Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Let's Be Clear

Imagine integrity. Imagine living in a world where everyone is clear and clean in their being, filled with pure compassionate honesty and expressing it with everyone they interact with. 
Imagine that clarity within your own life. Imagine how free you would feel if there were nothing – not one single thing – that you were hiding from the world. Imagine being that open, that clear, that pure in your expression of yourself in the world. 
Imagine if everyone you knew were that open and that clear. 
When we look into the eyes of the very young, babies and young toddlers, we see this clarity; they don’t have any secrets. When we commune with our unconditionally loving dogs and cats we get a sense of this openness, this simplicity of being in the world. It is clear and clean and there is freedom in this for each of us. 
Imagine our government filled with people holding that clarity, that honesty and integrity. Imagine our story-tellers and journalists, interviewers and interviewed, politicians and attorney generals and judges and chiefs of police – imagine all of us shining clear and clean and well in our integrity with each other. 
And send this imagining out into the world, for the world is in need of it at this time. 
And be what you want to see in the world, for you make the world by your thoughts, words, actions and energy in every moment. 

Shine your light. 

Be that which you know yourself to be in your best moments.