Yesterday I was talking with a friend who is engaged in a challenging undertaking. She has put a lot into it and doesn't always clearly see a return on her investment of time, effort, energy, money and dreams. She's in the thick of it now in any case. It will succeed or fail and she has put so much into it that she can't even begin to allow for the possibility of failure.
"Allow yourself to hold a space within you where there is no doubt that all will unfold perfectly." I said to her. "Allow that space to hold firm within you, no matter what appears to be the reality that surrounds you."
When we resist reality, we give energy to the illusion that we are 'stuck' in a world beyond our ability to make, unmake and change it. Resistance is in the mind as much as it is in the muscles. When our thoughts stray to 'what if...' and we then feel anxiety, worry or fear, we are out of trust and are struggling with a potential scenario or timeline. That is resistance. When we are in trust, we are in the flow of our own creative grace, yes, divine grace, for we are sparks of the divine, each and every one of us.
Nothing is what it appears to be. It is all an illusion of matter, made up of energy. Struggle against apparent reality intensifies the illusion. When we clear ourselves of the illusion, if only for a moment, we remove ourselves from the struggle. Our clarity then allows for trust in our own creative abilities, for we are the creators of our reality. It is energy, shaped by us into the reality which we then experience as three dimensional and locked into linear time. In truth, it is malleable, like warm clay, and when we are the Self that Is in perfect trust and perfect peace with what surrounds it, we are both the pebble and the still clear pond into which it is tossed.
That space within us, that part of our consciousness which is outside of the three dimensional illusion, is the still pond. The pebble tossed is our perfect trust and our complete acceptance of what is. This trust and acceptance brings peace and resolution to all of our struggles and yearning. And this peace, like the perfect ripples emanating out in circles of expansion from the tossed pepple, expands infinitely and completely in all directions of our lives, physical and temporal. It emanates effortlessly and tranformatively into every moment that we have ever lived, live now and will live.
So removing ourselves, if only briefly each day, from the illusion of reality which surrounds us, helps tremendously to maintain that space within us which is in perfect trust and perfect peace, in complete acceptance of what is. No resistance to the apparent reality that surrounds us means that we are given the space to create, through our imagination and our joy, that which we choose for ourselves.
When we remove ourselves from any resistance to the apparent reality that surrounds us, we begin to realize that what had appeared quite solid is actually fluid, always changing. What had appeared quite fixed, not easily moved, is actually energy which is always in motion. The world is endlessly in service to our joy and our love. Our sense of it informs it though. When we think and feel that it is difficult, it graciously becomes difficult so as to give back to us exactly the sense of it that we have put forth. When we trust and assume that all is well and that it is easy and abundant and joyful, the illusion spins to that. We are presented with what we expect, what we are in our energy, what we believe will be the way of it.
And in that clear space within, where the illusion is revealed as a dance of energy, spun by thoughts and feelings, our whole lifetime of experiences comes into perfect resolution, for time itself is part of the illusion.
So if you choose to do so, make room for that clear space within. Breathe deeply and allow your breath to carry you to that still clear pond whenever you would like to be there.
Peace shall be there with you.
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