We live from the inside out. All that we are and that we experience comes from within us and we always have all that we need.
Yet we are in the unfortunate habit of looking outside of ourselves for sustenance and sublime wisdom.
The insight was given to us in The Course in Miracles and it has been given to us a number of times since then. I find it in a message from God, channeled by Yael and Doug Powell quite recently. It is a very simple insight. The instant that you look outside of yourself for whatever it is that you think you want or need or should have, in that moment, in that instant, you create the separation between yourself and ALL-That-Is. As God also, you always have all that you need; as struggling little human being in a world of form and feeling, you almost never do.
The immediate impact of forgetting Who you really Are is this separation and the perception of need that seems to inevitably accompany it. In looking outside of yourself, you metaphorically step outside of the perfect peace and total love that is there within you and always will be, as surely as dawn follows midnight and midnight follows noon.
So, this is very simple and yet it changes everything. And times being what they are, we are more able now than ever before in all of the great ages of Earth, to access this completeness within, this wholeness that knows no lack of any kind. And within that place of perfect peace and effortless being we shine love and light to share with each other what it means to be mind of God, heart of God in a world of form and feeling.
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