Monday, November 28, 2011

Darkening Skies

Oh! I'm delving into images of darkness. I'm doing this only to bring to you an understanding that the darkness is not evil or bad. We do not need to fear it.

All around us, these days, are messages of darkening and disaster. Economic news is filled with fear and uncertainty. Political news is filled with conflicts and conspiracy theories.

I watched yet another video presentation about how dark and conspiratorial the world is. There are a lot of these messages out there, on the internet, which is to say, in our collective consciousness stream. I honestly can't remember the name of it ... oh, the name was something to do with Obama being a deceiver of some kind. Obama the deception.. something like that. So, I watched this whole long video and after I had finished watching it, I decided for myself what I believe, what I know of the world in which I live. And I think that we all have to do this, almost daily now, surrounded as we are by all of these messages of darkening, disaster, conspiracy, etc. We all have to decide what we believe, what we know, what we choose to focus on, what is important to us, what matters.

And what I decided as I sat in my living room after watching this film was that what I know is that there are 7 billion people on this planet and that 99% of those 7 billion people are filled with love as much as they are filled with anything else. Everywhere, people are kind, generous of spirit, helpful, loving and creative, not all the time, but often. Everywhere, people are coming up with interesting and positive changes and ideas about how to live and be in the world. And that matters to me. That is what I choose to focus on.

The news media don't make much money these days by telling us how great we are, how amazing the human race is, how evolving, moving, changing, becoming. The film-makers don't get much of a rush from dwelling on the slow, but sure, unfolding of love and kindness in this dawning of a new age. They get much more zing for their mediated messages of disaster and fear.

So keep that in mind as you surf the waves of human consciousness on the world wide web. Remember to be discerning and to consciously choose your own reality. You do this everytime you focus on one thing instead of focusing on something else. Since your focus and attention, intention and conscious choices make the world you live in, determine your reality, create your situation and surroundings, both energetically and materially, you might want to be as conscious about these as possible. Focus, attention, intention and choices.

Darkening skies bring winds and rains to sculpt and move and grow the new from the detritus of the old.

I'm focusing on the beginnings inherent in all of our endings.

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