Friday, April 8, 2011

Walking This Sacred Earth

Earth can hear you. Earth can feel you. Earth can take in from you all the love for this planet that is in your heart, all the gratitude, all the honouring of its beauty and bounty, its complexity, diversity, resilience.

And right now, this is a good time to give these things to our Earth. This is a good time to walk upon the Earth in reverence, in love, in a profound honouring of this planet. Bring greater balance to our Earth through your appreciation for all that surrounds you.

I do this as I walk. Blessed by quiet beauty, I walk along back roads bordered by trees and mosses, ferns and sprays of blackberry and raspberry. I walk the land as well, heading out into the woods and stretching my legs to clamber over fallen trees and rough ground. And as I walk, I hold a space within me in honour and appreciation of this sacred Earth. And every so often, I stop. I stand still and just feel the world around me.

It doesn't matter whether you walk on a beautiful beach, in a forest, on a track in the desert or on a sidewalk in the city. No matter where you take your walk, you can look for beauty in the world around you. I guarantee that if you look for it, you will find it. There will be so much beauty for you to enjoy that you will not be able to contain your gratitude. You will find yourself sending it out to God, to the world which embodies God.

As you walk, you will find that you move with the realization that you are walking over sacred ground. You are walking this sacred Earth, and there is nothing better anywhere.

As you fill with love for all that lives around you, all that grows and moves and shines with beauty, you will see more and more that delights you. If you love the world, it will openly show its love to you. Shyly at first, then more and more, it will show you all of its wonders.

Finally, walking this sacred Earth, filled with appreciation for the beauty and perfect grace that surrounds you, you will find that you are in love, moving through love, dwelling in its peace. You will find that you experience a deep sense of unity with all that is and a feeling that you are in heaven, even as you walk here on Earth.

When you give your love to the world, quietly whispering, "I love you!" deep inside yourself, and feeling it with all of your heart, you help to balance the energies of our beloved planet. You give this Earth the energy that helps it to move through this time of restoration and renewal.

Remember, as you walk along, in reverence and in perfect peace, upon the Earth that is our home, to turn and look behind you every once in a while, just to see how far you've come.

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