Seen from here, the great
Stillness of the world... I lack
Nothing now. And yet...
I remember the year that I wrote it because it was the year of the great ice storm in southern Quebec. I went out with my camera and shot images that entranced me, of the great stillness after the storm.
We move through other storms now; we do so more or less whole, complete, fulfilled.
Yesterday, I wrote of that completeness within and needing nothing outside of it. It is a different way of being in the world. Today, I write of why we might wish to place ourselves in this new way of being.
I believe that we are here on this Earth, with always the ... "And yet...." driving us forward, because we have chosen to be of service to the ALL by being the consciousness of separation from it. Ceaselessly, over millenia and countless incarnations, we have done this. We have been the awareness of World, which is God, as a separate Other, observing, defining, describing, enraptured by, horrified by, loving, hating, fearing and manipulating. We have been in service as the separate Other, when really, we were God, the ALL, immersed in an all-encompassing illusion of separated Self as service to the Whole.
Now, it is time for us to end the illusion, for our work in this vast sphere of separation is done. Now, we bring our awareness of the ALL, newly awakened in us, to the illusion, thus completing the vast work that we have undertaken over so many lifetimes.
And so we find that we are able to love ourselves as God loves us. We find that we are complete, whole and perfect-whole-being. We realize that we are awake to every nuance of ALL that is. More and more we are this.
And we make the choice to serve still, to bring the myriad, almost infinite parts and pieces of ourselves and our world into the divinity that is the heart of all things. We do this through acceptance. We do this through love. We do this through resonance. We do this through our quiet removal of duality from our consciousness.
That place of perfect peace within us is the communion with ALL from which we first entered this illusion. It never actually left us, for it is what we truly ARE and could not, would not, fully separate itself from us. It is the heart of the ALL that is and it is within us.
Now, in this time of awakening and enjoining, we are called upon to witness the illusion knowing that we are the consciousness of the ALL observing the ALL. We do this in service. We do this through our choosing to do it. It is not penance or punishment. It is service and it is honoured as such. Feel into it and you will know.
The challenge is to let go of our sense that we are separate. We have had that sense of separation for a very long time and although it has been very difficult for us to endure, it is something that we know and know well. Now, we release this separation from the ALL, from God. Now we breathe deeply and find that peace, that eternal love, within us. We come to know ourselves as God also, not separate from, but integral to, and in fact, returned to our sacred center from a great journey of discovery and display.
This brings me back to my little haiku. Seen from here is the World in all of its entirety and grandeur. I lack nothing, and there is this great peace, this great stillness within me.... and yet, I seem to need to need, to want to want, to seek even when ALL is within me.
The love that we are, the perfection that we are, when we remove our own barriers to it, when we enter into complete trust of it and joy in it, frees us from the perpetual quest for all that is other than this pure communion with the heart of ALL.
And living from this center, nothing disturbs our peace. Seen from here, the stillness contains all movement, all becoming. Seen from here, with the eyes of God, the circle is complete; we are complete; we have completed our journey and can rest.
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