.

I realized that although I could share this information and these realizations with friends, that they would not necessarily resonate with the information or even be able to take it in. I was amazed to experience a friend saying that she literally ‘could not read’ the material that I had sent to her, even though I distilled it into its essence and made it as easy to read as possible. I realized that my journey is my own and that each of us has our own journey to make into this Earth Change.

I was 47 years old when I made this last realization.

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