Lovely, isn't it. It's poison ivy.
We're not that different than the lovely poison ivy. We are beautiful in our essence, and absolutely perfect at being what we are, which is human. Yet we hold all things within us. We are the full 360 degrees of selfhood - the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. Like the poison ivy, we hide some pretty poisonous aspects within us. It is not just that the moment is not always so easy; it is that we ourselves are both benign and hurtful, dark and light, holding all aspects of being within our selfhood. All polarity is present within us.
The truth of the matter is that to be fully present in the moment, we have to be fully and completely ourselves in the moment. That means that we can't leave any part of us behind, hidden, denied, unloved, unwanted. It means that we have to come into full appreciation for each and every part of ourselves, all that we are, all that we have been, everything that we have ever done, said, or thought, and all the things that we failed to do, to say or to realize.
It is easy to love the good that is in us. It is a very different endeavour to come to appreciate the difficult and the diseased, the dark and the petty that we also embody. But it is absolutely essential that we do so. That's the hard part. In order to be fully present in the moment, we have to be fully ourselves, and that means coming to a full acceptance of ALL that we are and have ever been. It's pretty hard work. I've done my share of it and I have some experiences and insights to share with you that might help you as you move through the process. The end result is a love of self so complete that it is the way that God loves us. And it feels wonderful. So there is a reward at the end of the journey to self-knowledge and self-love.
Tomorrow, I will share some of my experiences with this process and this will hopefully help you to negotiate through it all.
Until then,
I AM Lu in all of her aspects.
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