Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feelings.... Nothing More Than Feelings....

Have you ever wondered why we love sappy, sentimental music so much? Seems to me that everyone responds to one of those songs that 'tug at the heart-strings.' And they seem to be everywhere. I love to just dive right in and wallow in that sentimentality, all those feelings.

It is said by some that we line up on the other side of the veil for a chance to be on this Earth, to feel these feelings. It is said that we can't wait to get back when we cross over, even though while here we often complain about how difficult it is.

I have this notion that it isn't just for the good stuff that we come. It's for all of it. Every feeling. And this is coming from a woman who has experienced chronic pain for most of her adult life. At the age of 51, that's a lot of 'ouch.' It's not just the happy shiny stuff that we're here for - it's the whole shebang, the whole kit and kaboodle. We know this. Sometimes. Sometimes we 'get it' that it's all good.

I guess that's where I find myself this morning.

I've been dealing with rather a lot of snow. Every time I step outside my front door to go somewhere or do something pleasant, I find that before I can.... go somewhere or do something pleasant... I need to pick up my snow shovel and get at it. So I do. And the air is fresh and full of negative ions from all the snow. And the cool - okay, cold - wind whips colour into my cheeks and there are trees and sky and breath, always breath and I love. I love. I love.

Oh! I feel a poem coming on! Fitting also as it refers to this time of the year....

The Coming of the Light

Drive in the brilliant sunshine,
Feeling the heat through the car windows.
Then walk in the snow, the crunching, child-like snow,
And feel light caress your face
While the blue jay cries.

I wrote that poem many years ago as part of a series of photographs and poems commemorating the months and the progression of the seasons here in Canada. That poem was coupled with a photograph for the month of February.

Blessings of the season, of light and dark, cold and warmth, and all of the blessed 360 degrees of our wondrous experience be yours.

Feel it. It is Life.

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