Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Whenever I see the numbers 9:11 on a digital clock, I don't think of ambulances, sirens or that terrible day in 2001. I say to myself one word: Emergence. It is the root word of the more ubiquitous "emergency".

This beautiful word summons up all sorts of connotations for me. It is the emergence of truth from illusion, confusion and obfuscation. It is the emergence of the divine self, the whole self, the vast illimitable soul self from a great story of flesh and bone and hunger. It is the emergence of green growing things after another season of ice and snow here in the north.

After four months of heavy snows and winter rains that froze into hard ice, the forest floor has emerged once again into the clear air and the sunlight. Everything looks squashed, flattened and sodden. The earth here has had a long sleep and is awakening once again. Walking in the woods, slowly and carefully on the wet, slippery ground, I saw already the slender, pointed green fingers of wild garlic taking a stand. Only one day before I walked there, the snow covered the ground where they grew. The yearning of green growing things, the will to BE and to BE and to BE again is so strong that they just couldn't wait, wouldn't wait. I saw daffodils reaching upwards, green and courageous, as well. Where less than a week ago was two feet of snow, the growing season has begun.

And so it is with us. We grow up and out and extend our reach always and forever. There is no end to our urge to meet every potential that is within us, every promise that we have ever made to ourselves. After years and years and lifetimes of waiting and watching and hoping and learning and making do and almost giving up, after such a long hard season of separation from Self, this is our emergence.

This is our emergence. Those who are drawn to my words and who resonate with the messages I compose here are coming into their spring time, no matter their age or situation. New life beckons. New truths emerge. New energy becomes our playground. Our newly integrated divinity shines from our eyes.

Whenever I see the numbers 9:11 on a digital clock, I say one word: Emergence.

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