Monday, July 1, 2019

Believe in Humanity

We humans are masterful creators. 

We create all of our drama and problems, even the climate based ones. This is clear to me. I see as if from off-world. 

I see us as a vast collective consciousness, choosing how best to move ourselves from one state of being to a very different state of being and one of the ways in which we are choosing to do this is through a global climate crisis. 

We had other options such as an alien invasion from outer space, planetary disruption through seismic instability or a nuclear war. We’re still playing with that one – pushing the boundaries of our post cold-war reality as far as we can without destroying ourselves here. 

I say here because we are both here and not here; we are vast beings of love and light, deep wisdom, awesome power and infinite determination to complete this project of bringing change to our universe. 

We are so much more than these bodies on this planet in this physical reality. I see and feel all of this very clearly this morning. I feel awed by us. Humanity. 

It is not so much the smaller “I” which thrills me this morning, although I am aware of my own individuated power as a creator; it is the collective human consciousness and creation that moves me today. 

We are masters at creating for ourselves the conflicts and drama that will trigger us, move us, push and pull and guide us into confronting our deepest fears, our guilt and shame so that we can then transmute these and come to wise compassion. 

Our role here has been to be traumatically limited, separate and alone, weak and unable, thus fearful, doubtful, almost tragically truncated. We have given ourselves this experience so that we could come through to true self-love and vast compassion from within the depths of our despair and disability, fear and loathing. 

We have done what we came here to do and now we are navigating the shift from fear to love, from third and fourth dimensionality to fifth dimensionality, from being carbon based and limited life forms to becoming crystalline based beings of light for whom the laws of physics no longer apply. 

To do this, we need to clear our energy fields of all that is not love and joy, peace with what is and complete acceptance of all possibilities. This clearing is our focus now and to help us in completing the clearing, we give ourselves catalyst in the form of triggering events and interactions. The human collective is doing a wonderful job with all of this. 

It looks and feels chaotic and destabilizing and this is exactly how it should look and feel if we are to really push all of our buttons. 

I notice often as I pay attention to the news of the day how we give ourselves really bad news and then how we still seem, collectively if not individually, to be okay. 

For example, our economic outlook is terrible, but our economy is doing really well. This has been true for over six months. And there are many similar examples of seeming crisis and yet ongoing well-being for many of us. 

We can breathe deeply in compassion with our fellow humans who are suffering at this time. At the very same time, we can hold the knowledge that we are not victims; that there are no victims here. We are all beings of vast light and love who are choosing to have these experiences of lack and suffering, disease and limitation. 

We can believe in ourselves and we can believe in humanity. 

We've got this. We don't need to be rescued or 'saved' from anything or anyone. 

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