Everything that is real and true is in the moment. There is actually nothing except what is experienced in the moment. So, every relationship that we have, we have in the moment. And when we acknowledge this truth, our relationships become ever-changing and almost miraculously fresh. They are always unfolding, or becoming something new, because they are always presenting themselves to us in the moment. This includes our relationships to places and things, as well as our relationships to people. This includes our relationship to the world around us in its vast and mysterious entirety. It includes our relationship to the Divine, or to God, if you want to use that word. I find that when I talk about the Divine, words get in the way; yet words are all that we have to hold our energies, intentions and feelings.
You know that saying, "The devil is in the details?" Well, God is in the details too. And the broad sweep of sky. And the huge old oak. And the dragonfly. God is everywhere, so it is said. Why then, would we have to do anything to approach the Divine, to ease the pain of separation from God? The answer is that God is always ready for us, but we, on the other hand, are rarely ready for God. We are not ready because we believe ourselves to be unworthy, separate and less than. None of these are actually true, but until we deeply feel that, we are not ready.
So, how does one approach God? Through the self in the moment. That is how we experience everything. This means that we need to concern ourselves with the preparation of our self, the acceptance and integration by our self of all aspects of our self, in love and honour. No matter how long it takes, that work needs to be done if we choose to feel God's love enfold us. God's not in a rush. So there's plenty of time. When you love yourself and the world so completely that there is nothing that stands between you and the perfect love that is the All-That-Is, then you're there.
So, the approach is actually the work that I spoke of in earlier posts. It is the practice of total acceptance of all that is and has been, and all that the self is and has been. It is an embodiment of that incredible love that allows us to approach the Divine heart and Divine mind of God.
(Please don't let the words get in the way. Feel free to subsitute any other words for the ones I have used (Source / Creator / Goddess etc.). The energy behind the words is the true message here.)
When we are complete unto ourselves and at peace with ourselves in all that we are and have ever been, we are ready to feel that perfect love and acceptance that is Divine Love. The really really cool thing is that we give it to ourselves as much as we feel it coming into us from the All-That-Is that surrounds us. In order to achieve this prize which we tend to think is so far away and unattainable, we have to learn that it is within us and that we can give it to ourselves. That's so cool. In order to deeply experience the truth that we are NOT separate from All-That-Is, we have to feel it from inside, from our own hearts. It will not come from outside of us until we have done that.
I love the irony of it. The universe DOES have a sense of humour!
And all of this is done in the moment, always new, always unfolding, always becoming; if we try to hold onto it, it vanishes. (big smile here)
Our soul-self is Divine. So, when we do this work, we open up the possibility for a conscious and loving relationship with our souls as well. More on this another time.
Remember to breathe deeply to bring yourself into the present moment where it all happens. Remember too that Yeshua / Jesus and the All-That-Is are right beside you, as near as the love you have in your heart for your very own self.
I love the timing of this post though because just before it came in, I was contemplating a little hummingbird outside my window. I was thinking how cold it was out there for the little guy and he’s sitting on my feeder looking tired and not as peppy as in the summer sun. I thought of sending him warm vibes and was overall just basically feeling sorry for the little fella. But then I read your email and I thought...he’s perfect, it’s all perfect just as it is. It’s the harmony of life in motion. It’s not the details such as it’s cold, it’s autumn, he’s not as peppy etc....it’s the fact that he IS and I am experiencing it that is the Pure Truth. My interpretations of the experience is what keeps me “separated” from this Truth. The purity of Life In Motion is Truth. Everything else is simply distraction from that Truth.