Monday, April 15, 2013

Just Choose


I haven't written here for quite some time.

One thing that you can trust is that I will only write here when I have something to share that is powerfully relevant and true for me, and that I feel might be helpful to you.

So here I go.

We are constantly feeling and emoting. We are energy in a field of energy and the quality of our energy is what makes our experience what it is in the moment.

You can think of the quality of your energy as a colour or a feeling, a word, or simply a radiance.

Lately, I am working with colour and sound, but also with feeling. Because of my mind's continuing need to know what's going on, I will assign a name to the feeling. Today's feeling is confidence.

So, this morning, I became still and quiet. I felt into my heart and asked for my heart's desire. What does my heart desire to experience today? And the feeling came - not a word, but a feeling to which I later assigned the word confidence. The feeling was not overpoweringly strong. It was just a feeling that rose up within me as an answer to my question.

For you, it might be an image, a colour, a feeling... a knowing. And then you choose. You intend to give yourself that experience. For me, today, I intend to give myself the experience of confidence - confidence in myself, in my husband, my surroundings, my tools, my world.

I have already, although it is still quite early in the day, given myself the experience of confidence and an experience of not having confidence, as a way of clarifying the contours of it.

As the day progresses, I will remind myself here and there that I am allowing myself to have the experience of confidence.

Tomorrow may bring a different experience, but today I am exploring confidence and experiencing it. I am enriching myself with this experience of confidence.

Yesterday, I did this with the experience of forgiveness and blamelessness. Unconditional love flowed as well.

The day before that, I did this with the experience of peace.

Every day, I intend to check in with my heart in the early morning and then to give myself the experience that my heart has chosen. Just choose to follow your heart. In this way, we allow the part of us that is most wise, most filled with divine love, to guide us through these tumultuous times.

This process was given through Nora Herold ( channeling Yeshua and the Pleiadian Collective. She's wonderful. For me, her messages deeply resonate.

May you enjoy and benefit from the messages that resonate most for you.


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