Take a deep breath.
I can remember a time when I had to really work at it to enter into an Alpha state, a truly meditative state transcending the normal functioning of the mind in wakefulness. Do you recall such a time?
Now, I can put myself there so easily and immediately that I have to be careful NOT to be there when I am driving, walking down the aisles in the grocery store (other people, other grocery carts), or figuring out my tax returns. The other day I was trying to figure out the change in my hand in relation to the amount needed by the cashier and I got into a muddle. I used to teach maths and arithmetic and have always been good with numbers. I ended up just handing her a twenty and saying, "Sorry to be so slow; I'm barely here today." And I really meant it; I was barely present in my body on this beloved Earth.
Do you remember being taken to task for 'daydreaming?' Oh, my goodness. My old grade school teachers would have a terrible time with the me that I am currently being. I'm off in the etheric realms often during the course of the day. And when I speak of it to others, they tell me that they are also. And all over the internet I find the words channelled through human beings as they are in trance, in that Alpha state, in a daydream of channelling their higher selves, the unseens on the other side of the veil who have much to share with us in light and love.
What I am trying to say is that it is different now than it has been. Last night, lying awake at 3:00 am, I felt an expansiveness deep within me where before had been a smallness, a huddled Self. Where before I felt the need to hide from the World, I now feel free rein to BE who I truly AM. There is an expansion within me where there used to be a contraction. It feels wonderful.
This expansive propensity to fly off into the etheric realms can be balanced by regular exercise used intentionally to bring myself back into my body. Yoga works well for me in this way. I love to dance and walk the land as well and doing these things consciously can bring me back into the world and into my body, fully present in the human being a Self experiencing the Now. That's what we're doing here, after all. It's not about getting away. It's about being fully present. For some reason, doing the dishes has a wonderfully grounding effect on me. It has something to do with the simplicity of the action and the flow of water over my skin. Needless to say, my kitchen is very clean and tidy most of the time.
We are moving more and more into awareness of Unity as a field of being of which we are a part. This is, for me, the ALLness of my being in the world. We are becoming more and more conscious of ALL that we are. The effortless turning into the consciousness of non-verbal beingness, the alpha state of the deeply meditative mind, is only one aspect of our being. There is also the stretch of muscle and the play of light and shadow and the emotions that come up in us, move through us, are released.
Through the breath, the breathing, we expand our consciousness to include that exalted state of consciousness that knows the ALL. This is our divine knowing. Through the peace engendered in us by this divine knowing we embody compassion. We are becoming something more than we have ever been and it isn't just you and I who are doing this; it is global.
We are going through a change the likes of which we humans have never known before. It is momentous! I choose to do this intentionally and consciously. Otherwise, I would feel like a spectator at the greatest show in the Universe with eyes closed and ears muffled. What would be the point of that?
We are becoming something different than we have been, individually and collectively. I am intentionally becoming the expanded Self that I sensed deep within me at 3 o'clock in the morning. To do this, I am using, among other things, intentional breathing and intentional movement to bring me fully into my body. I am joyful in this. It feels as if I have been waiting all of my life for these days of unprecedented change to come upon us.
Sing in the change that we would become. Intend and expand into your intention through your breath.
Breathe and feel.
Feel and know.
Know and become.
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