Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Humanity's Future

My vision for humanity begins with humans themselves.

As we begin to feel the presence of the Divine within us, which is our I AM presence, our truth and our expanded consciousness, we also begin to understand deeply and completely that we need nothing, want for nothing.

We begin to know beyond any shadow of a doubt that all that we need and choose comes to us from within. We seek nothing outside of ourselves. We therefore do not need to strive and fear lack and do things that we hate to do but feel compelled to do. So, we begin to experience a lightness of being based on our own authenticity and integrity.

Emanating from this I AM presence in people is a reverence for self, for all of life, for all of creation. There is honour for all, compassion for all. So, people feel able to spend their time doing the things that they love to do. This person sews clothing of her own design. This person repairs car engines and maintains them in good working order. This person grows fruits and vegetables. This person teaches children. This person keeps an office and accounts in good order. And so on and so on. All of these activities are valued and everyone has all that they need. There is literally no fear of lack, no expectation of lack and no experience of lack. So economics, as we currently understand it, is gone, because economics as we currently understand it is based on scarcity, limited supply and growing demand. That is, and always has been, an illusion. And the illusion is dissolved by the simplicity and integrity of the I AM presence in individuals, and then in families, and in groups of people working together and in whole communities.

In classrooms, legislatures and places where people gather to disseminate news and views this clear, simple I AM presence, this being God in the World, changes everything, and this change occurs slowly and surely, without anybody really noticing it.

People tend to live in peace because they have no reason to do otherwise. People tend to do what they love doing because they feel no obligation or compulsion to do otherwise. People create the situations that they choose for themselves. They feel themselves to be safe and provided for by their own Being in the World.

The strength of divine intelligence as it grows within us breaks through the hypnotic effects of the mass media's outpourings of polarized stances and dramatic exchanges, breaks through the mass consciousness that tries vainly to keep telling us that this and this and that are all impossible. In our hearts we know that everything is possible and that all that we love is probable.

People fall in love with themselves. This is huge. They fall in love with themselves and then they fall in love with everyone else, but not in a feeding or needing way; for they deeply experience the truth that they always have all that they need. We love the world and take full responsibility for ourselves, for our reality, our situation and then.... Then we begin to take responsibility for this beloved Earth that surrounds and sustains us because we love Her so much.

We tend to create strong and creative communities because these are fun, joyful and healthy places for people to be in. We exchange ideas, supplies, skills, crafted items and so on. Will we still feel the need to use a medium of exchange such as money? I don't know. I allow it to be as it will be. And that openness to possibilities will be pervasive among all of us as more and more of us awaken fully to the divine intelligence and wisdom that is within us. We access this divine intelligence and wisdom through our I AM presence in the moment, as we realize more and more that we are radiating divine love, divine light through our bodies, right here on Earth.

As we look out at other people, places, situations, we will be filled with compassion, with honour, with gratitude, joy and blessing. And these attributes of God Being in the World will become pervasive among people all over this planet. We will be completely without judgement, without denigrating labels for people or situations. We will know beyond all knowing that each person is a perfect whole being experiencing what is theirs in their own way and that this experience of theirs is sacred and to be honoured, no matter how different it might be from our own. We will fully honour each person's free will as our own has always, without fail, been honoured by the limitless All-That-Is. We will, more and more, enjoy the experience of being on Earth, in a human body, fully and without reservations, guilt, shame or regrets. This way of being will become more and more 'just the way we are.'

For me, this is the true change that is coming. It isn't as dramatic as Armageddon, or the Rapture, or a polar shift, or mass extinctions from the effects of global warming. It is very quiet, very pervasive and impossible to stop. It is happening now - slowly, but surely. It is ours, if we choose it.

This is my vision of humanity's future. I invite you to create and enjoy your own such vision.


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