Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Love is All You Need

The Beatles sang it, "Love is all you need." We've all grown up with at least some version of this truth resonating in us. I'd like to explore it a little bit here.

All my life, I have explored words and concepts, tried to realize them, understand them, live them. One of the words that I explored was 'fear.' Part of that exploration delved into the relationship between fear and need. If you believe that you need something, you will experience fear if you also believe that you may experience a lack of that thing that you need. Need engenders fear. If you need nothing, you have nothing to fear; no lack of any kind can affect you beyond the obvious fact that you will not have that thing which you lack.

If you do not fear death, either for yourself or for those whom you love, you essentially have no need. You may prefer to be alive here on this Earth, you may choose it, but you don't need it. You are an eternal being of light and love, a soul-stream emanation from the very heart of ALL That Is.

But there's more. If you need, you cannot truly love. For need engenders fear and where there is fear, love is absent. I have felt deeply into this, at great personal cost, and from my perspective I can assure you that this is unalterably true. So, I'll say it again: where you have need, you are fearful of lack, and where you are in fear, you cannot be in love. Fear is the absence of acceptance, the absense of compassion, the absence of trust, the absence of love. Love is wherever fear is not. Remove fear with acceptance, with compassion, with trust and with love. Remove fear and you will experience total love, complete and whole unto itself, unconditional, eternal, so imbued with perfect peace that it is indistinguishable from that peace.

This is why the work of uncovering and coming to the complete resolution of all of your needs, fears, secret shame and guilt is so very important. Every time that we clear our energy of yet another of these, which are not love, every time that we clear ourselves of another need for resolution and release, we create a space within us for yet more love to flow from the Source of ALL into us and thus out into the three dimensional world which is our current work-in-progress.

Truly, as it is within, so it is without. And if you would see peace, wellness and cooperation in the world which you love so much, then create it within yourself and rejoice. As you do this work within, the world around you will mirror the results of your efforts.

Remove all needs - the need for approval, for recognition, for remuneration, for love from outside of yourself, for signs of security and success, for affirmation, for validation, for all physical comforts. Let these needs slide away into total trust that you are integral to the Whole and will know only that integration and wholeness in your physicality.

Love is ALL.

You need nothing, lack for nothing, are pure energy in a play of pure energy, embedded so deeply, still, in an illusion of lack and loss that you have forgotten your everywhere Self.

Your everywhere Self is ALL love.

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