As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we are made largely of water. Babies are about 90% water. Children are about 80% water and adults are about 70% water.
Not only are we made largely of water, but water informs us, carrying hormones, glandular secretions, nutrients, wastes and more subtle substances to and through every cell of which we are comprised. And water, as we now know, actually changes its formation as it is informed by energies as subtle as thought and feeling. Way cool.
Water replicates information. Your beliefs, feelings, expectations and knowing exist as energetic structures and they are carried throughout your biology and replicated by water. As you internalize a belief or idea, it travels through your entire body and is endlessly replicated by the water within you. Ultimately, you and your experience become the living embodiment of this belief or idea.
This is a natural and ongoing process. It is happening all the time. So, the belief that you are healthy and that you never catch colds informs your biology actually and literally. The belief that life is joyful and effortless informs my biology and creates my experience of the world.
Only in your reorientation to what is not, do you prevent this from happening. Every thought and feeling informs the water of which you are comprised. So every time that you change your mind, you change your reality. You are constantly creating. Are you creating consciously and consistently, or are you constantly creating something else?
It is as if you threw one rock into the pool and watched it ripple out and its vibrations take over the previously still surface and inform the entire body of water. But then, you threw another in a different spot and then another after that. So there was interference of all kinds and the clarity of your original creative intention was not only diminished, but actually incapable of replication and embodiment due to the subsequent conflicting energy waves that rippled out upon the body of water which is the pool of your experience in three dimensional reality.
Don't throw intention after intention, choice after choice, into the timeless pool of energetic potential which informs your experience of being in the world. It is challenging to learn focus and faith, consistency and cohesion, yet that is the whole point. If it were easy, it wouldn't be nearly so much fun when you get it right. And we go further now, in any case, as we enter into this time of unprecedented change. We begin to work much more directly with our own energetic state and freqency. We become the rock, the hand that throws, the pool itself and the waves of energy playing upon its surface.
So if you would become a conscious co-creator in 2011, look to your own frequency, your own vibration and feeling. Monitor that and observe its fluctuations, its feel and colour. Mimic water's mutability.
Notice water. Notice how it reflects, takes on and enhances colours, how it effortlessly permeates everything, how it flows and transforms itself into gas, back into liquid, then to solid ice and back to liquid and gas again. Feel its joy by feeling into its unique molecular structure and chemical composition - not through the mind, but through your intuitive knowing, your heart center of feeling, your divine sense of things beyond words.
We experience more and more of what we actually are. We become more and more what we intentionally position ourselves energetically to be. So practice being the rock and the hand that tosses it, the choice, the intention and the vibration itself, rippling out energetically and playing in the world of form. Inform your own vibration. Raise your frequency. It comes easily enough through intention, through the breath, through centering yourself in the heart and finding the unconditional love that resides there.
If you would experience abundance, fill yourself with the feeling of abundance, its energy, its joy. That is all. Be that and go about your day being that. If you would experience balance in your body, or good luck, fill yourself with the feeling of balance, the feeling of good luck. Be that and go about your day being that.
Practice consistency in your vibration. To do that you will need to become more and more self-referent, self-centered. Otherwise other people's energetic vibrations will influence your own. So practice and play with it. It can't hurt and it has a very real potential to help.
Play with the power of water. Mimic its joyfulness. Be the self you wish to be in the world. It is time for this now.
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