Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Love and Light

It is a measure of the times in which we live that I have often received email messages from friends who sign off blessing me with love and light. I have done the same. I have also thought long and hard about what these words mean for us at this time. For there is a strain of new age thinking, albeit somewhat dated now, that subscribes to the idea that we should fill ourselves with love as a way of banishing hatred and fear, and turn our eyes to the light as a way of holding all darkness at bay, metaphorically speaking, of course.

I embrace the love and the light, but I do so on these terms; the love shall be a love of all that is, including every dung heap, every fear-filled heart, every baby's cry; the light shall shine so brightly that the truth of all things shall be revealed to us.

The love which we invoke invites us to love all that we are without reservation, condition, denial or distraction. This love is the love of God, which is all-inclusive, unconditional, always total. It is beyond any love we have known until now.

The light which we invoke allows us to see what has been hidden. It is the light that illuminates the world at a time when the veils of forgetting are lifted. It is the light that enlightens us as we realize the truth about what we are and why. It shines consistently and courageously and it allows us to go beyond the sense of ourselves that we have held for so long, that sense that we are somehow less than divine, less than holy, somehow separated from Source.

It served us, you know, to be so belittled. There are some who decry our humanity, our needs, wants and fears. I have this to say in response: It is only through our humanity that we experience our divinity in this entirely and miraculously new way, this joyfully transformative way. It is not a negation of our humanity that we say that we are One with Source; it is an affirmation of it; it is a testament to all that we are and all that we are not.

Do not love only the light and the clean and the beautiful. Do not suppose that the light shines only on that which you love. Do not deny your humanity to embrace your divinity; it does not serve you or the divine to attempt to do this. We are flesh, blood and bone. We cry, we belly-laugh and we eat french fries. And we are God also. This is the miracle.

We've always known that somewhere out there was Source, was a Love so complete that we could not comprehend it. Spread the good news! In here is Source. We now embody and radiate that Love.

We are Source for this love and this light. Simultaneously we are experiencing this love and this light. More even than these - we are Source for all that is NOT this love and this light. Now that is something to be patting ourselves on the back about.

See here. We have done this. We have become ALL-That-Is, consciously, individually. We have incorporated a paradox, being both everything and only this, being both God and obviously NOT God. That is the accomplishment. That is the miracle.

If we were other than human, more than, bigger than, less prone to self-delusion than... it wouldn't be quite the same resonant accomplishment now would it? Like the artist who paints with her toes, we have taken on a seemingly overwhelming task and succeeded where some thought that we could not.

Take a deep breath and invoke the love and the light of Source, that these might flow from you, through you and out into the perfectly imperfect world that we have made.

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