Friday, September 24, 2010

Silence in the Moment

Words crowd us sometimes. We have so many of them surrounding us. We have that stream-of-conscious chatter going on in our own minds. Sometimes, it feels like heaven to experience silence. It is akin to the stillness that I spoke of in yesterday's post. Often the two find each other. In silence is stillness. In stillness we often find silence, at least for a moment.

Today, I offer you silence.

Breathe deeply.

Here is a poem to encourage silence within you. Again, read slowly, please. Very slowly. Take a deep breath before you begin reading and again afterward. Pause whenever you would like to experience the silence between words and phrases.

Beyond Words

I am, by this poem and all others,
Going somewhere else,
To deeply feel between the words and phrases,
Between and within. Words are sacred, we know that.
Yet there is something even more sacred, even more

And so an invitation, solemn and serene,
To breathe deeply (and slowly) between each stanza,
Pause completely (and for long, for long) at the end of each line,
Feel around the back and sides of each word
I send you
Into a fullness of silence,
A place of perfect presence,
A knowing stillness,
A deeper sense,
Beyond words.

May silence be your companion whenever you look for it.

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