Even though the world is in crisis, the world is in turmoil, the world is filled with apparently needless suffering, this is not 'bad.'
"There are no victims, only experience." Master Kuthumi informs us and we would do very well at this time to heed these words.
Why? Why should we not be filled with consternation and concern?
Because they do not serve. Now more than ever, we experience what we are. This is true globally; all of humanity is party to this. As we are within ourselves, we make the world to be. So, if you are suffering, anxious, fearful, fretful, careful and mourning, you bring this to the world and you create this in the world.
If you are trusting, calm, peaceful, accepting and honouring of others, you bring this to the world and you create this in the world. And I don't know about you, but I can actually feel the difference within me when I read the list of words beginning with the word 'suffering' and the list of words beginning with the word 'trusting.'
Compassion is an honouring of the experience of the other. It is not a wringing of hands. Compassion does not mean that you live the experience for them; it means that you trust that they can and will live the experience as their own and do so just as they should for their own highest good. Compassion profoundly honours the other. It has taken me many years to understand what compassion truly is. It is not concern. It is not sympathy, which literally means 'suffering with.' It is not pity. It is the realization that this other person is God also, perfect, whole, complete, and has created the experience through which they are living for reasons which are perfect, whole, complete.
As you are now, you are creating energy, creating potentials, creating waves of feeling that wash out from you and into the world around you. As you create peace within yourself, you create more and more, the potential for peace in the world and you affect the potentials for Earth changes also. We humans are much more closely linked, at the energetic level, to planet Earth than we might have previously supposed. We matter. What we do matters. Why we do it matters. What we think and feel matters. Not just for us, but for all who live upon this planet.
So, yes, it's scary. Yes, it's intense. Breathe and breathe and find that place within you which is God and from that place you will manifest peace on Earth - not just peace among nations, but peace among tectonic plates. This is truly a provision of service at this time.
Hold that space of peace and compassion within you that allows planet Earth and the humanity which lives and breathes upon the Earth to move forward into this time of unpredented transformation with grace, with courage, and with wisdom. This is what serves.
Breathe and know that all is well in all of creation, that despite all appearances to the contrary we are actually doing very well and have the potential to do even better, especially as we practice trusting and honouring all experiences as being exactly what they should be. God knows that they are.
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