Imagine yourself standing in a place unfamiliar to you. You have never been there before and it is quite different than any place you have been. What is even more intensely obvious as you stand there at this moment is that no one has ever been there before. No one. You know it, as surely as you know that you will take that next breath. No one has ever been here before. You're in uncharted territory.
I've been documenting my experiences in this unfamiliar realm of heightened awareness, of consciousness that encompasses multiple dimensions simultaneously. I've been trying to put words to something that goes so far beyond words that it almost pulls us right out of our bodies sometimes. I'm doing this documentary work for a couple of reasons; one - because I just happen to really love words! I used to read poetry, not because it was assigned for English homework, but because it spoke to sweetly to me! My heroes are Shakespeare, Thoreau and e. e. cummings. I read something written by cummings last night and it just blew me away! I'll share it with you in a minute. That's the other reason why I've been documenting the undocumentable - for you, for all and any who will now or later make use of these words. It is my joy and privilege and honour to serve in this way. I've little else to give, since I crave solitude and serenity these days more than ever before - having always been a 'loner.'
Uncharted territory. Sometimes, it's a little scary. To be completely honest with you, that's another reason why I write it down. Sometimes, by documenting it, I seem to make it more manageable, more known. Other times, words fail me, but then I turn to the images of photography and the rhythms of poetry and let them sing.
If you have doubts about your being in this new world of ours, you are not alone. I share them. Yet, our trust in ourselves, our love for the world and the divinity growing more sure and strong within us will prevail. It is this pioneering spirit, this brave stand, that I choose now to address.
Way back in 1938, as an introduction to his Collected Poems, e. e. cummings wrote something that speaks very much to me today as I move through this uncharted territory of heart, soul and service to the ALL:
"... nothing proving or sick or partial. Nothing false,nothing difficult or easy or small or colossal. Nothing ordinary or extraordinary,nothing emptied or filled,real or unreal;nothing feeble and known or clumsy and guessed. Everywhere tints childrening, innocent spontaneous,true. Nowhere possibly what flesh and impossibly such a garden,but actually flowers which breasts are among the very mouths of light. Nothing believed or doubted; brain over heart, surface:nowhere hating or to fear;shadow, mind without soul. Only how measureless cool flames of making;only each other building always distinct selves of mutual entirely opening;only alive. Never the murdered finalities of wherewhen and yesno,impotent nongames of wrongright and rightwrong;never to gain or pause,never the soft adventure of undoom,greedy anguishes and cringing ecstasies of inexistence; never to rest and never to have:only to grow.
Always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question...."
He goes on at length, describing his indescribable process of putting his passion for living into poetry. It somehow fits with what I want to convey here to you now.
Uncharted territory. Isn't it wonderful, strange, disconcerting sometimes, changing constantly... And we have such courage, just to BE here. Just to BE as we are, right now, right here - courage that sings the world into its new and newer colours of becoming. Oh, I have other heroes - I just realized it. You who read this, companions on a journey never before undertaken - you are my other heroes.
Be of good courage!
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