Okay, friends. This is another fairly dense packet of information coming at you because, frankly, that is where I am at today. Take a deep breath, and dive in.
In the past, many of us have sought to transcend the physical and somehow go beyond it. We put our excellence, the grandness of our being, outside of our bodies. It is within the body that it exists, and it is the body, in its innate wisdom and knowing, that can guide us to the metaphoric heights we have chosen to ascend.
We are exploring and experiencing unity consciousness from within the physical body and the energetic, emotional and mind bodies. We are not leaving behind the physical body or the mind / ego, or the lower emotional states as we do this; we are incorporating unity consciousness within our bodies and our feelings and our Being here on this Earth.
Look to your body's experience of being in the world. You naturally shift your consciousness from the individual embodied Self that you are in the world of form and the All-That-Is/Larger Self that you are as soul-self. You do this time and time again, unconsciously for the most part, and effortlessly. Your body is a joyous participant in this process. There is nothing 'less than' about the body. It is a miracle of being incarnate as consciousness in the world of form. It is a gift of magnificent proportions to All-That-Is as it experiences moments consciously. The more conscious you are of the gift that you give through your being in the world, the more personal and intentional the gift becomes.
Love your body, celebrate the fact that you are in a body. Thank your body for its being and becoming. Breathe in love of life and gratitude for each moment. Breathe out joy in simply being.
Unity consciousness is not something outside of us which we need to find; it is within us and waiting for us to seek it there and to make room for it in our busy lives and crowded consciousness. It is not something to which we 'escape' from this world. Rather, it is something that we bring to this world through the conduit of our presence here in physicality. Take a deep breath as you let this sink in.
And there is more truth for me to share with you this morning.
Each of us brings an individual and infinitely precious hue or radiance to unity consciousness. Your contribution is unique and informs the Whole of it. You do not 'take from' unity consciousness, rather, you give to it of your consciousness, individuated and inimitable. You inform it. You incorporate it within your being.
You embody unity consciousness and any person who comes near you partakes of your consciousness stream whether they speak to you or not, whether you speak to them or not, whether they are consciously aware of you or not... This is what we are doing here; we are sharing All that we are with All-That-Is.
Breathe and feel. Breathe and feel your being in the world as a gift to ALL.
When you feel that wave of Oneness washing over you and through you and out from you in all directions simultaneously, know that you inform the Oneness through your experience of it. Know also that the gift you give is good and true and lovingly received by ALL.
And so it is.
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