Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Physical, Emotional and Mental Well-Being

There is a practice in this ascension project which has brought a sense of unity in all of my various aspects of being, the physical, emotional and mental.

Always, we can align these three as we breathe deeply for a moment or two. This is an immediate and most welcome adjustment that we can make to our frequency. Breathe a vibration, or a colour, or a frequency into first your mental body, then your emotional body and then your physical body. Try it, for example, with the word 'peace.' Breathe in and then as you exhale, spread peace throughout your mental body. Breathe in again and as you exhale, breathe peace into your emotional body. Don't worry about where that is or what it is, just intend to do it and you will. Breathe in a third time and as you exhale, breathe peace into your physical body.

You can do this with any word... courage, love, blessing, health, balance.... you name it, you can do it.

But wait! There's more.

In the physical body, I am practicing bringing the divine essence of myself into the soles of my feet. This is the most grounded and grounding part of my body, and so bringing the divine essence of myself into the soles of my feet grounds the divine energy that I am in my purest essence right into the physical. I take it from my heart center as I breathe in and then send it all the way down to the soles of my feet on the exhale.
In the emotional body, I am practicing being in unconditional love for all that is. Whenever I feel that I am not experiencing unconditional love, I stop, check in and toggle to that frequency of unconditional love in my emotional body. I associate the emotional body with my heart center, so I send unconditional love from my heart center into my emotional body and just flood my emotional body with that unconditional love for all that is. It is like bathing in the essence of bliss and joy.
In the mental body, I am practicing being in the now moment, focusing fully on what is now, on what I am experiencing now. I don't have to like what I am experiencing now. I simply have to be fully present with it. This practice brings me into complete acceptance, which allows unconditional love, which is the energy of the divine essence of myself. So this three-faceted practice is really all ONE.

You can come up with your own practice and probably already have. Enjoy the flow. Enjoy the process and if you feel like it, you can try my practice to see if you like it for yourself.

Please feel free to share your ideas and processes and practices by posting a comment.

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